Chapter 25




As a vessel is known by the sound, whether it be cracked or not; so men are proved, by their speeches, whether they be wise or foolish.


Cristian was standing at centre stage a little nervous, trying to think of what to say.

Soon they were all seated and waiting.

“Welcome to the year 1992. For some of you the future, for others the past.

Gentleman we are at war with an insidious enemy that is enslaving mankind through financial means. We have become a world that is dependent on the burning of fossil fuels. It has become the reason for wars and the excuse of corrupt governments to restrict freedoms, enslave and kill. The corporations and the oil companies rule the world of my day and into the future.

I have brought you here so that we may break the back of this group, the Elders. They are responsible for the ethnic cleansing and murder of millions of people masked behind the guise of hate in the name of profit and a hidden agenda.

I think the root of the problem goes even further. The climate here is becoming toxic.  Agribusiness is cutting down millions of acres of our forests to produce the animals we are all guilty of consuming.

All of us, I mean including me need to find better ways to feed our population, we start with power and then we move on to find better ways to feed ourselves without harming the planet. Right now children go hungry while we make sure our cattle have feed. Farmers have been convinced that they need to pour toxic chemicals over their crops so they can increase profits. Huge parts of our planet have become deforested in order to keep us eating foods that are making us obese and sick.

The polar ice caps are melting, and cities around the world that host a huge part of our population will be underwater in the near future. Crop failures will kill many more slowly and painfully.

Corrupt Politicians financed by the Elders stand idly by while the ordinary man is held captive in financial servitude.

We are at war gentleman, and you are the only ones that can change that.

We can change the past. We can break our dependence on fossil fuels and chemicals. We can root out the enemy from their high places. We can give our species a fighting chance.”

Everybody in the Hall stood up and wildly applauded.

Cristian was humbled by the response. He called for Arthur, Dorothy, M1 and Lorelei. “Gentleman these are your hosts, without them, all this would not be possible.”

The applause continued with renewed vigour.

“There will be a short break,” Lorelei whispered in his ear.

“Oh, I am told there is fresh coffee and cake in the cafeteria.”

Cristian walked down from the stage, many shook his hand.

Albert and Stephen walked up to him. “Inspiring speech Cristian,” Said Stephen. “I am wondering why I am here?”

“I was wondering the same thing” inquired Albert.

“You two men are the best thinkers of our times. The men here respect you as I do. You are to be the leaders of these scientists. I am a warrior I am built for the fight. I would leave the heavy thinking to the two of you if you would accept the task. You would become my science advisers. Have some coffee and cake and discuss this between the two of you.”

The two men looked at each other and nodded. It was Albert who spoke first.

“Cristian I would be proud to do this.”

“Cristian I owe you my life I would stand beside you.”

“Einstein and Hawking, the dream team. How could we lose?”

“You mean Hawking and Einstein,” Stephen said chuckling. With that, all three of them laughed.

“I am going for cake,” said Cristian. The three of them did the slow walk side by side into the cafeteria.

They all had cake and then came work. The scientists and inventors were back in the lecture hall.

“Gentleman here is a sampling of future technology. M1 will give you a tour. Some of those inventors among you are responsible for their inception.”

They saw the multi-layered internally mirrored transparent solar panels. Solar panels built-in into a glass window. Led lights, Lithium Batteries, living bio-batteries, and vacuum-sealed glass tubes for heating water. Wind generators, microinverters, charge controllers and more. HHO generators converted water to hydrogen and oxygen gas to be used for safer cooking and to run combustion engines to power the very cars the Elders would help finance.

Behind them was a screen with ongoing pictures and movies showing huge wind generators and solar panel farms. Solar hot water arrays generate steam to make electricity.

“If you have this here now why are people not using the technology?” One asked.

Cristian answered. “Oil and gas are an addiction that we cannot break. This technology could save us right now. It would mean stopping the flow of oil. The Elders are far too powerful to let that happen. It would be too little too late. If we can bring this technology back to the past and almost give it away. It would crush the hold The Elders have on the world and possibly save the planet.”

