
Valentines Day 2024 The Little Things

One of the major dangers of being alone in February is the tendency to dwell on past relationships. Whether you’re daydreaming about that ‘one that got away,’ or you’re recalling the fairy tale date you went on last Valentine’s Day, romanticizing the past isn’t helpful – nor accurate. Amy Morin It is the littles things…

Feb 10


Feb 9 Ice Fog

I like the muted sounds, the shroud of grey, and the silence that comes with fog. Om Malik Ice fog today.  I had plans to travel, but have canceled.  

Feb 7 Snowing Now

Snow is forecast for tonight. Wrong. The snow started last night and continues on. The morning chores got done, inside and outsides cats fed and watered. Five gallons of gas gas carried up for the gen. The gen filled and started. Today is pizza day with veggie bacon. I thought I would try it. It…

Feb 5 Ankle Deep

A sore ankle, a swollen knee or a bruise makes you feel alive. Gianluca Vialli   I did what needed doing, not the things I would rather be doing. By the time I take care of the needs, I am too tired, or out of breath, or in too much pain to continue. Such is…

Feb 3 The Brew That is True

I’ve been told I make a very good brew. Jessica Brown Findlay On my last visit to pickup mail saw the arrival of my new coffee pour over device. I was scamazoned again. Instead of a fitting a #2 size filter, it was made for a number one. I didn’t even know they made those….

Feb 1 To Town

I spent a year in that town, one Sunday. George Burns Back pain is extreme today, and yup it is groceries laundry bill payments, wood pellets water bottles and worse day. I made it to the village and town, did all that needed doing,  then drove home and unloaded. Water bottles not done yet. Groceries…

Jan 26


Jan 24

After shoveling and filling tires  I added a little fuel drink for Gracie and we head off through thick ice fog for the village and town for supplies. All the fog was in the north, near where I live. When I got to town it was sunny and clear.

Jan 22
