Chapter 40





We shall fight against them, throw them in prisons and destroy them.

Vladimir Putin

“Watcher take us to ADXMAX in Colorado it’s time to get the stink out of here.

They landed in the exercise yard in the most secure prison in the world. Cristian and the E’s and the M’s hauled out the Lizards. A single guard came out to meet them.

“Do you know who I am?”

“Yes, sir Mr. Wolf. We have all been watching TV.”

“Can you handle this filth here?”

“Yes sir.”

“Keep them here until they can be brought to trial for their crimes. Keep them in restraints, they are dangerous. They can imitate humans. Keep them away from the general population. Do not allow anyone to move them. Lockdown the facility. No one in or out, no matter who they are.”

“I will see to it personally.”

“Thanks. E1 escort them to their cells and come back up when they are secured.”

“March Lizard scum, and please give me the opportunity to spin my Mini’s,” said the machine.

“Thank you, Mr. Wolf.”

“Where is your warden?”

“In solitary, he gave himself up.”

“Don’t let him get hurt? We don’t want to be like this filth.”

“Mr. Wolf, what do we feed them?”

“Not humans.”

“Right sir.”

“My name is Cristian, you don’t have to call me sir. What’s your name?”

“Uh Robert James.”

“Take care, Robert.”

“Watcher, what is the news?”

“Let us all hear it.”

“Cristian, people have given themselves up all over the world.”

“There have been over three thousand so far.”

“Any unrest Watcher?”

“No Cristian, none reported.”

“You were right, Cristian humanity came through.”

“I knew they would, Larry.”

“Do you want to go home now?”

“I guess I do. I have some news to report.”

With E3 back on board, they lifted into the air and left Colorado.

“Larry the war isn’t over, there is still a world full of Lizards out there.”

Cristian landed the ship right in front of CNN headquarters, fully visible and dropped Larry King off. This Battle was over.

“Watcher, let’s go gather up our crew and go home.”

“I am going to put my feet up.”

“Lorelei, you have been very quiet?”

“Just been watching my Husband kickin’ ass and taking names. Glad I am on your side. You are one scary half Alien.”

“Thanks, I think. Give me some sugar, baby.”

Lorelei went over and kissed her Husband. She had never been more proud of him.

He fell asleep in a few seconds. The next thing he knew, he was in the cave. “E3 report any visitors?”

“No, Cristian, all quiet here.”

“Watcher, everybody home safe?”

“Yes, Cristian.”

“Wife and baby?”

“All good.”

“Great, I am going to finish my nap.”

“Cristian slept for twenty hours, he trusted that the world would sort out their problems on their own, when he woke up there were two poached eggs on brown toast waiting.

“Watcher, what’s the status of the world.”

“They would like you to talk to them.”

“Fire up the Studio and get Larry King on a secure line.”

“Larry, what’s going on. I have been resting.”

“Cristian, the world is waiting to hear from you. It seems they want you to lead them.”

“Larry, I am not a politician.”

“Cristian, for the first time in history the world in its entirety wants one government, and they want you to lead them.”

“Larry, would you be interested in coming here?”

“Yes, I would.”

“I will pick you up in 60 minutes at CNN Centre.  Larry arrange an opening so we don’t have to break any more windows. I will give a short address. Please invite your competition.”

“Lorelei, I have to make a quick flight out, would you like to come along?”

“Yes, Husband.”

“Full armour sweetie there will be some that will be unhappy about what we did. Sweetie put on that dark eye makeup and some lipstick, we are going to be on TV. E1, E2, 1, 2 full loadouts full Battledress.”

Cristian went into the greenhouse and found Albert tending the tomatoes. Stephen was sitting in a chair close by working formulas out on his laptop.

“I am going into Atlanta to give a short address. I would like you two to attend as my science advisers. It is not mandatory but would be appreciated. I think the world could use some assurance right now. I would suggest that you wear full battle dress. I am sure there will be some unhappy at the changes we have brought.”

“Count me in, Cristian.”

“Thank you, Albert.”

“Of course, Cristian,” Said Stephen.

“Thanks, Stephen, I think it’s time the world got to see you two in person.”

“Raguel, Uriel, I think it would be better if you two sat this out. I think that there will be attempts made on our lives. I need to know you will be here to continue the fight should anything happen to us.”

“Sound thinking Cristian. We have made changes to your shields in anticipation of trouble. They will now extend 100 feet out from the ship. They will protect you from everything, including a nuclear attack. Everyone inside the shield will be safe. You will be able to fire outward from the inside of the shield.”

“Thank you, Raguel. I will be bringing Larry King back with me. I am sure he will want to interview you.”

“We look forward to it.”

In the cafeteria, the rest of the scientists were gathered having discussions. “Hello, Mother.”

“Son, we were just talking about the changes to the world.”


“Some of us would like to rejoin the population in this timeline.”

“I have no problem with that, you are not prisoners here. I never want you to think that.“

“I sense a but,” said Paul.

“Correct, Paul, you were all involved in an Alien Hybrid program that will make the population uneasy. There may be attempts made on your lives as a result. Not to mention that we have won a minor victory here. The war is not over, there is a planet full of Lizards out there. They won’t be very happy about losing a food supply. I could use your help. I trust the people in this cave, I am not sure I trust the people out there yet.”

“You make a very persuasive argument, Cristian.”

“Paul and all of you take some time to think about it. I would hate to lose any of the team that helped rid the planet of Lizards. I am on my way to pick up Larry King and bring him here. I am sure he will want to interview all of you while he is here.”


“Yes, Husband.”

“Oh good, the comm system is up. Where are you?”

“By the Retribution ready to go.”

“Good. 1 and 2 I want you to bring the 50’s.”

“We are on the way.”

“Wow, you do look beautiful in that armour wife.”

“Thank you, Cristian.”

“When we exit, have shades on watch for snipers.”

“1 and 2 let’s change your appearance.”

“How is this, Cristian?”

“Perfect twin muscle-bound bodyguards with matching neck tattoos, I like it.”

“E3 protect the cave dwellers.”

“On the job.”

“Albert and Stephen, are you ready?” The dream team nodded.
