Chapter 36





Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.

Frederick Douglass

The trip home was quiet. When they arrived they found Scientists all wearing armour and ready for a fight. Even Hawking and Einstein were ready to rock. Both of them wearing bandanas and Shades looking like geriatric Rambos.

Lorelei was the first to comment “Look at you two lean mean fighting machines.”

“Thank you, Lorelei we’re ready to smoke The Lizard King,” Said Albert.

“No more Doors music for you Albert,” said Cristian. “Men, those bandanas, they look very familiar”

“We didn’t think you used them anymore.”

“It’s perfectly fine. I think they look better on you two. I noticed that you both have very big knives strapped to your legs. You look like very serious soldiers.”

“Thanks, Cristian we are both tired of what they are doing to the human race, it’s time for payback.”

He told the scientists about the DNA Plan and about the Makers and the diseases and the delivered cures.

“Did it work? Cristian?” asked Albert.

“I don’t know Albert some of it is in the future some in the past. I am guessing the DNA hasn’t worked or the Makers would have visited by now. I think we should go to Dulce and wipe out the nest.”

“We all want that Cristian. What about their home planet?”

“We will have to carefully consider our options and weigh the pros and cons. Do we want to become mass murderers? Or are we saving millions by killing the Lizards?

I wanted to destroy their planet and everything on it. I wanted to scorch their planet like I thought they did to ours. Then I started to think about what it is to be human. One of the Makers asked me if I wiped out their planet what would make us different from them.

I said that we were just finishing what they started. I have had time to think about it. We must find any other means to solve this conflict if we can. Then if there is no other way we destroy them.”

“Do you have a plan Cristian?”

“I might Albert, I think first we expose the people on the list then we take their base. We need to take some Aliens alive if possible and expose them and what they have done. I think it’s important that we do not become judge, jury, and executioners. Or we turn our people into them.”

“Cristian you are wiser than your years and you are right. If you can take one Alien alive we can take more of them alive and then put them on display. I am sure we can hijack the media and use them for our purposes.”

“Albert I am glad you agree. I think it’s time we meet with everyone and see if we can do this together.”

Cristian knew it would be easier just to wipe them out. With the E-Series alone they could clean out the base. Having seen the results of what Tesla could do with a planet-killing weapon, wiping out their homeworld would not have been difficult.

What Raguel had said haunted him. If we wiped them out what would make us different. The answer was nothing. Should they be punished? Absolutely but genocide was not the answer.

He called everyone into the lecture hall.

“I know that we all want to exterminate the Lizards. I want to remove them forever from history. I talked about wiping out their planet. I thought of the E series so I could wipe them off planet Earth. The Lizards certainly have it coming. If we do this thing we are committing the most heinous of crimes. We would be committing genocide. We would be no better than the Lizards. I know we need to find better ways. Stop them yes, fight them yes, and exterminate them only if given no other choice. Today we have choices. We can round them up and their collaborators and expose them to the world. We let the world decide their fate.

Is there anyone here that is opposed to this new plan?

“Cristian if they attack we kill them?” asked Albert.

“If they threaten one human life anywhere, we kill them.”

“I am in” Said Albert. One by one he heard the same echo through the lecture hall.

“Let’s get the bastards.”

“What’s our first move Cristian?” Stephen asked.

“M1 paint a message to Raguel on the cafeteria wall that will tell them in code when to meet us and not to wipe out the Lizards in the past.”

The note read:A -Adenline change. Ascalon tree 4056196. Apple/3.5. 8Fib+5


which translated to don’t do the DNA change and meet us in November 2014.

Pack everyone up we are moving to 2014. We need the Internet.”

E-Series and 1. Stay here and maintain the cave and yourselves help 2 with the refit. We will be back in a few years. 2 we will need a high-speed network, no wireless interfaces. Design multiple firewalls and route all the traffic through a few IP addresses in different countries. Only have two laptops in the lecture hall that have access to the outside world. Make sure those machines are monitored every keystroke.

Take the wireless cards and web-cams out of the laptops. Destroy the parts removed. Add a jammer that will jam any wireless access in or out. Make sure that there is a scanner at both doors, to check for implants, guns, explosives, thumb drives or hard drives in or out. Also, have them scan for any 3d printed materials or ceramics.

Put a laptop in every room and hard-wired interfaces in the lecture hall and cafeteria. Set up servers so we can catalogue information. Hook all the laptops to the servers.

We also need a media room with video. I don’t need to remind you not to buy any of this equipment locally. Go to Vancouver and Edmonton with cash. Buy in multiple locations with different faces. Be careful. Don’t forget your Id. Take M1 with you.”

“Got it Cristian.”

“Lorelei pack everyone up we are going for a trip.”

“When to Husband?”

“The year is a secret sweetie for everyone but you. November 26 2014 to the cave.”

The scientists were packed into the Retribution and the Probability and they left for a time-space location unknown. They all understood the need for secrecy, for their own safety.

The ships were blacked out and took two different paths back to the cave. Lorelei flew one ship Cristian the other.

