Chapter 23





Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.

William Shakespeare

“Cristian there is something I haven’t told you.”

“That you are really from the future.”

“How long have you known?”

“Since our first flight, you took to flying way too easy.”

“I think I have DNA from a Maker, I was sent back here to help you. I didn’t know I would fall in love with you.”

“I have never doubted you Lorelei except once. The night we flew together, I asked Watcher if it was possible for anyone to steal the ship.”

“Trust issues, I understand.”

“Those are gone Lorelei, I trust you more than anyone in any time.”

“Ditto Husband. Who are we going to see?”

“Tesla wanted to give the world free electricity. We can help each other.”

“Tesla was the son of a Maker, did you know?”

“Yes, Lorelei. Sweetie, I think the ladies and your butt are a little burned.”

“Are looking at my ass, Cristian?” she asked with a smile.

“Absofuckinglutley and the ladies.”

Lorelei’s reply was a kiss that could have melted the chrome off his straight pipes.

“We have to go, we can finish this conversation on the trip out.”

The two got dressed on the far side of the galaxy and headed for 1891 New York to Tesla’s Houston Street Lab.

“Mr. Tesla I am Cristian Wolf.” He turned around and saw the couple who had dared to invade his workspace. He looked twice and calmly said, “Lorelei, you have grown up.”

“You look the same, Nikola.”

“Who is the man with you? Did he say, Wolf?”

“Yes. This is the man I love, Nikola, this is my Husband Cristian. He is the traveller.”

This time he addressed Cristian, “Why are you here?”

“We came to ask you for help and in exchange, we will help you.”

“Continue, I am guessing you are doing battle with the Elders.”

“Not yet, but it may break out into a war in my time.”

“What do you propose, Cristian?”

“To give the world free energy.”

“Finally a man who sees the truth in things.”

“Yes, Mr. Tesla.”

“Please call me Nikola. I am pleased to meet the man that has earned Lorelei’s love. You, sir, must be an extraordinary man.”

“He is Nikola, try not to embarrass me in front of my Husband. No stories about my childhood.”

“Shall we discuss how this will work over a meal? Lorelei, I remember you loved to cook. Or would you rather go to a noisy restaurant?”

“Cook, Nikola, I would rather cook. Where is your kitchen? Can you turn that thing off, my hair is on end.”

He walked over and threw a switch, and walked Lorelei to the kitchen.

While Lorelei started dinner. Nikola asked about Watcher.

“I am here, Nikola.”

“How have you been, my old friend?”

“Cristian has treated me very well, Nikola.”

“I am glad, you are by far the best friend I have ever had. I have missed your company over the years.”

“I have missed you as well. Nikola, listen to Cristian’s plan. It will cripple the Elders if successful.”

“Then I am very interested.”

Cristian told him of his plan and gave him information that would help him now. How Westinghouse, Marconi and Edison would conspire to rob him of his inventions and leave him penniless. He also told him of the murder attempt by a taxi driver in the future. He also assured him he would never have to worry about money again.

“Count me in, I will help.”

Lorelei brought supper and they sat down together.

Nikola looked over at Lorelei and said “I like him, you did very well.”

“I know, Nikola,” she said with a sigh.

“Awe, you two could make a man blush.”

“Lorelei, your cooking has improved since our last meal. Not that it was ever bad.”

“Thank you, Nikola.”

“Cristian, will we go to the cave?”

“Yes, Nikola soon. For now, I need to contact a few others.”

They finished their supper. The time came for Lorelei and Cristian to leave again.

“Lorelei, it was so good to see you again.”

“And you Nikola.”

“Cristian, you are a remarkable man, please take of Lorelei.”

“I will, Nikola and the baby.”

“What? That is wonderful. I look forward to our next meeting.”

Aboard the Ascalon and flying, Lorelei asked, “Could we go home, Cristian? I miss the cave and the cats.”

“Lorelei, I do too. Someday we will just spend time together without conflicts to deal with.”

“Do you promise?”


“Good because I know.”

“Know what sweetie?”

“That you always keep your promise.”

Soon they were asleep for the trip through, as they were approaching the earth Cristian woke his wife. “Lorelei, you will want to wake up for this part of the ride. We are going into the ocean to mask our trip into the cave.”


They entered the ocean near the northern tip of Vancouver Island and down through the inside passage to Vancouver and up the Fraser River to Hell’s Gate. They stayed low in the Canyon until they reached home again.

“Deakie, Cali Roo” Those were nicknames for his cats that his kids used to use. How are you?” They spend some time with him and ran over to their new love Lorelei. Cristian was touched, watching the cats and Lorelei. She would be a great mother.

“M1, good to see you?”

“You as well Cristian, Lorelei.”

“Cristian, when should we get ready for the gathering?”

“Do you think we can be ready in a few days, Lorelei?”

“You are the traveller, sweetie. I can be ready, I will need the van to transport fresh food and supplies.”

“I think I better get out as soon as I can. I need to recruit the rest of the people on the list. Lorelei, someday you will have to tell me the legend about the Traveller someone planted in the past.”

“I will husband. When are you going to next, Cristian?”

“2014 To talk to Stephen Hawking again.”

“I will make some food for you to take along.”

“Thanks, Lorelei.”

“Watcher if anything happens to me, ever transfer the interface to Lorelei.”

“Understood Cristian.”

“M1 protect my wife while I am away and do everything she asks.”

“I will do, Cristian.”

“There are sandwiches and drinks in the cooler, Cristian, please come back to me.”

“I promise.”
