Chapter 37





Change is never easy, and it often creates discord, but when people come together for the good of humanity and the Earth, we can accomplish great things.

David Suzuki

Cristian and Lorelei headed on a local trip to see a man about genetics. They arrived in Vancouver in time to catch a lecture taking place at the University of British Columbia.

The lecturer was Dr. David Suzuki, his talk was about invasive Alien species that were taking over environments where they didn’t belong. He was talking about goldfish being flushed down toilets and bullfrogs in Stanley Park. He went on to talk about a Chinese woman who tried to smuggle a live species of crab into Vancouver that could wipe out local species.

Cristian and Lorelei waited quietly after the lecture was over for their turn to talk to him directly.

“Dr. Suzuki, I am Cristian Wolf and this is my wife Lorelei.”

“Cristian, Lorelei, pleased to meet you.”

“Actually we met for a moment in a shopping mall in Kamloops a few years ago, I don’t expect you to remember.”

“My memory isn’t what it was in my younger years. You didn’t wait patiently to tell me that, did you, Cristian?”

“David, I have a sample of an invasive alien species that you may want to look at.”

“I have it out in our vehicle.”

“Are you dangerous, Cristian?”

“Not to you, David,” he said with a smile.

“Let’s go have a look.”

“Get ready David, this part will be a little hard to believe.”

“A rusty GMC Safari changed into the Retribution.”

“What is this?”

“This is the Retribution, my ship. Did you want to see the inside?”


“Would you like to see her fly?”

“Who are you?”

“I am the founder of the Wolf Alliance.”

“But the Alliance has been here since before I was born.”


“I am going to close the door, please don’t panic, you are safe.”

“The ship lifted off and headed out into space.”

“I didn’t feel any movement?”

“Nope, you won’t,” said Cristian.

You could see he was trying very hard not to let a tear-out.

“David. it’s okay the first time out we all shed a tear” Said, Lorelei.

“Thank you, the Earth is so beautiful”

“Yep, that’s why we are here.”

“You ready for the fun part, David.”

“Take my watch and take a look at the scene depicted on the side.”


“Before you say anything, you are not being drugged.”

“What happened Cristian?”

“You were injected with an interface that will allow you to receive images, it will save time.”

“Watcher catch him up on everything we have done. Include the old timeline”


“David, it will take a few minutes to assimilate the information.”

“That was amazing. So you are half-human hybrid time travellers fighting evil Lizard Aliens that use us for food.”


“You stopped Global warming or more accurately climate change, which was caused by the same aliens. In the process, you averted two world wars over two dozen smaller conflicts, and you saved millions from being wiped out by plagues started by the Bad Aliens. Then you saved the entire human race from being completely scorched in the future.”

“That is the short version.”

“How could I possibly help?”

“I plan to expose them to the world and their human collaborators. At first, I thought to wipe them out, until someone asked what would make me different from them if I did.

Take a look in the case beside you.”

“What is that?”

“A Lizard hand.”

“Where did you get it?”

“I cut it off a Lizard that was killing scientists in the future, David. I would like you to meet a few friends if that’s okay.”

“Yes, Cristian.”

“For security, I will have to blackout the ship.”

“I understand.”

They took the ship into the ocean so that David could have a look before blacking out the ship.

“David, if you have a cell phone or any electronics please pull out the batteries and give them to Lorelei.”

“Done Cristian.”

“Thank you, the Lizards are a little unhappy about us.”

“I understand, where are we going?”

“We are going to our house, David. We would love to have you over for dinner” Said Lorelei.

“I am a little hungry.”

They entered the cave, and they were met by E2.

“What is that?”

“That is E2, say hello to Dr. David Suzuki.”

“Hello, David, could you please leave the electronic key fob in the Retribution.”

“Sorry, yes, I will do that right now.”

“Thank you, David. Sorry for any distress I may have caused.”

“That is the most polite killing machine I ever met?”

“David, I would like to introduce my Science Advisers, Stephen and Albert.”

“Are you kidding me, Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking?”

“We know who you are from that Show the Nature of things. Very good Information” Said, Albert.

“Stephen, you are not in your chair.”

“No, David, Cristian and the Makers cured my ALS.”

“Who are the Makers?” asked David.

“The good Aliens, David. Come with me, we will introduce you to everyone” Albert took David Suzuki on a tour of the cave. One by one, David met every Scientist and the two Aliens that were helping the Human Race to defeat the Lizards.

“Do you ever get weary of all this, Cristian?”

“What do mean wife?”

“Introducing new people to us and the fight.”

“This is how we win, sweetie? Kicking ass, the way of the peaceful warrior. I do miss the swordplay and the guns, though. I am sure we will get to do more of that later.”

Cristian rubbed her belly lightly and bent over and talked to his baby. “We do all this for you.”

“Cristian do that some more. I felt the baby kick?”

“The rubbing or the talking?”

“Both,” she said with that smile that she did for Cristian.

He stood up and leaned closer to her ear and brushed her hair away. He kissed her ear and whispered something that made her blush. “It’s very hot in here, Cristian.”

“After supper,” He said.

During supper, the conversations got very animated. David sat with Albert, Stephen, Raguel, and Uriel. Lorelei and Cristian sat with Mary and Paul. The rest of them sat together and listened to the conversation at the startable. Cristian saw that the other scientists were being ignored. He got up and asked everyone to stand, and he pushed the tables together. “That’s better. We are equals in this room we sit together” From then on the tables were always together.

“Cristian, we have come up with a plan that will help get this on the way.”

“Go ahead.”

“We will film a documentary showing the Aliens friendly and not. Albert and Stephen will address the world and tell them about time travel. When we are done, we send copies to every media outlet and website we can think of. Let’s see if we can make Google work their servers. We will name the collaborators from your list during the film, making it clear to arrest and detain them, not kill them. We will need an address from you. You will need to take their base at the same time as the release to stop the Aliens from escaping.”

“We can do that, David.”

“Watcher, can you give them footage of the Lizard from our interrogation?”

“Yes, Cristian.”

“Let David see it.”

The scenes from the lizard interrogation were played for David, when he heard us being called cattle he got angry.

“Now that just pisses me off,” said David.

Within a week a script was written, and the documentary was filmed and edited. It was time for the fight.

“Lorelei got your Baby corset on?”

“Even better, Husband Raguel and Uriel built us these?” She handed him what look like a fanny pack.”

“Put it on and hit the button on the side by the buckle, Husband.”

“Nice personal shields.”

“1 and 2 have them, as do the E series.”

“E1 E2 M1 M2 Let’s load up in the Retribution.”

“On our way, Cristian.”

“Thank you, David, for what you have done for the world in all the timelines.”

“No problem to win this fight for humanity, Cristian.”

“That’s the plan.”

“Raguel can you take David Home. Blackout the ship.”

“Yes, Cristian. I prepared a batch of nanobots for distribution. This batch repairs immediate damage and then dissolves. I didn’t want the Tech misused. I was going to take them to Freeman.”

“Good idea Raguel let’s get them out to the people that have the greatest need.”

“Paul, can you wait until 1400 then upload the video to all the sites that you can. Tell everyone to redistribute to everywhere.”

“Cristian will do. You keep my little girl safe.”

“Father, I would worry more about the Lizards than me.”

“Fair enough, daughter, then you keep Cristian safe.”
