Category: Uncategorized

Jan 19

Morning chores are just about done. Cats fed , boards sawn, fire started, coffee made. Cats water is on the wood stove. Heater started upstairs, pizza is on the cookstove. I am pretty sure that might not work out. Wow I think that was a 1.5 negative. Two snowstorms heading my way. They might produce…

Jan 17

My arm hurts, I am sure there is a big bruise there. I slipped on ice two days ago. I was surprised that my arm wasn’t broken. I landed full weight on the edge of my deck. Boards were sawn into smaller pieces, cats fed, given a lottle water, more would come later. I knew…

Jan 16 Git-r-done

Doctors have told me I have a high pain threshold, but I can only know what I feel. I think I’m good at minimising the pain and being indifferent to it. Johnny Knoxville Me and Gracie made it there and back again. My day started cold. Cats were fed. Two flat tires were inflated on…

Jan 15 Cold Pants & Broken Arm

It finally happened. I started the propane heater in my bedroom. I had no choice. I know that the fumes are probably toxic. I really had no choice. It is -2 beside my bed. Most likely it is much colder in here as the thermometer is next me. My temp sensor on my solar batteries…

Jan 14 Colder than Before

I need a long, cold winter. John Rzeznik Taking a breath break. Swept solar panels, gathered snow and froze my fingers doing that. Oh and I brought in a 32 inch long log. Cats were fed, some boards were sawn. The log sawing is only a quarter done. Then I had to rest. I sawed…

Jan 13 Pizza Day Redux

If the world seems cold to you, kindle fires to warm it. Lucy Larcom It is friggin cold a–gain. I checked the forecast. It will not warm till 5 pm on Monday. I don’t believe them. Polar vortex is like an unwanted guest. It always stays longer than we were told, but is a huge…

Jan 12 Ice Colder

Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow. Langston Hughes It is a little cool inside. Colder outside. Workshop -25 Fireroom -10 Bedroom -2 LiFePo4 Batteries -4 Outside -38 Feels like -45 or colder to me Cats are fed, snow gathered  wood scavenged, fire started, hands frozen….

Jan 11 Cold Continued

Nature is cold, wet, hard and unforgiving. David Remnick I saw a few somethings this morning that surprised me a little. A message on my phone that basicaly said sorry it is too cold for the phone to take a charge. It is -42 outside. In the fire room it was -5. A fire has…

Jan 10 Deep in Debt, Oxygen

Cold is merciless. It shows you where you are. What you are. Wim Hof I am laying in bed trying to recuperate from this morning chores.  Catching my breath is difficult. My back is in screaming pain. The good news is cats are fed and watered, fire is started, one big block of ice, a…

Jan 9 Pizza 4 Breakfast

You better cut the pizza in four pieces because I’m not hungry enough to eat six. Yogi Berra   It is 10 AM. The second day of the deep freeze. It is only -25 outside. Tomorrow will be much worse. Cats are fed, snow has been gatthered in the melting bowl. The fire has been…