Chapter 15





My advice to you is get married: if you find a good wife you’ll be happy; if not, you’ll become a philosopher.


May 1890

They walked into the office, noticed the retail space below had tenants, and they passed people in the hallways on the way through.

“Dorothy, you look wonderful today,” said Lorelei.

“Cristian, Lorelei, you have arrived exactly on time. Lorelei, we have to see a dressmaker and discuss wedding plans. I will tell you about what I have done so far.”

“This is where a wise man dare not tread. Is Arthur in his office?”

“Yes, Cristian go right in, he is expecting you.”

As he walked into the room Arthur got up and walked over “Thank God Cristian I need the respite from the wedding plans. I am glad to see you.”

“Thank you for taking the brunt of the pain for me. Now tell me about the business, how is it doing?”

The business is doing very well. We own twenty empty lots and fourteen buildings, ten more in the planning stages. Our net worth is over $200,000.”

“Well done Arthur. What is your current wage?”

“I have not changed that since we started?

“Did you build yourself a house?”

“Yes, Cristian, I bought land facing the inlet and built a house that cost $2000.”

“Good, I am concerned about your wage. Please double it and again every year on the anniversary of your start date.”

“Yes Cristian” he answered with an almost perturbed look.

“Now let’s close up shop and head out for a meal. The women are already gone.”

“Chinese food Cristian?”

“That would be fine.”

Over dim sum, the two men discussed many things, including the great flood and depression that would come to Vancouver in the next few years. Cristian would recommend that Arthur store some canned foods before the flood, as supplies would grow short.

“How is your relationship with the Chinese?”

“It is very good, as you suggested.”

“The building is protected by the Chinese. We donate to the Chinese Benevolent Association. Any problems that arise seem to disappear.”

“I knew that would work in our favour.”

“Now about the wedding, is there anything we need to accomplish.”

“You need to meet with the priest.”

“I suppose that has to happen.”

“I know that the church needs to expand, and a donation would see you through any complications.”

“Could you arrange that for me, Arthur?”


“What about Lorelei’s family, I don’t think we ever discussed that. For us, it has only been a day since we left.”

“I almost forgot your timelines are different from ours. Lorelei has no family that I know of.”

“I am about done eating, Arthur, travelling can be tiring.”

“I am finished as well.”

“On the way out, Arthur paid the bill and walked over to a Chinese man and handed him an envelope.”

“Our donation?”

“Tell me, Arthur, was this forced or voluntary.”

“Voluntary and my suggestion.”

“Good, I have a strong dislike for being on the wrong end of extortion.”

Back in the office, the ladies were chatting up a small storm. Lorelei was glowing and came right over and kissed Cristian.

“How did you ladies do?”

“A dress was picked out and sized, sweetie.”

“Great, is there anything else that needs doing for today,” asked Cristian looking at his soon-to-be bride.

“No Cristian, all the details have been seen to” answered Dorothy.

“Thank you, Dorothy and Arthur, for all your hard work.”

“I think I will retire to the Living Quarters. Will you join me, Lorelei?”

“I think that is a great idea. I have a few questions.”

Clothes fell to the floor as soon as the door was closed. During their intimate discussion, Lorelei had to bite the pillow to make less noise. Both covered in sweat and exhausted, he held her in his arms and smiled. She snuggled in closer, her head on his chest. He still couldn’t imagine life any better than it was at this moment.

All this time, the woman that he was looking for his entire life was in the past, and she came from the future. He shuddered to think how desolate his life would have been without meeting her. He thanked God, as he knew him, for this woman.

The next day, Arthur and Cristian took the Ascalon to Kamloops to buy some land. A small bribe was paid, and a deed was produced. W.S. Inc. now owned 10000 acres of useless land on the side of a hill north of Kamloops.

“Why did we buy that, Cristian?”

“I have need of it in the future, and I need to make my soon-to-be wife happy.”

“If it has to do with Lorelei, I know enough not to ask anything else. She is not a woman I want to cross.”

The wedding day came, the words were said, rings were exchanged. It was a beautiful ceremony. The Priest managed to get everyone’s name correct.

This was just a formality to Lorelei and Cristian. They were already joined to one another and would remain that way.

Lorelei went through the things in the basement and loaded the Ascalon. She left instructions to give the rest away to charity. It was time to leave.

Dorothy and Lorelei hugged and once again cried. Arthur and Cristian shook hands. Arthur knew his next visit wouldn’t be for a few years.

“Arthur in 1903 two men will build a motorized cycle under the name Harley-Davidson if you could, please pick up a couple of them for resale. Don’t allow the motor to be run, instead remove the spark plugs and put a few tablespoons of motor oil in the cylinders to keep it from rusting”

“I will watch for them.”

“Thank you, Arthur. Goodbye, Dorothy.”

Still crying, she hugged Cristian.

Onboard the Ascalon he noticed that there was very little room.

“Ready Mrs. Wolf.”

“Yes, Mr. Wolf, let’s fly. I forgot there was an envelope on the seat when I got in. I assume it is from Arthur.”

Cristian didn’t open the envelope until they were back in the cave in the future. The note read:

Cristian I have already gone ahead and done the paperwork and sold the building in the future. At the back of the cave you will find a several thousand pounds of gold and currencies from different eras. There are blueprints for a warehouse to be built above the cave on the plateau. M1 will show you. I suggest you start it in 1905 and finished it sometime later using out-of-town contractors. Take care a confrontation with the Elders is imminent. Teach Lorelei how to shoot. There is a new gun locker with a good variety of weapons. Carry the formula on the second page with you you will need it one day. It was written by Albert Einstein.

PS I paid Jimmy for the rings. Take care of the woman we love

Robert Mitchum

“Watcher, I have heard very little from you, are you still functioning?”

“Yes Cristian, I am functioning, I have just updated my files. We had a visitor, you.”

“I just read the paper version. You should read this sweetie, it is from me.”

“Oh I forgot Arthur and I purchased 10000 acres on the side of the hill.”

“North of Kamloops?” she asked.

“Yes, sweetie.”

“Now Husband, it’s our home.”

He drifted off to sleep thinking about what his future self had said. Lorelei may be in danger, that didn’t make him happy.
