Chapter 20




When you’re in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, ‘Damn, that was fun’

Groucho Marx

Cristian and M1 found Mosby riding alone on a black Quarter horse on his ranch 63 miles out from NYC. With a quick shot from a tranquillizer, the horse hit the ground hard. Mosby’s leg was caught under the horse.

“Well, that was easy,” said Cristian to Watcher.

“Good afternoon Marshall. You seem to be caught in a predicament.”

“Cristian Wolf, I was wondering when you would stop by.”

“He aimed and shot Mosby in the shoulder with a dart.” He immediately passed out.

“I got tired of listening to him, M1.”

“To be expected, Cristian.”

“M1 change your appearance to match Mosby and take his clothes. I want you to walk back to the house and play Mosby. Enter his house with a slight limp complaining that your horse threw you. Access his computer and get whatever information you can. When you are ready, send everyone away. Use a gas explosion and the explosives you are carrying to destroy the house. Try not to hurt any humans or animals if you can.”

“I understand Cristian” He answered in Mosby’s voice.

“I am going to take Mosby for a quick ride. How much time do you need?”

“One hour.”

“I will be back and waiting here. Good luck M1” The Mosby duplicate headed towards the house.

“A short trip into low orbit and down again, a few minutes later, found the Ascalon outside a Mongolian Prison. After a quick talk to the warden and an exchange of a couple of gold bars, he handed over his drugged prisoner. Mosby would never see the light of day or ever talk to anyone ever again.

Flying back to the ranch, he flew over to where the main house was. It was just a crater, no evidence of a house ever being there. He found M1 attending to the quarter horse Cristian had tranquillized earlier, who now was up and about and unharmed. M1 had changed back to a more familiar face and accent climbed in. They started the flight back.

“Big hole M1.”

“No identifiable remains would be expected, Cristian.”

“The residue will incriminate Mosby as a terrorist with bomb-making gone bad.”
