Chapter 35





Great healers, people of divine realization, do not cure by chance but by exact knowledge.

Paramahansa Yogananda

Cristian and Lorelei landed near the CDC and walked into the building, got past security and found a receptionist.

“We are here to do a story about the CDC we are from Time Magazine. We would like to talk to Dr. Freeman.”

“I am sorry, Dr. Freeman is busy.”

“Listen carefully, tell him that I know about Colorado and that I have information that I will only give to him. Tell him it will take less than five minutes. The alternative is I write a story about CDC dropping the ball on a major outbreak that could have been avoided. Do it now I am losing my patience.”

“Listen, sweetie, this man is my Husband, you really don’t want to piss him off.”

The receptionist got on the phone and relayed the info directly to Dr. Freeman, who came down in person.

“Doctor I am Cristian Wolf, this is my wife Lorelei. I need a moment of your time in a private room.”

“What can I do for you, Mr. Wolf?”

“Please call me Cristian.”


“I know about the children in Colorado.”

“How could you possibly know we just found out this morning.”

“I have a friend who knows. That isn’t important. What if I told you that I have the cure for the plagues that are troubling mankind right Now? Ebola EV-D38 and the Colorado Outbreak and more. Those will kill Hundreds of millions.

“It sounds like you are mentally unstable, this meeting is over.”

“Would you kill all those people without checking my story? I have the cures here in my briefcase. I can prove what I say.”


“Look at my watch, Dr. Freeman.”

“Do you think you are going to hypnotize me?” He said laughing.

“Humour me, hold my watch.”

He felt the small prick. “Did you drug me?”

“No doctor, what you felt is just a communication interface. You will receive information in a moment.”


“He has the images, Cristian.”

“Cristian I understand.” Said Dr. Freeman.

“Doctor, you have not been brainwashed. I am the founder of the Wolf Alliance. You are receiving medicine needed to save the people. Everything you need is in the briefcase. Your scientists will receive the credit, and you will get the funding you need to fight any more outbreaks, and we were never here.”

“Cristian, who started these outbreaks?”

“Do you want to know?”


“Time travelling Lizard Aliens.”

“Who are you?”

“My wife and I are time travelling Half Aliens. We are the good guys. We fight the bad ones.”

“This reminds me of Black Mesa.”

“Of what?” asked Cristian.

“Never mind.”

He took the doctor aside and talked to him quietly. “If you tell anyone anything. I am afraid my wife would be very upset. Trust me, doctor, you don’t want that. Imagine a woman scorned times a billion, then add Alien DNA and Alien weapons.”

“I understand. Thank you, Cristian. Where do I tell them this came from?”

“Gordon, tell your scientists that it’s from the Wolf Alliance. Most likely they are members.”

“I am a member.”

“Great now it’s time to save the people. Take care Doc.”

“Cristian, what did you say to that man? He looked at me like he was afraid,” asked Lorelei

“I told him that you would be upset if he told anyone anything.”

“That’s funny. I am not really a scary Alien bitch am I Cristian?”

“Sweetie, you are the most lovable woman I know, but I would not want to be your enemy. Remember Jimmy’s and that poor man with the broken nose.”

“Oops, I remember, bad preggo day”

“You are the prettiest lethal warrior I know, sweetie.”

“Better be the only one,” She said with a very straight face.

“You will always be the one.”

“You sure know what to say to a woman.”

“Let’s head back home.”
