Chapter 14





What nicer thing can you do for somebody than make them breakfast?

Anthony Bourdain


In the morning, he woke to the smell of fresh coffee and bacon cooking. Lorelei was making breakfast. Watcher was on the counter and M1 sitting at the table. A conversation was going on in the kitchen, although Lorelei was doing most of the speaking.

“So a loaf of bread costs a dollar and a small house is worth a hundred thousand dollars?”

“Cristian, you are awake, breakfast is almost ready.”

“This is nice, the family is all together for breakfast.”

“Good morning Cristian.”

“Morning, sweetie, smells good in here.”

“Sit down enjoy.”

“I enjoy every moment with you.”

“See guys that’s why I am marrying him.”

The cats had found him and were circling his legs. He thought it was the please feed me signal. He could see that had already been done.

“Watcher tells me that you have a jailbreak to do today.”

“Yes I do, will you be okay here?”

“No problem, M1 and I will be busy.”

“So this is where we are going to live?”

“Watcher explained this is the safest place to live. I happen to agree, I think we can make a good home here.”

“Lorelei, this pleases me more than you know.”

“Watcher, what year are we heading to?”

“1907 Cristian.”

“My 1889 duds should do.”

“They will.”

“Will I need anything else?”

“We need money to give to Ezra.” said Watcher.

“Maybe we should finish the milk run first.”

“What’s the milk run, sweetie?” asked Lorelei.

“I have to become my next incarnation in 1914, so I can inherit W.S. Inc. Then I need to make arrangements so that I can inherit the company again later in the century. Finally, I will sell our main building to a developer in 2012.”

“That sounds like three trips.”

“See guys, that’s why I am marrying her, she is smart and beautiful.”

“Thank you, Cristian. We have four trips, not including the jailbreak. We have a wedding to attend for Arthur & Dorothy.”

“Actually I hoped for a double wedding, sweetie. If you think it’s okay?”

“I think that would be great if it is okay with Dorothy.”

“I already spoke to her, and she loves the idea.”

“Will I be showing then?”

“No sweetie, for us, it will only be a few days. We can be married as soon as you are ready.”

“After the milk run?”

“I should get started after breakfast, that bacon smells good.”

“M1, protect Lorelei and do as she asks.”

“I can do that, Cristian” answered the mechanical.

“I have one more question, Cristian, have you purchased this land?”

“Good question, Watcher, what is the answer?”

“This is considered crown land, none of the Keepers considered purchasing it or made any attempts.”

“We should change that as soon as we can, Cristian.” Lorelei was quite stern about this, as she spoke.

“I will look into it when we get back, Lorelei. The bacon and eggs are perfect, sweetie.” Changing the subject quickly.

After finishing the meal and a couple of cups of great coffee, he got changed and was ready to head out.

“Lorelei, I changed my mind, I want to marry you now. The Milk run can wait.”

“I will get dressed.”

The Ascalon headed out once again for the past.

“Watcher, does this thing ever need gas?”

“No, Cristian the fuel source is the air you breathe.”

