Chapter 41


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The greatest danger of bombs is in the explosion of stupidity that they provoke.

Octave Mirbeau

“Watcher take us to CNN Centre. Turn the new shields on.”

“We are on the way.”

“1 and 2 exit with 50’s watch for sniper fire. Fire if anyone is fired upon. Try to keep them alive if you can. One more thing, protect the crowd.”

“We are on it.”

“E series try to not fire unless given no other choice.”

“Understood Cristian.”

“Lorelei put in your earplugs, are you ready?”

“I am.”

“Watcher scan the building, look for signs of trouble.”

“I see no signs of trouble.”

“Ship visible and Land inside the Center.

“Everyone out except Stephen and Albert. E’s then M’s. “

“Lorelei sweetie at my side long jackets and swords.”

Cristian and Lorelei stepped out and walked up to where Larry King was standing.

“Larry, good to see you.”

“Watcher scan for explosives.”

“Cristian, there is C4 in the podium.”

“Watcher Extend the shields around the journalists and Lorelei exclude the podium. Jam all signals into this area. E-series open your side shields around me, to divert the blast away from the crowds, give them a show some lights, snort some flames into the air, and music half volume. Thunderstruck, keep them occupied while I disarm the bomb. 1 and 2 protect Lorelei and King.”

Cristian touched a button on his personal shield and went to the podium. He found the bomb and with Watcher’s instructions he disarmed both of the triggers. One of them was hidden inside of the C4.

“Watcher, find the one trying to trigger the blast.”

“I have him, Cristian, he is standing at a window upstairs watching the crowd.”

“E1 Zoom in on the perp. Watcher, display his face on the big screen above us with the words terrorist bomber, bring him here.”

Within a few minutes, a bloodied unconscious man was brought to Cristian by a small crowd of men.

“Watcher, any more explosives?”

“No Cristian.”

“Thank you, Citizens.”

“No problem,” said one of the men.

“Stick around.”

Cristian approached the podium and started to speak.

“Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press. Acknowledge these people for the heroes that they are. They just saved your lives” Their pictures were displayed on the big screen.

“Your heroes. It is apparent that there are still those among you that want to bring me and my wife harm. This man among them. His puppet masters would have murdered all of you present. Just so they maintain the world the way that it was.

Today the world has forever changed, you have been given freedom, true freedom for the first time since before the Mayans walked this Earth. Now it is up to you, the citizens of the Earth, to work together.

Stop killing each other.

Stop trying to get the advantage over your neighbour.

Stop hurting each other.

There are those still out there that want to turn you into food. If you want to not be treated like cattle, stop acting like them.

More than ever you need to come together, not as separate nations. As one planet, protect your neighbour, protect each other. Never again do you have to put up with the unjust.

Most of them are in your jails. What you do with them is up to you. Some of you have dared call me a hero. I am not. The real heroes are the ones who get up every morning, and take the long commute to a job that pays a wage that barely feeds their families and pays the bills. The cop that takes abuse from the people he is trying to protect. The men and women of the Armed forces that served their countries and are now homeless. Housewives that try desperately to balance chequebooks and feed their children with not enough money. While the governments take more and more of their money and waste it every year.

If you want change you need to be that change. Help the police, help the homeless, help each other. Eliminate crime. Those of you involved in crime. Find a better way, help your communities.

Or join the collaborators. You are either for humanity or against it. I will remove all against.

Those of you that are the two percent of the population that hold ninety-eight percent of the wealth. Share it. I am sure that the Lizards don’t care if you are rich or poor. You will taste the same to them. There is a war coming. The Lizards and the ones who control them will be back to tend to the people they consider food.

You need to work together and show them that you are not Sheeple but people and that you won’t be fucked with.

That is all I have to say right now. If you have any questions, write them down and hand them to Larry. Or you can ask my two science advisers, Albert and Stephen.

I will need a member of the police force to step up to my ship. I plan to interrogate the bomber and would prefer to have someone in attendance to make sure he is treated properly.”

A police Sergeant stepped up. “Please surrender your sidearm, Sergeant. Now your backup” He did without question and handed them to 1.

“Watcher, have them come out of the ship.”

