Chapter 44


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Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate and doubt, to offer a solution everybody can understand.

Colin Powell

 “Watcher it is time we talked to the leaders of the world. Do we have a way to do that?

“We can video conference to the UN. The UN can connect everyone to the conference.”

“Let’s get it on the go.”

“I will need some time Cristian.”

“Let me know when they are ready.”

Cristian had a million details running through his mind as he ate his burger. Lorelei was sitting across from him watching him eat. He looked over at the woman he loved, all the details faded and he focused on her. “How do you do that?”

“How do I do what Cristian?”

“I have the weight of the world on my shoulders. One look into your eyes and that weight is gone.”

“What about the burger?”

“Delicious as always woman.”

“Good my job is done.”

Cristian looked at her and smiled ”Not yet Lorelei.”

She leaned over and whispered,” Are you suggesting that you pay for your supper with sex?”


“That was a very big supper Cristian.”

“Then I will pay accordingly.”

“Cristian your conference is ready in the studio,” said Watcher.

“I have a call Lorelei thank you for a wonderful supper.”

“Wow, he is pulling a dine and dash.”

Cristian walked into the studio the images of the leaders of the world were projected on the entire wall. “Watcher can you translate simultaneously. Record the entire event.”

“No problem.”

“Ladies and Gentlemen leaders of the nations of the planet Earth. Thank you for agreeing to meet. Thank you to the UN for helping facilitate this meeting. How should we start?”

“Mr. Wolf I am the Secretary-General of the United Nations I have been asked to keep this meeting focused. The leaders of the world would like to say thank you for bringing the truth to its peoples and for the removal of the Lizard stronghold on Earth.”

“It needed to be done Secretary-General.”

“We have discussed the leadership of the world and would ask if you would be the first leader of the Planet Earth.”

“As I mentioned in newscasts. I would do this if the vote from the leaders of the world was unanimous. I would accept the position until an election could be held with the chance for all the people of all nations to vote for your leader.”

“Mr. Wolf, can you see all the leaders?”

“Yes, I can see over two hundred faces.”

“Would a show of hands suffice?”

“Yes, Secretary-general but I would like to mention a couple of items before the vote.”

“Yes, Mr. Wolf go ahead.”

“Ladies and Gentleman even though some of my DNA is of Alien origin I consider myself Human. Our scientists have finished a weapon that can destroy the Lizard home planet. I will use it if I am given no other choice. Know that any more loss of human life is unacceptable. If there is not a complete cessation of hostilities against the planet Earth. The Lizard world will be forfeit. You need to know before you vote me in as your leader that I plan to do them harm if they do not comply.”

“The vote shall commence. Those in favour of having Cristian Wolf declared the leader of The Planet Earth. Raise your hands”

One by one the leaders of all the nations raised their hands.

“All those opposed?”

“Three hands raised.”

“I see three hands raised in opposition. I required this to be unanimous or I will decline the position.

Before I step down I would like to know, why the opposition? I would like to ask a question of each of you? Are any of you a Lizard? Or collaborator? If you are, step forward and I will make sure that the courts are lenient. If not I will come to see you in person. You cannot hide.”

One of the three shed his human skin while everyone else watched on. “You will all die, my brethren will be here soon. We will never stop coming at you until you are extinct.” There were gunshots as the Lizard was cut down by his own bodyguards. Bodyguards who thought he was human.

The other two surrendered themselves as collaborators. Cristian Wolf was now the leader of Planet Earth.

“Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for your votes of confidence.
The first order of business will be to arrest those collaborators. We will attempt to meet on a daily basis using this network. I am hoping with the help of the United Nations as soon as possible I would like to meet the men and women who lead your military. Good night and thank you.”

“Thank you First Leader Wolf. I now adjourn our meeting.”

“Watcher cut the feed and get me, Larry King.”

“Larry, how are you?”

“I am good Cristian.”

“Larry I would like you to come to work with me?”

“Yes, I will.”

