Chapter 43


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When I have reached a summit, I leave it with great reluctance, unless it is to reach for another, higher one.

Gustav Mahler

“I see Larry and E1 heading towards you. Are you ready?” said Watcher.

“As much as I can be.”

“Cristian, could we do an interview, do you have time now?”

“Yes, Larry.”

“Could we do that over coffee in the Cafeteria, Larry?”

“Wherever you want?”

“Great, E1 speed.”

“Larry, could I get you a coffee? Maybe some pie.”

“Yes, I would enjoy that.”

“Cristian, the world wants you to become the leader of the entire planet. How do you feel about that?”

“Sugar, cream, Larry?” Cristian said without changing his facial expression.

“Yes, Cristian.”

“Larry, I would only agree to do that if the leaders of the world all agreed to that. Then I would only do that until proper elections are held. I have already said too many times I am not a politician, I am a warrior. It is what Raguel and Uriel and the scientists of the future designed me to do.”

“It sounds like that is exactly what we need heading into a war with the Lizards.”

“I am hoping I can make it more attractive to not attack than it would be to attack.”

“How do you plan to do that, Cristian?”

“We have a weapon that can destroy their world. I do not plan to use it unless we are given no other choice. This is not about revenge. Many of you are angry, and I was too,  but we have to be better than them, or we are them. Humanity in me dictates my movements. Attack if fired upon, we don’t start the fight, but we finish it. The Alien in me says the same.”

“Wow Cristian, you are a better human than I am. I want to nuke their planet, and I know that there are many out there that feel the same. I also know you are doing what needs to be done. I know you will end this conflict one way or the other. What should we be doing, Cristian? The people at home.”

“All who can, go to your jobs, take care of your children, those of you not employed, ex-military or not. Sign up and get ready for war.

Those of you that are employers raise wages so that the families of the world can put food away for the fight. Governments stop wasting money, and help the people and the small businesses that are the backbone of your countries. Tax the people who deserve to be taxed. Politicians and the rich try to imagine living one week on the minimum wage you think is fair. Recognize that Welfare is just legislated starvation.

All the countries out there forget your conflicts with each other, the rivalries and hatred. I have a message to all the religions, nourish your members with strength and forget the question of which religion is true.

Work together to help our warriors get ready to battle. Jew beside Muslim, Catholic beside Protestant, Sikh beside Hindu. The man next to you might be the one who saves your life in Battle.

You are all citizens of the planet Earth. Set aside your differences and remember the real enemy. They have not forgotten you.

Larry, I will get down off my soapbox now. More Pie Larry?”

“Wow, Cristian, do you think we can do that?”

“If we don’t, we become Lizard poop.”

“Good point and yes I would love to have more pie. It is excellent.”

“This is the real reason I fight, Larry? My wife’s Apple pie.”

“There you have it, words from the man who serves one heck of a cup of coffee, Kills Lizards and loves his wife’s apple pie.”

“This is Larry King, a citizen of Earth for CNN Good night.”

“Cristian, can I broadcast this out right now.”

“Don’t you want to edit it?”


“Head over to the studio. I will have it queued up as you get there.”

“Cristian, everyone is in the hall waiting to see the broadcast.”

“I was there, I know what was said, Lorelei.”

“We are going over to join the others, right.”

“Yes, dear.”

“Right answer.”

“Who is really the scary half Alien in this marriage?” said Cristian. Lorelei just smiled while taking his hand.

They all watched the broadcasts. When Larry signed out, Lorelei kissed her Husband.

“Well done Cristian?”

“Thanks, Raguel.”

Larry found everyone in the hall and asked “How was it?”

“Fine Larry.”

“It was great, and for the other interviews, I will have them edited and broadcast the hour after I get back. I could use a ride if someone can take me.”

“I will take you in the Ascalon,” said Raguel.

“Great thank you.”

“Larry, I am sure I will see you again.”

“Until then, Cristian and the rest of you thank you for the interviews and the hospitality you have shown me. Good night.”

“Well, I have had enough of the spotlight for tonight.”

“It’s all part of the fight, Cristian.”

“I know Paul, just don’t like being on camera. All of you know that I could not do this without you. Did I miss supper?” Cristian asked.

“I can get something together quickly. Mary, do you want to give me a hand?”

“Sure, Lorelei.”

“Cristian looks tired, Lorelei.”