“How do we finance this? If the Elders are behind the money we won’t find the means.”


M1 rolled a cart full of gold bars and handed one to each of them.

“This is by no means a bribe just a demonstration. Take one home with you. There is

much more. If you are just interested in profit you may want to change sides. The Elders will give you money, at least while you are needed then they will end you. The money for your ventures will come from the Alliance if you decide to join. If you do I warn you, your lives will be in danger the Elders are vicious.”

Every one of the gold bars was returned to the cart.

“Excellent Gentleman welcome to the Alliance.”

“The Wolf Alliance” was the yell from the crowd.

Everyone yelled the same thing “The Wolf Alliance.”

“And so it is. The Wolf Alliance” said Cristian.

“Now some of you may be feeling it is wrong to take the ideas of others as we have seen others do in the past. If there is an inventor here that does not want his inventions shared by the others in this room. Say so now.”

The room was silent.

“I have tried to bring as many of the original inventors here as possible. Some of you will lose the recognition you deserve because of the timelines. There is no other way unless you would like to be relocated to a different time. That can be arranged. Some of you in this room have done that very thing. If you would like it known to the others please stand up. Tesla was the first to stand up followed by six others. These gentlemen have left their lives in the future to try to do what we are doing right now. They deserve our respect. M1 has handed each of you chocolate if you eat it will give you a boost of knowledge so you can accomplish this task”

A hand went up. “Cristian I am allergic to chocolate.”

“Please come up here and see me.”

“Everyone had chocolate save one. They were given the knowledge up to the year 2012.

A lone man came up to see Cristian. “Could you hold my watch for a moment?”

“Yes,” He took the watch. “It pricked me” he received the same knowledge as the others.

Cristian addressed the men in the room “It has been a long day, for one I am going to get some rest. Contact M1 if you have any needs.”

“Goodnight Gentleman.”

In the cafeteria, Stephen approached Cristian “I have something to discuss with you Cristian.”

“Yes, Stephen.”

“I have reason to believe that I may not be entirely human.”

“A hybrid actually Stephen.”

“You knew?”

“Just confirmed.”

“What do we do Cristian?”

“Are you still committed to this project?”


“Then nothing changes Stephen. I am sure you are not the only one.”

“I can’t go home Cristian. Not like this completely healed.”

“It would be hard to explain Stephen.”

“You could choose relocation to another time? Take some time to consider it Stephen.”

“Cristian thank you.”

Cristian went to his bedroom to find his wife standing near the bed.

“What is that you are wearing wife?”

“A silk scarf Husband and heels.”

“You are very beautiful. The scarf seems a little small or are your breasts bigger?”

“Yes, they are and so is my belly. Would you like me to take off the scarf so you can have a closer look Cristian?”

“I think I would enjoy that.”

“I can’t walk in these heels Cristian.”

“You don’t need to walk sweetie just stand there for a moment.”

“Careful the ladies are a little tender.”

“Oh Oh, just as I suspected.”

“What Cristian?”

“They are absolutely perfect.”

Morning came way too soon as it often did when he was at home.

“Cristian you have guests waiting.”

“Thanks, Watcher.”

He entered a cafeteria filled with people almost finished eating breakfast.

“Good morning Arthur what do we available to have for breakfast?”

“Scrambled plant-based eggs, veggie bacon, veggie sausage, pancakes, bagels, and toast. After your speech, your wife has removed all animal products from the menu.”

“Good morning Husband.”

“Morning sweetie, quite an amazing breakfast.”

“Arthur eggs on the toast and don’t spare the  veggie sausage.”

Lorelei fixed him a coffee and put it on his tray.

“Thank you, wife, that is a very fetching scarf you have around your neck” she beamed a secret smile at him.“Thank you, Arthur, thank Dorothy for me.”

“Cristian we have a spot for you here.”

“Good morning.”

“We have been working on a manifesto for the Alliance.”

“Interesting what an excellent idea.”

“Actually everyone is working on it. It was Hawking and Einstein who thought of it.”