“You haven’t heard what the job is?”

“Doesn’t matter I am in.”

“Excellent when can I pick you up?”

“Now is fine.”

“Before I pick you up could you broadcast the footage of the vote please send it to all news stations at the same time. Sorry, no more exclusivity. Watcher is uploading it to your computer and YouTube right now. See you in an hour, Pack a bag Larry you will be staying a while. I will pick you up at your house.”

“Watcher end the call.”

Cristian went back into the cafeteria and found Lorelei.

“How is the First lady of the Planet Earth?”

“Say what what?” said Lorelei.

“I was just voted in by the leaders of the world. You are married to the First Leader of the Planet Earth. Oh yeah, we smoked out another Lizard out and a couple of collaborators. The Lizard was killed by his own bodyguards when he shed his human disguise.”

“Wow, you have been busy Husband.”

“Watcher can you get everyone into the lecture hall so they can watch the broadcast.”

“I have the mechanicals rounding up everyone.”

All the members of the cave watched the broadcast. Congratulations were said.

“Thank you, listen all this means is that you have a ringside seat to the war that is coming. If there is anyone here that does not want to be here. Now is the time to say so. You can be taken to another place or time. If you stay you will become my staff, my advisers. There is no one out there I trust more than the people in this room excluding my wife of course.”

“Good save Husband.” Everyone in the room laughed including the Aliens amongst them.

“Larry King will be coming to work with us he will become our liaison to the press.”

“If anyone needs a ride out to this timeline now would be the time to say so.”

“Lorelei is there any dessert out in the cafeteria?”

“Yes First Leader,” Lorelei said smiling.

“As my first official act, I declare now coffee time.”

The First Leader and his staff all went into the cafeteria and had coffee and some carrot cake. Cristian’s favourite. It was good to be married to the cook and first lady.

“Where do we start Cristian?” asked Albert.

“At the beginning Albert. We have just united the planet and entered into a war. We need to get ready.”

“Raguel, Uriel can you design a ship that can be mass-produced that will allow travel only into this solar system. We will need armament, communication and shields. We will need to protect and patrol our section of the universe. I don’t think the world is ready for time travel.”

“Probably wise. We can provide the blueprints for a fighter that will do the job.”

“Excellent I will need a presentation of the fighter for tomorrow.”

Cristian and Lorelei headed out to pick up Larry. With Larry aboard Cristian Mentioned that he had a stop to make.

“Where are we going Cristian.”

“To talk to the CEO of the Hilton Chain.”

“Watcher can you get Chris on the phone.”

“Chris this is Cristian Wolf.”

“Get serious who is this how did you get this number?”

“Chris you should put a robe on. We are outside on your balcony. Please get dressed I have a small request for you.”

“I will be right out.”

“Chris pleased to meet you this is my wife Lorelei.”

“First Leader, Lorelei.”

“Please call me Cristian.”

“I have a need for one of your hotels for an event. Sarasota Springs tomorrow night. Plus all the rooms.”

“Can that be arranged?”

“Anything can be arranged Cristian.”

“Would you like to take a short flight Chris I have one seat open in my ship.”


“Climb in.”

“Chris you know My Press Liaison Larry.”

“Larry King, pleasure.”

“Chris there is a box of Kleenex beside your seat” Mentioned Larry.

“Why would I need that?”

Cristian left the atmosphere and pulled up beside the ISS.

“Where is the Kleenex Larry,” said Chris.

“Chris now about that reservation.”

“It is yours Cristian. You have already paid.”

“Chris feel free to sell the rooms to the guests that are coming. They can pay. I just have need of the conference rooms and need the rooms cleared. You are welcome to attend with a plus one.”

“How many seats will you need ?”

“I am hoping all of them.”

“Man is Branson going to be pissed he is charging two and a half for a flight and he hasn’t even got them started yet.”

“Chris we have one more part of the flight.”

Cristian took Chris around the moon and home again.