When they got there Raguel and Uriel were already waiting.

“Raguel you got my note.”

“Yes Cristian, and the date hidden in the message, we came a little early. We helped the M series with the upgrades.”

“I have changed our tactics and now I want to try to capture some of the Lizards and their collaborators and expose them to the world. I think the world should decide their fates. It’s time the planet came of age and learned the truth about Aliens, time travel and everything else.”

“They will not believe you Cristian, the Elders have been on a disinformation campaign for many years to make all of this look ridiculous to most. It is why abductees are never believed or laughed at. They release all the bogus information about UFO sightings, Aliens, Roswell and more.”

“You know and I know Roswell was a joke perpetrated by them to hide what was really going on, with Area 51 a staging area for all the disinformation. If the Lizards wanted people to know they were here they would have announced it long ago. It suits their purpose to hide in the shadows and manipulate your race for their own means.”

“I suspected as much, now it’s time for us to bring it to the forefront.”

“We will help where we can.”

“I appreciate that Raguel. I plan to expose you and Uriel and myself in the process.”

“I would refrain from exposing your part in this just yet, you would be putting your life and Lorelei’s life in danger. If your plan fails you can regroup and try a different strategy.”

“Sound advice Raguel but when they found out the truth later we would not be trusted.”

The scientists settled back into their rooms. Albert went straight to the Greenhouse and found it in acceptable shape. Everyone noticed the new machines. One by One they were given their login Ids and passwords. Cristian had everyone back in the lecture hall and told them about the new security measures. No one had a problem there wasn’t a complaint. Everyone knew that it was for the protection of everyone in the cave. After the future Lizard attack that most of them experienced they understood.

“Where do we start Cristian?”

“With a meal. I can smell Lorelei’s cooking, then maybe if you are interested we could watch a movie. It has been a big day we can start in the morning.”

The six rescued from the Lizards in the future were happy to see Raguel and Uriel alive again. Nikola was also happy to see them. Many questions were asked of the Makers during their conversations. Surprisingly Cristian’s name rarely came up.

When asked about him they answered. “Cristian is a good man and a good leader you should trust him, both of us do. He is the Leader of the Alliance and we support him in everything he does. I know he will defeat this enemy.”

Cristian walked into the cafeteria and asked if anyone was interested in an old movie.

“What did you have in mind? Cristian?” Asked Albert.

“I have The African Queen queued up.”

“Humphrey Bogart and Katherine Hepburn that is a good choice a great movie,” said Albert.

Albert and Stephen were in the cafeteria during all the talks with the Makers. Stephen wanted to meet his DNA donor Uriel.

“I am not sure if I should thank you or be angry at you for the Manipulation of my DNA Uriel.”

“It is I who should thank you Stephen for carrying my DNA. You have all that is good. I am sorry that you had to suffer for so many years in that contraption. We should have retrieved you and repaired the damage long ago.”

“It was the ALS that forced me to withdraw into my mind and solve the problems that I solved. I do not regret those years, but I do not want to repeat them.”

“I have a gift for you Stephen” Uriel handed him a small crystal.”

“What is it?”

“I use it for mediation it allows me to focus my thoughts.”

“How does it work?”

“I find a quiet place and I hold the crystal and I let my mind go where it wants to go.”

“Thank you.”

“You are quite welcome. Shall we watch a movie?”

“I think I will find a quiet place for a while, Uriel.”

Lorelei and Cristian sat together as they always did for movies. He was happy that she enjoyed them as much as he did. After the movie, the two of them slipped away and went to their room and for the first time in a while they just slept, in each other’s arms.

In the morning, after breakfast, everybody met in the lecture hall.

“This battle will be won with information. We need to use the list we have and cross-reference it with the media, government, and corporations to find out exactly who the enemy is. What do they own who are they connected to. We also need to find allies, people who can help in the fight. Information gatherers, anywhere we can find them.”

“Raguel and Uriel we need a way to expose shapeshifted Aliens so the public can see them. Watch the movie They Live. Whoever wrote that has first-hand knowledge of the Lizards and was trying to warn us. We should find him if he is still alive.”

“No need Cristian. He is one of us. His writing was a part of a plan to expose the Lizards, to raise awareness of the threat. There are many works of fiction that have the same basic message. Think back to the movies you have seen with Aliens in them. Now think of the people behind them. You will notice that is a select few that write, produce, direct and release those movies. Now think about the most popular video games. Think about Halo. Humans fighting the Aliens.”

“Raguel I always assumed all those movies and games were an attempt to get us ready. How many of those people are hybrids and how many just profiteers?”

“I can produce a list Cristian. I will produce a list of all the hybrids. Be careful should the list ever get out the Lizards would wipe them out.”

“Raguel give the list to Watcher he can store it for safekeeping.”

“We will need to capture a Lizard and put him on display. Any ideas?”

“You have Lizard DNA we could get that to the right people.”

“Stephen that is an excellent idea. I know someone. I can head out soon. The rest of can get started on the list.”