“Someone has drawn a logo for the Alliance as well. Here it is.”

He handed Cristian a piece of printed paper with an outline of a wolf’s head baring fangs coloured in blue inside a circle of Red. It would become a flag of war against the Elders.

Cristian was glad to see the group coming together. He ate another forkful of his poached eggs. He looked over at Lorelei. His mind wandered thinking of her in heels the night before.

“Cristian everyone is assembling in the hall Albert is going to speak.”

He wolfed down the remaining faux eggs and toast. He gulped his coffee down and grabbed a sausage off his plate. He took his tray to the counter and said “Great breakfast.”

“Cristian they are waiting for you, you better hurry,” said Lorelei.

He walked into the lecture, hall the logo was projected on the screen. The words Wolf and Alliance wrapped around the logo.

“Cristian nice of you to join us.” Cristian waved to Albert to acknowledge his tardiness and then sat down in the back row.

“On to business I have assembled the Manifesto and had M1 print out copies for you.”

Cristian found a paper in front of him with the logo and the words. Wolf Alliance Manifesto printed across the top of the sheet.

There were ten short numbered paragraphs.

This manifesto contains the paramount key points for our members.

1. All sentient beings are to be treated as equals without discrimination of Gender, Colour, Race, Beliefs, or Planet of Origin including all those mechanical or biologically constructed. No beings or animals wild or domestic should be subjected to cruel circumstances including animal testing of products and long periods of confinement.

2. No devices should be researched, devised or constructed for the purpose of the destruction of other beings. Unless it is the last resort for the protection of beings under persecution.

3. All non-destructive technology, devices, inventions and medicines that would benefit other beings; should be made available at the cost of manufacture or the designs of the inventions shall be given to everyone freely. Unless the technology could be used in weapons of war or destruction.

4. The membership is to decide as to when the technology will be held back from cultures when it would do more harm than good.

5. We strive to find natural technologies that will nurture our planet, and other planets and it’s peoples. We avoid achieving these goals by chemical, biological, destructive agricultural or atomic means. Deforestation for animal agriculture is not acceptable. We are the protectors.

6. The Alliance will be self-supporting through contributions from its own membership refusing any outside financing. Lest the rich attempt control of the Alliance.

7. Progress should never be attempted while children and people in any world suffer or go hungry. Feed the hungry, comfort those in need. Education should be freely available to all who seek it.

8. Monitor the media. Watch for misinformation at the hands of their puppet masters.

9. Make the governments, media and industries of the world accountable for their actions. When possible by non violent means.

10. The Wolf Alliance exists to serve others.

Cristian was very impressed with what the men had done overnight.

“Now who here will vote as to accept the manifesto as it is written.”

“All those in favour” A loud aye thundered across the room.

“Those who disagree.” The room now silent.

“We now will decide on the leadership of the Alliance.”

“Is there anyone here that would be opposed to Cristian leading us and becoming the first member?” The room was silent again.

“Gentleman our leader.” There was applause as Albert summoned him to the stage.

“Albert thank you. Don’t run away. Stephen could you come up.”

“Well done on the manifesto gentleman I am amazed at your efforts. I propose to make Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking members and my Science advisers. They would be my seconds, are there any in this room who would be opposed?” The room once again was quiet.

“Good. We should get on the business of the membership. I propose that everyone here become a member of the Alliance.

This would include my wife Lorelei, M1, Arthur, and Dorothy.”

“ALL IN FAVOUR?” Cristian yelled out at the crowd. The answer was a roar of whistling clapping and stomping feet.

“Those opposed.” Silence for a moment and then laughter.

“M1 see if the new members in the kitchen could spare a moment.”

“Lorelei, Arthur, Dorothy we have made everyone here members of the Alliance including you. If you would join us.” The three looked at each other and nodded. One of the men quickly brought each a copy of the manifesto.

“Gentleman our newest members and the people who feed you.”

Everyone stood up and applauded the three.

“Welcome all new members to the Wolf Alliance” The roar started again and went on for quite a while. Cristian thought to stop them but refrained, it was their day.

