Chapter 39




A free press can, of course, be good or bad, but, most certainly without freedom, the press will never be anything but bad.

Albert Camus

They arrived back at 2014. Cristian never stopped watching the last of the Lizards. He opted to not sleep through the Kerr Hole. He wouldn’t take the chance that the Lizards might wake and hurt Lorelei. It was not a fun experience.

“Watcher how is it out there?”

“The world knows that there are Aliens out there. The YouTube broadcast went beyond viral, 12 billion hits.”

“Can you get Larry King on our interface? Take over all of his communication if you need to, tell him it’s me.”

“Cristian Wolf, is that really you?”

“Yes, Larry.”

“You have the world’s attention, all the listed collaborators have been detained. We are all waiting for the proof that the Lizards exist.”

“Larry, would you like to meet the last three on Earth?”

“Okay Cristian, How will I do that?”

“Have your people clear the food court and open the doors.”

“You are here in Atlanta waiting to enter our food court.”

“Would you rather I took them to BBC OR FOX Larry?”

“You heard him get that food court empty and open the doors for God sakes, anything but Fox”

“Cristian are you really the founder of the Wolf Alliance?”

“Yes, Larry.”

“So you are from the past?”

“The Alliance was actually founded in 1992, the original members were brought from the near future and the past to help get free energy to the people.”

“I understand that in another timeline our world was at peril due to Climate change.”

“We had become addicted to burning fossil fuels and destroying the environment behind the guise of commercial agriculture, it was all way of controlling the people.”

“This is a lot to take on faith Cristian.”

“I have just uploaded an interrogation of one of the Lizards to YouTube. Why don’t you broadcast that to the viewers?”

“Holy shit Cristian.”

“Can you say that on broadcast television, Larry?”

“Cristian where are the rest of them?”

“Larry the next video will take a little longer to watch. It is the entire battle at the Lizard base that was built by the collaborators in exchange for minor technology. Larry, we gave everyone at that base every opportunity to surrender. I offer my deepest apologies and condolences to the families of the soldiers killed at that base. We did not want to hurt any humans.

The film will explain this battle that took place less than ten hours ago for us. For you, it would have been 1964. I have no doubt that the government lied about what happened there.

Watch the video and broadcast it. The government will try to stop it. It is being broadcast to all news stations radio stations and every news website in the world.

“I will contact you in a few minutes to give you time to watch it?”

“Watcher get us out of here fast I have a bad feeling. Get us under the ocean. Take out SOSUS on both coasts.”

In a few seconds, they were deep inside the Puerto Rico Trench.”

“Cristian we are 5 miles down no one can follow.”

“Watcher, can the Retribution take the pressure?”

“This is nothing compared to what we experience in the Kerr Hole”

“What’s up Husband?”

“I had a bad feeling.”

“I don’t think the current governments of the world will take kindly to what we did to the collaborators’ Lorelei. I want to take you somewhere safe Lorelei.”

“Sorry no, I stand with my Husband.”

“Watcher lets surface and contact Larry through the Internet. Route the traffic through a few countries.”

“Hey, Larry sorry about that we had some technical difficulties.”

“Cristian they are trying to kill you, they say that you are the enemy?”

“What do you think Larry?”

“I think there is someone standing next to me with a gun pointed at me telling me what to say?”

“Sorry about that Larry. Are you requesting help?”

“Cristian get these bastards…”

The line went dead.

“Time to go to Atlanta. Watcher contact the cave get them out.”

E1 E2 Same as before don’t kill anyone that doesn’t have a gun or is not firing at us. 1 and 2 make sure the E series are loaded.

Kill only if fired upon always give them the opportunity to surrender. If you detect any future Tech don’t give them the opportunity to use it, take them out.”

“Watcher, can you locate Larry or his studio?”

“I have his location he is unconscious but alive.”

“Let’s rock, take us through the window when we get there. One, rig the ship to blow in one hour and hide the charges. Just in case.”

Cristian flew the Retribution right through an office window and two interior walls. He opened the ramp and two armoured soldiers opened fire. He sent both of them to their deaths with his sword.

“2 drag King into the ship, let’s motor.”

“Watcher take us out into space as fast as we can move. Hide behind the ISS. Larry, Larry are you okay? He isn’t responding. Watcher nanobots” He put the watch against Larry’s neck. Watcher, what is his status?”

“He had a concussion the bots are repairing; he will be awake in a few moments.”

“What happened?”

“The men in your studio pistol-whipped you I am guessing.”

“Cristian Wolf?”

“At your service Mr. King. This is my wife Lorelei. This 1 and 2. Behind them are E1 E2 and the smell is from the Lizards at the back of the cabin.”

“Hello, Mr. King nice to have you onboard could I offer you some water.”

“Yes please, Lorelei.”

“E’s and M’s say hello to Mr. King.”

He heard all four of them say hello.

“Cristian why do you have Dirty Harry and Alfred the butler with you.”

