I wanted to tell you about a remarkable young woman who inspired me to get working on my 55. I ended up watching all her videos. Thanks Hannah I hope you make it back to do more videos. And thanks to her teacher which I assume is her dad.

I knew I would have to do some sandblasting and I did a search on youtube and found Hannah’s Bug.  A series of videos about a young woman restoring a bug. The first one I watched was about just that.

I liked her video and that got me going so I went online to find the best price on a sandblaster. I found one at my favourite shop KMSTOOLS.  The price was so low that it must have been a mistake.

So I made the trip in bought that last month. Two days after I bought the price jumped up $60 bucks. I guess someone figured out that the price was too low.  Didn’t matter KMS honoured the advertised price and a week later I had it home. Right aways I hooked up my thousand year old 2 horse compressor hooked it all up and actually managed to sandblast one square inch.

I knew that the little compressor wouldn’t be enough to power the sandblaster but it didn’t stop me from trying.

I knew I would need a bigger compressor but I didn’t have the money then money showed up. Today I picked up the compressor, tomorrow I will put gas and oil in it and fire it up and try to do some sandblasting. Due to my injuries I will only last about an hour, so I will make sure the work is all laid out, to be more efficient.

Painful but doable. It is what it is.

I am a little behind schedule. The winter storms will be coming later this week and snow will become a problem. I had to get my blasting done so I could get my donor truck inside for disassemble.

Ignore the long haired kid I am sure he will grow up to be a politician.