The three newest members headed to the kitchen to finish cooking lunch.

“Onto business, please get together in whatever groups you would like to split into, to discuss how you want to bring technology back to your respective eras. Whether it be solar heating, solar panels, better electric motors, batteries, hydrogen, and oxygen power packs that can be used to convert existing or future cars. Consider how you will disseminate the information to the public” With that, the men started to separate into small groups excluding none.

Cristian quietly slipped out the door and took a deep breath and headed for the cafeteria.

“Coffee Husband?”

“Yes, wife.”

“You sure caused a lot of noise in there.”

“I guess I did.” Cristian was deep in thought.

“I have a little leftover carrot cake in the fridge from last night. Are you interested?”

“Yes, Lorelei I would love some” She brought him a corner piece of the cake with most of the icing scraped off. Just the way he liked it. She could see he was deep in thought and started to leave for the kitchen.”


“Yes, Husband.”

“I love you very much.”

“I know Cristian, because you could not do anything else, as I could not.” With that, she disappeared into the kitchen.

Stephen walked into the cafeteria and poured himself a coffee.

“May I join you Cristian?”

“Absolutely Stephen. How are the members of the Alliance doing?”

“Very Well they are coming up with solid plans to get the technology out to the masses.”

“That isn’t what you came to talk to me about is it?”

“No, I have decided that the old Stephen must die. I will relocate to the past and continue to work on my equations and then send them to myself in the future for publication.”


“How do we fake my death Cristian?”

“I have a way, prepare yourself for a bit of a shock.”

“I am on it Cristian,” said Watcher.

“Thanks, Watcher.”

A few minutes later the old Stephen Hawking squashed in the wheelchair rolled through the doorway.

Stephen handled it all very well. “M1 you have done an excellent job of duplicating me. A computerized slow-talking voice answered. “Thank you, Stephen.”

“Please M1 now could you take the chair away” M1 rolled the wheelchair away and took it to the warehouse.

“I know that must have been tough Stephen. I wanted to show you we could handle the transition. Stephen if there are any messages that you want to be said to anyone let me know.”

“Just tell Jane two words for me ‘Thank you.’”

What time period do you want to live in Stephen?”

“I will let you know Cristian.”


“I am going back to help our members. Albert wants to see you as well.”

“Please send him in.”

“Cristian I understand that I die in 1955 because I refuse treatment.”

“Yes, Albert.”

“I changed my mind I would like to live, this cause has given me a reason to live. You fixed Stephen is that correct?”


“I would like the same, but I would still like to fake my death in 1955. I understand that you can arrange that?”

“Yes, Albert it can be done.”

“Albert, could you look at my watch and tell me if you recognize the words?”

“I can have a look, ouch it has a sharp edge. You sneaky man.”

“When and where will you live Albert?”

“Somewhere warm and quiet. My equations may have been incomplete, I need to work them out.”

“Maybe Stephen and you could work them out together.”

“Now that is an interesting idea,” said Albert.

He was sure that Einstein and Hawking, or Hawking and Einstein would mathematically prove that time travel and folding space and singularity ships were possible. It was even possible that time travel would become possible because of those two minds.

In a few days, he would start to transport the scientists and inventors home to their chosen Eras. He would send each of them on their way with a hundred thousand dollars each and a couple of gold bars.

In the closing meeting, he sent them a warning not to discuss the Alliance until the technologies were published or made public.

He suggested that they made working prototypes and make them public as soon as they could. Their lives were in danger. He made mention of attempts on Tesla in his future years and that all of his technology was to be stolen and misused.

He assumed the Elders would lose interest in them after the technology was part of the public domain.

One at a time he returned them home. Arthur and Dorothy went back to their children with a hundred thousand dollar bonus.

Only the dream team remained.

“Stephen stay as long as you need to there is no hurry.”

“Albert it is time to take you home I will pick you up again in 1955.”

“Good I want to see Elsa again.”

“Shall we go?” Albert was returned a few minutes after he left. Cristian climbed back into the Ascalon.