“They have a sense of humour they are mechanicals.”

“You mean robots or Androids.”

“They prefer to be called mechanicals. They think and therefore they are. The M series are sentient beings. The E series are the finest fighting machines in this part of the galaxy.”

“Thank You, Cristian”

“You are welcome E1 E2”

“Where are we?”

“You best sit back for the next part.” “Watcher.”

He could see the earth below and he could see the ISS. They were ten feet away from it.

“So it is all true.”

“Yes, Larry.”

“And I can’t report it to the world.”

“Why not?”

“E1 camera on Larry.”

“Watcher show him the picture.”

“What the hell?”

“I had to inject you with an interface with nanobots to repair your concussion; you would have died without it. What you are experiencing is a live Camera feed from E1’s camera directly to your interface.”

“Can you broadcast from here?”

“Larry don’t mention M1 or M2”

“All right.”

“That’s why we are at the ISS. We can feed it through them. They will cut it as soon as they figure it out.”

“I thought the broadcasts were encrypted.”

“I have a way to decrypt. We can also send it through their Internet feed. After that we will have break into a few satellites feeds from here as well. That should keep you live for a while try not to tell them where you are. It will give us more broadcast time.”

“Okay then, are you ready?”

“Am I ready? I didn’t really want to be on the air.”

“Cristian you are the news I am just a reporter. Just tell them like it is?”

“I will try.”

This is Larry King Live from a secret location. I was just rescued by Cristian Wolf and his lovely wife Lorelei from Military Personnel who pistol-whipped me for saying the wrong thing. My injuries were life-threatening. I am thankful that Cristian came to rescue me, his medical attention saved my life.

Now what kind of government sends in the Military to muzzle and kill the press. A government run by the collaborators of Aliens that think we are nothing more than a commodity traded for technology.

I am for one not going to take it. If you are in the military and are watching this take a look at the ones who were really in charge of the government, big business and most of the organized religions of the world.”

“E1 zoom in on the Lizards get a facial picture and back to Larry King.”

“The religions are not bad, the governments aren’t bad the corporations are not bad, but the people who are running them taking orders from the Lizards are bad. We need to stop them.

“Cristian why do you fight them, the Lizards?”

“They smell bad and they eat people, they are an evil that has enslaved thousands of worlds and are the biggest threat to humanity that has ever existed. They have been here since before the Mayans and my guess is they were the ones who wiped them out.”

“Cristian according to the documentary by Dr. David Suzuki. You have the ability to travel through time. If that is correct why didn’t you just go back and wipe them out.”

“That was my first reaction Larry but the Makers asked me a question.”

“What was that Cristian?”

“If I wiped them out and wiped out their planet how would that make me different from them?”

“I could not be judge, jury and executioner Larry. The entire planet should be the ones to judge these Aliens and their collaborators. That isn’t my job. I am just a warrior.”

“Are you some kind of superhero?”

“No Larry I was just a broke-ass biker when all this started I could barely pay my bills.”

“How did you do this?”

“I am not sure, Navy training I guess, GO NAVY.”

“Cristian You just wiped out an entire base full of Lizards and collaborators. There were only you and your wife and four machines.”

“Larry you saw the recording they were given many opportunities to surrender. The humans there were given extra opportunities to surrender. We did not fire until fired upon. We defeated an occupying force that were killing innocent people and eating them. People that were supplied to them by the humans in that base.”

“Watcher queue up the kitchen scenes.”

“Oh my God Cristian are those people cut up on the tables are still alive?”

“I ended their suffering at their request.”

“Why do you think the government wanted me and you silenced?”

“They traded the lives of innocents in exchange for minor technology Larry. They were played for fools they never received anything significant from them. Would you want the world to know that you traded human lives for MP3 players with touch screens? These are the people leading your governments.”

“Watcher camera on me”

“I have a message for them. Surrender right now or I am coming for you. If I can defeat an enemy that has taken thousands of worlds what do think I will do to you.” Cristian did not mask his anger.

“Watcher, can you shut down the entire US missile grid?”

“Yes, Cristian.”

“Shut down all military vehicles force the Aircraft to land, force submarines to surface.”

“Surrender now to your local police I will give you ten minutes. In all countries of the world, you will notice that I have control of all the missile silos in the world. All of your military vehicles do not work including aircraft and your submarines have all been forced to surface.

I will return control when you have a provisional Government in place.

I encourage all civilians to take up arms and help your local police and military. If I see any signs of looting or civil unrest. I will eject the perpetrators into space.

The time is now that the humans of Earth to take back their planet. Do all this in a non-violent way show the rest of the galaxy what it means to be human.”

“I am sure he means what he says people don’t kill each other out there just bring down the people responsible.”

“This is Larry King out.”

“Cristian what will you do if they don’t step down?”

“Larry they will have faith in people.”

“Can I drop you somewhere Larry?”

“I would like to stay if I could.”

“No problem.”