The two were met with applause as they walked over to the podium.

“Albert, is that really you? I heard your brain is on display” Asked a woman from CBS.

“It is me and that is not my brain, it belongs to a man named Joe Smith. I might add it was taken without permission.”

“Stephen, how is that, you are walking and talking?”

“My body was repaired by nanobots.”

“As was mine,” said Albert. “In 1955 I was supposed to die because I would refuse medical treatment. When I met Cristian, he took me through a black hole. I realized that my equations still needed some work. So I asked for help to repair my body. Stephen and I are working on the equations that prove that what we have already done can be done mathematically.”

“Will these nanobots be made available to everyone?” asked one of the reporters.

“I am sure that is already in the works. It is part of the Wolf Alliance Manifesto. Stephen and I and many others helped put it together. My only hope is that we can get the technology out to the people fast enough to save everybody.”

The Q&A went on for half an hour while interrogation was going on inside the ship.

“Do want me to handle this, Mr. Wolf, you shouldn’t get your hands dirty.”

“Thank you, Sergeant, I will handle it.”

“Wake up. I have a few questions for you.”


“The Sergeant is here to prevent me from taking you into space and dropping you just outside of the ISS. He thinks we should.”

“Great bad cop and worse cop.”


“He has a mother in Queens, New York, her name is Sadie.”


“His name is Bradley Tompkins.”

“Listen Brad, I really am not much for rules so here is the deal.”

“You can’t hurt me.”

“Not you, your mother, Sadie. Then I will go back in time and torture every ancestor you have. When I am done, I will make your mother disappear while she is carrying you. You will cease to exist. I am sure it’s not painful for you. For your ancestors, it will be very painful.”

“You can’t do that. You have to stop him, Officer.”

“Have you seen his guns, I can’t stop him, and I don’t want to.”

“I work for a man named Travis Paquette he ordered the bombing. He stands to lose a lot of money if you live.”

“Tell me more Bradley be quick, I am not known for my patience. That woman over there, the pretty redhead, she is my wife and carrying my baby, you just tried to murder her.”

He gave me a contract for your life by the skulls. That’s all I know.”

“Cristian, he is telling the truth.”

“Thanks, Watcher.”

“Good, the Sergeant here will take you into the station where the interrogation will recorded you will give him everything he asks for. If you don’t answer, I will start with your mother and work my way back through your family tree.”

“Sergeant, take away your man.”

“Mr. Wolf, it has been a pleasure watching you work, it’s no fucking wonder the Lizards didn’t have a chance. I will grab Paquette and add him to the Alien Collaborators. We will also grab all the skulls.”

“What is your name, Sergeant?”

“Monahan, Burt Monahan”

“Burt everyone calls me Cristian.”

“You sure ain’t no typical glory hound, Cristian.”

“It’s not my way, Burt. I consider myself a working slob like the rest I was just given a few toys along the way.”

Burt dragged off the bomber and took him to the station. One of the reporters followed him back to the station and asked what happened.

“He asked questions and this man answered them, that’s about all there was to it lady.”

“What was he like?”

“He was one of the most down-to-earth man I ever met. He told me to call him Cristian. I would be proud to serve with him.”

“Did he ever strike the prisoner?”

“No ma’am he never touched him not once.”

“Did he threaten him?”

“Yes, ma’am he threatened to take him up to the ISS and drop him off. Don’t forget he tried to kill you and all the press there plus his pregnant wife. I would have probably done worse than just the threats if it were me and my family. I have no love for the Lizard collaborators.”

“Thank you, Sergeant.”

Cristian came out to the podium and let everyone know he had to leave. He motioned Larry to come up. They boarded the ship, followed by the four Mechanicals. The ship went invisible in front of the cameras and headed for the cave. Lorelei had to sit on Cristian’s lap 1 and 2 sat in the cargo area with the E series.

“Cristian, how did you know about the explosives?” Asked Larry

“Sensor’s detected the explosives.”

“That’s twice you saved my life.”

“Three actually Larry, your pancreatic cancer has been repaired.”


“The nanobots repaired the damage.”

“Are you going to get this technology out to the people?”

“As fast as we can, Larry there are a lot of people on the planet.”

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