Chapter 18





Nobody ever did, or ever will, escape the consequences of his choices.

Alfred A. Montapert

After dessert, he asked M1 for a shovel, which he placed in the Ascalon.

“Cristian, these clothes are for Ezra.”

“I will get them to him.”

“Thank you.”

Lorelei now wearing a period dress, climbed in and snuggled against his chest.

“Cristian, you will be careful.”

“Always, I couldn’t face life without my dessert.”

“Cristian, be serious, you are breaking a man out of jail.”

“I was serious, Lorelei, my life would be empty without you.”

After a very long kiss, he opened the ship hatch and helped her out into a deserted back alley. “I will arrive back in a week, sweetie. Meet me back in the cave Monday night,” he said as she climbed out.

Arriving at night in August  1908 he dug a hole under the fence on the side yard of the B.C. Penn in New Westminster. He climbed back in the Ascalon he went to sleep.

“Cristian the work detail is approaching, Ezra is part of the crew.”

“Great Watcher. I am going to pull the ship around the back of the bushes. When Ezra comes running past, I will call him into the ship.”

“Cristian, there are three of them.”

“I will deal with them.”

Cristian got out of the ship and surveyed the area quickly. As the three men came running by he grabbed Ezra and held him back.

He yelled at the other two.“Get to the water, there is a boat. Lie down and float to the end of the river.”

The other two ran as fast as they could.

“Get in the ship, Ezra.”

“I can’t see it, oh there it is.”

The hatch closed, and he floated the ship up above the river.

“They found the boat. I can see them.”

“ Oh, there was a boat? Where would you like to go Ezra?”

“You must be Cristian, I met your wife, she is quite something.”

“She certainly is.”

“Can you get me across the border?”

“Pick a state I can get you there.”

“How about Georgia?”

“Georgia it is Ezra.”

He lowered the ship down in a wooded area near Macon.

“There are clothes and 25 pounds of gold in the bag.”

“My wife made you some food and told me to give you this.”

“My pepper-box.” He saw a look in Ezra’s Face he didn’t like.

“Before you get any ideas, the shells are in the bag, train robber.”

“The ship and Watcher won’t respond to you anymore.”

“Just as well, I still hate small spaces.”

“Ezra, history says you get caught again and die in jail. You can change history if you choose it.”

“Thanks for the advice, Cristian.”

“Thank you, Ezra.”

“Watcher, let’s get back to Lorelei.”

UP UP AND AWAY” The Fifth Dimension was heard playing from the pocket watch.

“Colourful Watcher. I prefer Bowie though”

Then he heard Space oddity. “Better much better.”

He arrived back at the 1905 cave to find Lorelei waiting and supper on the table.

“Hey sweetie how was your” He had to think a bit “week?”

“Good, how was your day away?”

“Dropped our friend in Georgia.”

Lorelei was wearing an apron, just an apron.

“Damn woman, you sure know how to greet a man.”

“Just my Husband.”

He had a hard time concentrating on dinner.

“What are our plans Cristian?” she said looking into Cristian’s eyes.

“First, I plan on tearing that apron off your body and having my way.”

“I had hoped for that.”

“How would you like to spend a few days with Dorothy.”



“You are the best Husband.”

“Your only one. How is Arthur doing?”

“He has the permits and the excavations have started.”

“Does he need to be here any longer?”

“He is already back in Vancouver, he took the train down yesterday. He will come back up after the cement is poured.”

“Great, we can head back down in the morning, after dessert.”

“Desserts can be fattening.” He smiled at her comment, thinking about the baby.

“How is our baby Watcher?” he asked out loud.

“The baby is healthy and doing well, as is his mother” was the answer, so both could hear.

“Cristian, when you will start the fight?”

“When we are secured and ready, Lorelei.”


“Yes, Cristian.”

“Can you start an internal weapons refit on the Ascalon past?”

“I can only take direction from Lorelei or Ezra at this point, Cristian.”

“M1, can you start a weapons refit on the past Ascalon.  Make provisions to carry a 50 cal sniper rifle two sets of handguns and holsters plus ammo. Throw in a mounting for an assault rifle with a night vision scope for fun. We have the weapons in the future.” said Lorelei in an authoritative voice that impressed Cristian and made him love her more.

“Yes, Lorelei, I will get that done right away.”

“You are a good woman.”

“Thanks, Husband” she smiled brightly.

On the trip to Vancouver, he flew down the Fraser River so that his wife could enjoy the view.

“I will get the door, Cristian.”

“Thanks, sweetie.”

“Nice bikes, they will fetch a good price in the future.”

“We have a Cadillac coming as well, Lorelei.”


“Lorelei, you look beautiful.”

“Thanks, so do you, Dorothy”

“I am 15 years older, you are the same as when you left.”

“You have almost finished raising two boys, my baby is still inside me.”

“Do you want to go for a bite, the men can keep each other occupied.”

“Yes, that would be fun.”

“Cristian, Dorothy and I will be going out for a while.”

“Good, have fun, go shopping if you would like.”

“Arthur, I see you have a telephone?”

“I think it’s a curse as much as a boon.”

“Wait till you see cell phones, a phone you can carry anywhere in the world with you.”

“That’s horrid, that will be the end of privacy.”

“How right you are, Arthur. How is the Kamloops project coming?”

“Excavations have started, cement starts pouring in a couple of weeks.”


“How long are you staying, Cristian?”

“Lorelei will be staying for a few days. I am not sure when I am heading back.”

“Time enough for Dim Sum?”

“Definitely, shall we lock up?”

A dim sum cart rolled by and stopped at the table. Bamboo steamers were opened. The two men pointed at what they wanted. A mark was placed on their cards to record what they ate.

“Arthur, have you designed a house for the new location?”

“I am working on it. Dorothy wanted to build in town, so the boys can get to school easier. Is that a problem, Cristian?”

“No Arthur, not at all. Build up on the hill, Kamloops floods quite often.”

“Great, I didn’t want to offend you.”

“Never worry about that, my friend, always feel free to speak your mind.”

“I will.”

“Arthur, is there anything lacking in your life?”

“There is one thing, we have never taken a holiday.”

“I will remedy that.”

“Dorothy will be pleased. Thank you.”

“Arthur, the company will pay for your Kamloops house.”

“Thank you, Cristian.”

“No, thank you, Arthur, it is the least I can do. The work you do is vital.”

“Cristian, I have some news for you. My boy Arthur Junior wants to come to work for the company.”

“That is excellent; will you send him to college?”

“Yes, Business Administration.”

“Again, the company should pay for his education.”

“You are far too generous, Cristian?”

“I would consider that an investment. Shall we go back to the office?”

They both stayed for a couple of days. Lorelei and Cristian said their goodbyes and boarded the Ascalon.

“Take us home, Watcher” Lorelei snuggled in closer as they started the trip.

“Thank you for the trip, husband.”
