Chapter 19





The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Edmund Burke

Back at the 1992 cave, the newlyweds did what newlyweds do. They planned their future.

“Cristian are you going after them?”

“I have no choice Lorelei they are going to attack you and the baby.”

“I plan to wipe them all out one at a time before they know where we are.”

“I told me that you need to learn how to shoot. That was a mouthful. I think that’s a good plan. Watcher can you give Lorelei the knowledge she needs all guns, past present and future. She could probably use some fighting skills, all of them.”

“I can do that, would you like the same knowledge Cristian?”

“Yes Watcher please, let’s do that.”

“In a few seconds, the Husband and wife had become proficient in all styles of fighting and all weapons, swords and knives, all guns.”

“That’s better thanks, Watcher.”

“Now there is no reason we can’t do this together as Husband and wife Cristian.”

“None that I can think of, or invent or would dare to try to impose sweetie.”

“Good answer let’s take the fight to them.”

“Pick your guns and let’s hit the first target.”

M1 was standing at the gun wall when they got there.”

“I made these up for you for the trip. He opened a locker door.”Inside there were two outfits including boots.

“Complete head to toe Combat Armour. The suits are lightweight fireproof, shock-absorbing impenetrable even from close-range frag explosions. You will find four ceramic throwing knives at the top of the vest at the back and sides of the cerebellum cover. At the small of your back are a pair of compact ceramic and polymer 45 cal. 1911-type handguns with silencers. They each have a ten-shot compact clip but can handle the extra 15-shot clips with integral hand grips found inside hidden pockets on the front of the vest. The handguns include accessory rail top and bottom. The rounds are ceramic, both shells and projectiles. You can walk through a metal detector without triggering the sensors. Inside the vest are headgear with integral eye shields that fit over sunglasses, for a full-on assault with no chance of damage even from Teflon rounds.”

“Nicely done M1. I am impressed.” Cristian said.

“There is more try these” he handed over two pairs of cheap sunglasses.

“ Man I love my cheap sunglasses,” said Cristian.

“Put them on Cristian, Lorelei.”

“Damn woman you look hot, very beautiful.”

“Thanks, Husband.”

“You will notice the 360-degree motion trackers, range finders, night vision and rearview. They are linked to your neural interface. Anyone else puts them on they appear to be just normal sunglasses. With an upgrade, you can see what each other is seeing through their glasses on command.”

“Let’s do that M1.”

“Open the other closet, there are armoured long jackets with swivelling shotgun holster extra ammo storage and a couple of short swords with bayonet mounts. They can mount on rifles, handguns, or shotguns. There are grenade pockets plus survival gear inside the jacket.”

“Husband we should try on our new outfits.”

“It would be rude not to Lorelei.”

“Quite,” she said smiling.

“Cristian what are you doing?”

“Putting my Levis on over my tights. There are some things a man should not be seen in. You on the other hand look very fine in that skin-tight suit.”

“Thank you, you are not just saying that to get me into bed are you?”

“Would that work?” He said laughing a bit.

“A wink would work for you Husband.”

A deep breath and a big sigh was his reply.“M1 you have outdone yourself.”

“Who is the first on the list Cristian?” asked Lorelei.

“An assassin who calls himself Mr. Rogers currently living in the French Quarter, New Orleans. Watcher tells me that every Sunday morning he is in the Café Du Monde, then he takes a walk over to Jackson Square to feed the birds.”

“M1 I need a slow-acting undetectable poison nothing lethal, I need to convince him that he is dying.”

“I have what you need.” In a few minutes, he produced a small gelatin capsule. “The poison will be inert in 15 minutes. The first sign, he will lose equilibrium and control of his arms, within five minutes he will be in considerable pain. When the poison is near the end you will see a slight foaming at the mouth and he will pass out”

The Ascalon lifted off on its way to New Orleans. They arrived early in the morning Sunday and discussed their plan.

“Lorelei you distract him long enough for me to drop the poison in his coffee. When he leaves for the park we can have our discussion with him, by then the poison should start working on his body.”

“I will need to make a quick wardrobe change.”

She walked through the crowded coffee shop pretending to look at a map until she saw her mark. In a thick Irish brogue, she said “I am sure the museum is right here.”

“Excuse me sir is the way to the museum?” she bent way over, exposing bare breasts in a loose-fitting top.

She covered his coffee cup with the map. Cristian reached for the map while dropping the poison in the cup.

“Debra you can’t bother people like that, we can find the museum ourselves. We are sorry to bother you.”

“It is no bother the museum is next to the Cathedral. Just go through Jackson square across the way” he said in a slight French accent.

“You see honey people are friendly here,” she said smiling at the man.

Cristian hurried her out the door over to the statue of Andrew Jackson.

“How did we do?”

“The ladies were spectacular Sweetie, for a moment I forgot what we were up to. I managed to get the pill into his coffee. Now we wait.” Lorelei smiled.

“I am going put my armour back on Cristian I will be right back.”

Mr. Rogers walked into the square with a bag of seeds for the birds he was staggering a bit.

“Honey it’s the nice man from the coffee shop. Are you okay mister you don’t look well?”

“I.” he staggered a bit more and Cristian caught his arm and held him up.

“Mister let’s get you over to the bench over there.”

