Chapter 26





We should not moor a ship with one anchor, or our life with one hope.


There was a new item in the ship he didn’t notice before. It was a bracelet made of plastic beads, in the centre of the bracelet were three small cubes that spelled out the word Dad. It was a Father’s Day gift from the children he raised. Now it was hanging from the interior of the ship. He would be a father again soon.

He thought of them with a little sadness as he left the atmos for a trip to pick up Albert from the hospital. He had to get there before someone carved out his brain for study. Albert wasn’t dead, only drugged to imitate death. A concoction that M1 had sent with him.

“Albert, wake up, it’s time.”

“Oh yes”

“Hurry, there is a man coming to take your brain.”

“Climb on this gurney and don’t move. I need to change your toe tag.”

Soon Cristian was pushing the gurney down the hall to the elevator.

“Where are you taking him? The morgue is the other way.”

“To the hearse that is waiting for him.”

“I have never seen you before, why is that, I know everyone.”

“Clearly that isn’t true.”  This was a scene right out of a space cowboy TV Series. He knew what had to be done. He played along while the man examined the toe tag that said, Joe Smith.

“Watch your mouth, orderly.”

“I really don’t have time for this shit, asshole.” ” Watcher take him out, not permanently, although I doubt anyone would miss him.”

“Have a nice sleep.” He dropped to the floor before Cristian finished the sentence. He quickly dragged him to an unlocked maintenance door and dropped him inside.

He rolled Albert to some bushes outside the hospital. Albert got in the ship, it was time to fly.

“I guess that Joe Smith’s brain will be on display in the future, Cristian.”

“I am guessing you are right, Albert.”

The trip over, an older Albert emerged from the ship. “Stephen, it has been a while. Although I am sure it has only been minutes for you.”

“Five actually Albert. Your hair is a little wilder and whiter since I last saw you.”

“Yes, yes, and I need to get some clothes on.”  As he walked towards the living quarters, he was showing more than a little of his 76-year-old ass through the hospital gown.

“Don’t worry Cristian, I will still love you when your ass looks like that.”

“Ditto wife.” She frowned a little at his response.

Stephen had heard and seen more than enough and left to get a cup of coffee.

“Cristian, I have been monitoring the news since we got back, I think you should go up to the warehouse to your Camaro.”

In a few minutes, he took Albert and Stephen up the Elevator to the warehouse. His Camaro was still there. He opened the hood, the Big block had been replaced with some kind of turbine. The trunk was filled with small flat batteries. The gas cap had a small sticker that said distilled water only.

“The air is cleaner, Cristian. In the news, every house I saw had solar panels on the roof” All the cars and motorcycles appear to be electric or run on hydrogen. It also appears that everyone is growing food.”

“I should have said something, Cristian. All internal combustion engines were outlawed. All the houses were fitted with solar electricity and hot water. HHO gas is used for cooking and solar panels were given to all homeowners and businesses as part of a government initiative in 1934 in the U.S.A.

Other governments did the same all over the world. The factories to build the panels fuelled the economy for years. Hitler was assassinated when he refused to do the same for the German people.

World War I was averted as well, most of the scientists of the world became members of the Wolf Alliance and refused to participate in the design or construction of weapons of war. Many were executed, which caused even more to join the Alliance.

There were some non-violent civil wars.

Soon Politicians, housewives children and people all over the world joined the Alliance. The manifesto is known worldwide. We have millions of members. Nuclear power was considered too dangerous and never developed. Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Chernobyl, Three mile Island and future nuclear accidents never happened. The chemical companies didn’t make GMO’s or the poisons to put on our crops. Everyone grows as much food as possible to save the deforestation of the planet.

There has been peace in the world since 1938 Cristian. You did this.”

“No, Albert, the Alliance did this.”

“What of the Elders, any news, Albert?”

“Nothing, if they are out there they have been quiet.”

“I don’t think for a minute they have finished with us, Albert.”

“I am sure you are right, Cristian. We have dealt them a blow.”

“I wonder at what cost.”

They went back down to the cave. Lorelei was very excited.

“Cristian M1 just filled me in and told me the news. It’s wonderful. I don’t think it over, though.”

“I agree Lorelei, but let’s enjoy what we have accomplished so far.” He held her for a long time. He gently rubbed her belly bulge.

“Watcher, we need to have a discussion.”

“Yes, Cristian.”

“Am I the Keeper?”

“Yes, Cristian.”

“You will do everything I ask without question.”

“Without question.”

“Good tell me about the Makers and Aliens and everything you have not told me.”

“According to the information I have, the Makers are Aliens.”

“What is their purpose?”

“To help mankind in their fight against the Elders.”

“Are the Elders Aliens Watcher?”

“Yes, Cristian.”

“Tell me about hybrids”

The program was to pass on the DNA from the Makers, and so their race could continue, it was a human idea not the Makers, it was always done with permission?”

“Whose permission Watcher?”

“Always the mothers Cristian.”

“The future babies are hybrids.”


“Did you tell the truth about the babies switched and their health?”

“Yes, it was all true.”

“So I am a hybrid?”

“Yes, as is Lorelei.”

“Tell me about Stephen?”

“Stephen’s DNA was altered after his arrival, I would guess by The Elders. The nanobots have now repaired the damage.”

“Cristian, you should know your baby may be the first case of successful hybrid fertilization.”

“Stephen had children.”

“They were not his.”

“I have three children.”

“They are not yours.”

“Holy shit.”

“I would guess that your x wife worked for The Elders directly or indirectly.”

“That wouldn’t fucking surprise me.”


“Yes, Cristian.”

“I think it’s time for me to meet your parents.”

“Seriously Cristian?”

“Yes sweetie, pack a bag.”

“Cristian, my mother died when I was born. I only had my father.”

“I am sorry, sweetie. I have a few things to discuss with Stephen and Albert.”

Cristian shared the news with the dream team and told him where he was going. He left instruction with M1 to help Hawking Einstein and the Alliance.

Stephen was shaken at the news about his children and the interference of the Elders but was happy to hear that he was not alone.

They both agreed with Cristian’s plan but suggested that one of them go. He told them about Lorelei’s pregnancy and that he needed the Makers to make sure there were no complications.

They understood. Lorelei was waiting by the Ascalon. Cristian just needed to see what the bagger now looked like. It was still a v twin just two turbines instead of the internal combustion engine he was used to.

“Shall we go, sweetie?”

“I am ready,” said Lorelei.

“Watcher, do you know when and where we are going to?”

“Yes, Cristian.”

“Let’s fly.”