“More Kleenex Chris.”

“Yes, Larry.”

Cristian dropped Chris back at his penthouse.

“Thank you, Cristian if you ever need anything call me.”

“Thank you Chris Goodnight.”

“Goodnight Lorelei, Larry.”


“Cristian I need a favour I know someone that needs our help.”

“No problem where to Larry.”


“Can you find Malcolm Young Watcher?”

“Yes, Larry he is in a nursing home suffering from dementia.”

“Can you help him?”


In a few minutes, they landed outside of the nursing home. They found his room.

“Bon you are back is it time to play?”

“Yes Malcolm, take a look at the cool watch I have.”

“It pricked me Bon.”

“Let me take a look Malcolm” He handed Cristian back the watch.

In a few minutes, he asked “Who are you?”

“Malcolm Young this is Cristian Wolf.”

“Larry King, what are you doing here? The better question is what am I doing here.”

“Malcolm you had Dementia your mind was lost. Cristian injected you with nanobots they are repairing the damage.”

“I guess I should skipped the alcohol and the drugs. I think I am done with that.”

“I had the same problem a long time ago Malcolm,” said Cristian.

“Thank you for helping me Cristian. Is there anything I can do for you?”

“Can you play? I could use a band for a reception tonight.”

“A gig for the man that gave me my mind back no fucking problem.”

“I need a phone and a ride.”

“The Retribution was loaded for another short trip.”

“My mind must still be damaged it looks like we are flying.”

“We are Malcolm. You are in my ship the Retribution.”

“Larry you have some cool friends.”

“When is the last time you remember before the nursing home.”

“Spring I think.”

“Watcher is it safe to update him?”

“I think he is good to go the nanobots are working on his liver and Arthritis now.”

“Malcolm I am going to update you so you know what is happening in the world right now. Just lean back and relax.”

After a few minutes, Malcolm spoke. “So you are the Leader of the world and you got that way by wiping out Alien Lizards using My Music to stun them. Way too fucking cool Cristian.”

“Thanks, Malcolm do I owe you any royalties,” Cristian said chuckling.

“Proud to the official Band of the First Leader and First Lady. Cristian you did all right she is really hot.”

“Thank you, Malcolm” Answered Lorelei with a smile.

When they arrived Angus, Brian, and Cliff were waiting out on the lawn.

“First Leader proud to meet you.”

“Malcolm you are back.”

“You mean my mind is back. We are getting the band back together. Cristian needs us to do a gig tonight in New York. Where is Phil?”

“That’s good news he is in New York with his drums. How the fuck are we gonna get there Malcolm.”

“In the Retribution just room for Guitars. We can pick up the rest at Sam Ash’s Place.”

“What about the roadies?”

“Brian in the beginning when rock and roll was born we didn’t have any fucking roadies, We just played, so let’s rock.”

They loaded the guitars and some clothes into the Retribution.

“Malcolm I kept this safe for you” Angus handed him a familiar case.

“Thank you brother for taking care of my old friend.”

“Watcher email all the CEOs of the major manufacturers of Aircraft, Weapons, Spacecraft, Military vehicles, and Body Armour to a reception tomorrow evening starts at 7PM at Sarasota Springs Hilton. Send a copy to all the world Leaders that would like to attend, tell them we will be presenting new technology to help defend Planet Earth.”


The fastest way home was a shortcut through space and back down to the West coast.

“Cristian that was un-fucking-believable” said Angus.

“Malcolm, Angus, Brian and Cliff I have to blackout the ship a couple of times for security.”

“Watcher SOSUS down?”

“We can enter the ocean Cristian.”

“Let them have a look.”

“Where are we now?”

“In the ocean, this is the scenic tour.”

“I thought space was cool. Where are we going?”

“My House I have a couple of calls I need to make.”

The ship was blacked out once more for the final leg.

They arrived back at the cave. Lorelei took the band around to meet everyone. Albert was very excited to meet the Band.

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