“I know Mary, he can handle it. He is one tough Hybrid. He can rest after the war is done.”

“Do you think the war will ever end?”

“Mary, it has barely even started. The Lizards are probably on their way.”

The news was on and being broadcast on the monitor in the Cafeteria.

“This just in, the first of the nanobots have been distributed by the CDC to major hospitals around the world for the people who have an immediate need. Pharmaceutical companies’ stock prices plummet at the news.

There will be more deliveries in the near future, according to Raguel. He says that they will be available to everyone in the world that wants them in next few months.”

“Coming up within the hour Interviews with the scientists that work directly with Cristian Wolf, including words with Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Raguel and Uriel. We will get their opinions on the Lizards and the man fighting them Cristian Wolf.

Followed by an exclusive interview with the women behind the man. Lorelei Wolf his wife and his mother Mary Wolf.”

“I didn’t bargain for this Mary”

“I think it comes with the territory, Lorelei.”

“What are we going to make for dinner?”

“I was thinking we could make some veg burgers and macaroni.”

“Cristian’s favourite? You sure go to a lot of effort to look after my son.”

“I like to.”

“Lorelei you are a good woman. I am glad you are in his life” as she said that the lights in the cafeteria went out.

“The power is off. Mary get down behind the counter I am going to check it out.” Lorelei pulled a handgun out from beside the fridge, where she had it hidden.

A few moments later the power came back on.” Looks like we are okay Mary.”

“I am not so sure there is something on one of the tables in the cafeteria.”

Lorelei found a single Stargazer lily in a vase. The handwritten note attached said.

I thought this would accent your beautiful freckles

Sorry, all out of Truffles.


“I have learned that if I take care of my Husband he does the same for me.”

 Tesla approached Cristian looking very concerned. “Nikola what is it?”

“We have finished the device. We have made it smaller and more powerful.”

“Good. How is it fired Nikola?”

“Start the detonation sequence and drop it into the atmosphere a few miles above the planet a parachute will slow its descent. In thirty seconds it will burn the Atmosphere and everything below completely. Within minutes the planet will start to cool.

“Nikola can we fit it onto the Ascalon?”

“Yes, Cristian.”

“Let’s get that done after I talk to Raguel and Uriel.”

“Nikola I am very sorry to put you into this position?”

“I am too Cristian.”

Cristian meant what he said to Nikola. He did not want to use the weapon but would if it was necessary. These bastards have been interfering with the human race for centuries. There was also the question of who was really running the show. The Lizards were just the soldiers. He needed to find out more.

“Raguel I need to discuss the device with you.”

“Yes, Cristian.”

“Raguel I need you and Uriel to carry the device to the Lizards homeworld. If the Lizards show up here and will not negotiate peace we need to remove them from existence. I would suggest far into the past may be in time to save your world and thousands of others.”

“You are talking about Genocide Cristian.”

“No Raguel I am talking about stopping genocide. The genocide of your world and many others including this one.”

“I wish there was another way Cristian.”

“I do too Raguel. I offered you another way once to change their race, so they do not become the dominating race on their planet. I know it may just mean that they would be replaced with another species, maybe better, maybe worse. I know either way it just mass murder one by forced evolution one by the destruction of the planet.”

“Maybe they can be bargained with Cristian.”

“Raguel I think they are just soldiers that do as they are ordered. I do not think the Lizards are smart enough to mastermind anything past the killing. I need to know if you will carry out the order if I give it. You are either in or you are out.”

“I am in Cristian. I will do as you ask. Who do you think their masters might be?”

“I don’t know Raguel, when I find out I will certainly remove them. If you want to get rid of a noxious weed you have pull out the roots and keep pulling until they are completely gone. I don’t think the Lizards are the primary weed.”

“Watcher is there any chance that someone can listen in on our conversations.”

“Possible but not likely.”

“Raguel I will have the device loaded onto the Ascalon.”

“All right Cristian.”

“Watcher I need you to encrypt our conversations from now on.”


“Good I need you to give us a back door to the Ascalon’s operating system, I want to be able to take command at any time.”

“I will work on that. Do you suspect Raguel & Uriel?”

“Watcher I trust but I need to verify,”  Cristian said remembering words from someone else.

“Encrypt the commands to the mechanicals and rotate the encryption keys every few minutes. Make sure that I can detonate the device from the Retribution. You discuss this with no one.”


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