Chapter 38




Carry the battle to them. Don’t let them bring it to you. Put them on the defensive and don’t ever apologize for anything.

Harry S Truman

The ship was loaded with four mechanicals and two half-humans. Cristian changed tactics, they headed to the base in 1964 as they had originally planned. He didn’t want to take any chances that the Lizards would be ready for them.

Raguel had given them the layout for the base. They brought it back from a mission in the past where they observed the base being constructed. They would enter right into their hangar bay and release the E series. Lorelei, Cristian and the M series would stay behind the Shields while they played music for the Lizards. The first thing done, all other alien ships were disabled by Watcher. All Stairways and Elevators to the surface were destroyed. The only escape was through the hangar.

The E series were pulling trailers behind them with extra Ammo for the fight. The M Series would reload the mini guns when it was needed. “M1 and M2 you will engage any human target that fires on us. They must be given the opportunity to surrender, unless it means you lose the tactical advantage.

“E series are the new cameras functioning?”

“Yes, Cristian.”

“You must record everything. Including you Watcher, record everything I see and Lorelei sees.”


A broadcast was sent through the base sound system, giving the humans a chance to surrender and walk out. None took the offer.

Level by level, anything that fired a weapon on them was destroyed. They always gave them the choice to surrender and waited until they were fired on. Each level brought more music, lasers, lights, and mayhem. Bon Scott would have been proud. Finally, they reached level seven. There was a security door.

Cristian pulled a rotting Lizard hand out of a case attached to E1 and put it palm down on the scanner. The door opened to energy weapons fire from the remainder of the Lizard Contingent.

The music renewed, followed by rocket fire, mini-guns, flamethrowers and gas grenades. In less than five minutes, the Lizards were done. Some were cut to shreds by mini-guns fire, some barbecued, more in pieces from the rockets and a few intact and asleep from the Gas grenades.

“M1 and M2 reload the E-series, kill any wounded, don’t let them suffer. Shoot every one of the dead to make sure they stay that way. It would be better treatment than they would give us. If any surrender, we will save them. I need a headcount. Load a few of the sleeping Lizards into the ammo trailers, make sure they are restrained.”

“We are on it.”

“Lorelei, are you okay?”

“Yes, Cristian not a scratch.”

“Keep your eyes open. Make sure you give the dead a double-tap and make sure they don’t get up again. It would be silly to be taken out by a Lizard playing dead.”

“Understood, Husband heard you the first time.” They went through the complex and killed the Lizards again, one at a time. Three were intact, they were loaded into the ammo trailers. To be taken to the future.

The complex was cleared room by room.

“Film all of this Watcher.”

“Lorelei, do not go in there. It’s their kitchen. It was not pleasant.”


“Watcher hack into anything that resembles a computer, get as much info from here as possible. We are going to crater this complex.”

“Cristian we have 238 Lizards, 150 humans including the three live Lizards.”

“1 and 2 check the humans for ID’s or dog tags, collect all of them. Keep watch we are missing four Lizards from the headcount we were given.”

“Working on it Cristian.”

“Lorelei, we are missing four.”

“Watcher, I need to know how many ships they have. We need to know if there is any away.”


“Yes, Cristian.”

“Get back to the Retribution guard, the entrance.”

“Cristian, there is one ship away? It is the Retribution.”

“The four that are missing are dead.”

“Fuck, forgot about them,” Cristian said, laughing a bit.

“Cristian, what are you laughing about.”

“We already killed the missing four. Twice.”

“That is a relief.”

“Don’t let your guard down, sweetie until this place is a crater, and we are home.”

Soon the wallets and dog tags of every human killed in the fight were back in the ship. With three sleeping Lizards chained to the E series” The M series were rigging explosive charges on every level. They made sure every ship was wired for demolition. Cristian wanted to make sure that none of these machines would be excavated in the future.

Soon they were airborne and the complex was blown up. The explosion was massive, nothing was left to be salvaged.

“Cristian, you were right the Lizards were only muscle, they were not the ones behind the occupation of Earth. There is someone else, no more info.”

“We can discuss that at the cave with the others Watcher. Take us to the Headquarters of CNN in 2014.”
