Chapter 42


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We cannot fight new wars with old weapons.

Vinoba Bhave

Keeping with his own security measures, the ship was blacked out, and a short trip was taken through the ocean and up the canyon to the cave. Cristian needed to keep everyone safe. Now they wanted him to rule the world. That was a little too much. He was just a biker with guns doing what needed to be done. He didn’t feel like the planet was his any more not since he found out he was part Alien. He wasn’t really human, and he wasn’t really Alien but something in between.

He thought about his bike and remembered it was a hybrid that he had made changes to make it better. The same had been done to him. When they got back to the cave he decided that the world should know who he was.

“Larry, we need to discuss something before you get through the sessions with everyone. Please include everyone if you can.”

“What is it, Cristian?”

“I am only half-human, my DNA was altered to make me a better warrior. I am part alien. The DNA was donated by one of the two Aliens that have been here helping the human race.”

“Cristian, the world knows, didn’t you watch all the Suzuki Documentary?”

“Well, I watched most of it, Larry. I trusted the people who made it to include what was needed.”

“The world knows and most don’t care because you eliminated the Lizards.”

“They are not eliminated Larry, just the ones on the planet.”

“Cristian, I need a camera man.”

“E1 report to Larry King and follow his instructions.”

“Right away Cristian.”

“Your camera is on its way. Through this door is a full studio with editing equipment. When you are ready to edit M1 will help you.”

“Excellent Cristian.”

“Larry, I would like you to meet Raguel and Uriel.”

“Pleased to meet you, I have many questions for you, perhaps in the studio.”

“Great, Larry, we would be pleased to answer any questions you have.”

“Larry, I will leave you in their capable hands.”

“Thanks, Cristian.”

Cristian found Nikola in his room, staying out of the picture, still feeling bad about the scorching. “Nikola, it’s time we had a talk.”

“Cristian, I don’t feel much like talking yet.”

“I am sorry to hear that, but I need you and I need you now. You know what needs to be done.”

“You want me to build the weapon to wipe out the Lizard homeworld.”

“No Nikola, I want you to build the weapon, so I can threaten the Lizards with the destruction of their homeworld. It is a terrible position to put you in after what happened in the other timeline.

You know who I am, and you know I will not use it unless given no other choice. You also know they will not stop coming here to kill humans. They believe us inferior, not worthy of even entering into discussions of Peace. I find myself in an objectionable position to have the weapon of war to broker peace.

It is a tactic I do not like, but I find necessary, and you did as well.”

“Cristian I do so under protest, I will build the device. Give me your word that you will not use it unless given no other choice.”

“Nikola look at me, I swear on my life I will not use your weapon unless I have no other choice, that is a promise.”

“I will need the help of the others, you will explain it to them.”

“Understood Nikola.”

“Lorelei, I need to talk to you in private.”

“Yes, Husband, what is it?”

“I have asked Nikola to build the weapon.”

“Cristian, if you think it necessary, I understand.”

“That’s it no arguments.”

“No Husband, I told you I trust you, and I know you won’t use it unless those bastards give you no choice. I have watched you in combat, you don’t do it for the killing as some do.”

“Thanks, wife that means a lot to me.”

“Do want some coffee, sweetie? I think I might be able to scrape up some dessert.”


“Not that kind, sweetie, later.”

“Oh oh the honeymoon is over?”

“Not by a longshot Husband, I would like to have at least a half dozen children.”

“You are the perfect woman.”

“I know, I could not be anything else.”

“I am the lucky one.”

Coffee and some pie were just the right thing. It was the little things that made his world make sense. He had gone through more than most should have had to in a dozen lifetimes. He knew it was a long way from over. After another bite of pie and some more coffee he shifted focus back to what was important.

“Thanks, Lorelei, I have to talk to the scientists.”

“Good luck with that.”


“Paul, could I talk to you and the others?”

“Sure Cristian. Should I get Albert and Stephen?”

“Yes.” When everyone was assembled, he discussed the plan with the others.

“Nikola has agreed to build the scorcher, but he needs your help.”

“What do you plan to do with it?” asked Paul.

“I plan to use it as a bargaining chip to force the Lizards into negotiations.”

“What if that doesn’t work, and they attack the Earth?”

“We barbecue their planet?”

“I’m in,” said Paul. The others all agreed.

“I thought this was going to be more difficult.”

“Superior numbers, superior technology, and a proven unwillingness to see us anything else but food. You have no other choice” Said Paul.

“See Nikola as soon as you can. We don’t know when the Lizards will attack.”

“Cristian, Albert and I agree there is no other choice.”

“Thanks, Stephen this has not been an easy decision to make. Your support is important to me.”

“Have you had your time with Larry yet?”

“Albert has, he said a lot of the questions were about you.”

“I guess that would be because the world wants me to lead them.”

“What will you do, Cristian?”

“I will only take on the job as a temporary measure. Some politician voted in by the people of the earth should be the ones to run the show. Like I have said, I am here for the fight, it is what I was designed for.”

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