He nodded in agreement Cristian saw the gun in a belt clip just under his jacket. Before the man noticed in one quick move he pulled the small handgun out and slipped it into his jacket pocket.

The man knew that these people meant to kill him. “Who are you?”

“I am Mr. Wolf and the woman holding a silenced 45 to your ribs is my wife Mrs. Wolf.”

“The Wolfs that isn’t possible.”

“Yet here we are” added Lorelei who was quite pissed off.

“I have given you a slow-acting poison, it will kill you in a most painful matter or you can tell me what I need to know and I will relieve you of your pain.”

“I won’t tell you anything.”

“I understand, the pain you are about to feel is your organs liquefying one at a time. Everyone in New Orleans will hear your screams, but don’t worry in a couple of hours the pain will subside as you get closer to death.”

Cristian started to get up to walk away.

“Wait, wait I will tell you. He is in New York a judge in New York. His name is Mosby, Marshall Mosby.”

“Cristian there is a Marshall Mosby listed as a judge in New York City.”

“It could be a lie Watcher or a trap. Does Mr. Rogers have any family Watcher?”

“He is lying, I think it is a trap. He has a 13-year-old daughter Emily in Baton Rouge.”

“Rogers if you are lying I will visit Emily. I won’t kill her but I will take her to a slaver I know. He will set her up in a brothel in a third-world country. They love very young American girls.”

“You wouldn’t.”

“You were coming to kill my family fucker why wouldn’t I ?” said Cristian.

“I will take her myself Mr. Rogers after I introduce her to a few very large bikers I know. They are not very gentle” said Lorelei in a very cold tone.

“The man you want is here,” said the drugged assassin.

“How do you reach him, Mr. Rogers, don’t make a mistake here, I have a man waiting for a call in Baton Rouge.”

In a few minutes, he will meet me right here.” His speech was slurring. “He will be wearing a blue suit. He is bringing me pictures and details about the hit on you and your wife.”

“Cristian he is telling the truth.”

“Thanks, Watcher.”

“Rogers you see how easy it would have been to take you out, you have retired as of today. I see you again Emily will pay, do you understand?”


His mouth started to froth. “Goodbye Mr. Rogers.”

“Lorelei if you could wipe the froth from his mouth while I get his wallet and belt clip. I am going to leave him sitting up on the bench. I will spread the rest of his birdseed on the ground in front of him.”

Cristian and Lorelei moved to another bench within sight of Mr. Rogers and the flock of birds eating the seeds.

“Are you Okay Lorelei?”

“He was going to kill us, I am fine. We should end him.”

“Our man is heading over to see Rogers. Let’s separate and approach him from two sides.”

Cristian walked up to the man in the blue suit. “Mr. Rogers got a little too much sun, I don’t think he will recover.”

“That’s a shame I rather liked him Wolf” answered the man.

“Move carefully my wife is behind you holding a silenced handgun, and she is very pissed off. Any quick moves will result in sudden death.”

“You don’t have to do that, I will tell you what you need.”

“Wave off the two men by the statue and hand me the briefcase.” He made a motion to the men and they returned to his vehicle waiting on the street.

“I need a name. I would like to move up the corporate ladder?”

“If I give you all the names, can you get them all?”

“Every one of them.”

“Then it’s true you are the traveller.”


“These people have infiltrated the government, corporations, religion, the media and the wealthy. All to control and exploit the masses, to keep them in ignorance and poverty.”

“We will remove any and all threats to our family.”

“What will I tell them?”

“Tell them that you gave me Mosby.”

“Mosby is a trap he is heavily guarded he is a man most foul responsible for the murder and torture of hundreds that dare question or oppose the Elders.”

“Good we will take him out next.”

“Where is the list?”

“There is a key in my pocket that opens a safe deposit box in the uptown branch of the Bank of New Orleans. You will need a box number and a code to get past the manager.”

“Are you sending me into a trap?”

“No, I really don’t like these people.”

“Cristian he is telling the truth.”

“I really don’t need to make any threats do I?” said Cristian.

“The fact that you are standing here and their best Assassin is dead on the bench means you can get to me at any time.”

“That is correct. He is not dead but he has retired, as you have. Go away somewhere warm.”

“I understand, here is the key box 842 the code is 8675309A.”

Retrieving the list went without any problems.  Very few words were said between husband and wife.

“Cristian should we have killed those men.”

“I think sending a scare through the organization will have a more dramatic effect. They know we are not to be toyed with now. I don’t think Mosby will give us the choice. He will probably rather die trying to kill us. I would only kill if given no other choice.”

“Sounds like we will get to test the armour. We started a war didn’t we Cristian?”

“No Lorelei we didn’t start it but we are going to finish it. I am afraid I am going to ask you to stay out of the next fight while you carry our child. Mosby sounds lethal. I can concentrate on the fight better without worrying about you.”

“I will because you asked it of me Husband. I see the wisdom of it. You are a good man.”

“I don’t think of myself as a good man Lorelei and I can think of many times I wasn’t in my past.”

Never does a good man declare himself so, it is part of what makes him a good man.

“Who said that Lorelei?”

“You will Husband.”

During the flight home, she snuggled closer and put her head on his chest and fell asleep. Cristian stayed awake and thought about how they were going to take down the most powerful men in the world. There was only one way, to expose them for what they were and take back what they stole from the masses. He would find a way to hit them and hit them hard.
