Well winter is here we hit -23 c the night before last and -19c last night. It is in the minus whether you are in Fahrenheit or not.

I am out there chopping wood and bringing it in.  Yup I know I am disabled and feel I feel it every swing and really feel it as I push that wheel barrow with 900 lbs of wood up hill into the house. I aint looking for sympathy. I just do what I need to do to survive.

Soon that woods is gonna run out maybe before I get new wood in. I have a promise of a logging truck load to come Dec 1. I will be happy if that is true. It means I wont die in my house freezing to death. The cold part of winter is not here yet.

I am excited about getting a compressor it will be here tomorrow. The Canadian government sent me some money and the Alberta government sent me a small check for climate change. Who knew I would get paid for us destroying the planet.

So I checked online at KMS tools to see if they had the compressor I have been drooling over for a while. It said in stock and on sale. I took the money I got from the governments and all the change I throw into a jar for buying tools, and I make the two hour journey to buy the compressor.

It is gas powered which I need cause I am on solar. I will push enough air to do a little sandblasting which I need. And even fill up the flat tires I have out here which I also need.

So when I get to the tool place someone else had already bought it. The salesman there promises that he will get me another and send it by courier to a town a little closer to me. So I plunk down my cash and make the deal.

I got a call later in the week that didn’t happen. The salesman told me that the cute girl at the store is going home to see her Dad on Sunday meaning tomorrow. So tomorrow if the old van starts, I don’t get hit by lightning, or a winter blizzard hits, or any other major calamity happens, I will have a compressor. Of course I have to lift the thing into and out of my van and bring it in to the warm part of the house, so I can  put oil and gas in it.

Hopefully if I can get a break in the weather, I can blast my truck cab.

Would have been nice to do this in the summer, I am not sure if the sand, or glass will flow in theses cold temperatures. I guess I will find out.

Now I am putting change in the jar for that MillerMatic 211. In another eight months I will have that too.

watch what  happens when Rednecks do rock