Chapter 48


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Events like this mean we can give something back to the people that support us, and hopefully everyone will have a great day and we can put on a good show for them.

Nelson Piquet


They arrived at the Hilton. Cristian had them park the vehicles side by side in the front of the hotel.

“Sergeant Major Secure the perimeter. I will leave E1 under your command.”

“Watcher hover the ship invisible.”

“E1 Guard the men the Sergeant Major has command.”

“On it Cristian.”

“Two men with the First Leader.” said the Sergeant Major.

Cristian, Lorelei, and escorts approached the main desk where they met a tall could have been a model 30 something blond, her name tag said Tiffany.

“Welcome First Leader and First Lady. The hotel has been emptied as asked.”

“I will need to meet every staff member immediately. We can inspect the conference room at the same time.”

“What about the front desk sir?”

“I will take care of it.”

“Sergeant Major no one in or out while I check for Lizards. Detain anyone that tries to leave. E1 can detect Lizards.”

“Got it Cristian.”

All the staff assembled in the large conference room where Cristian addressed them.

“My apologies for the inspection we were looking for Lizards posing as humans. I have men outside guarding the building and watching for them. If anyone notices any suspicious behaviour let one of my men or myself know. Thank You for having us here.”

“Sir are we in danger?” Asked the blond.

“Not unless you are a Lizard” Cristian answered with a hint of a smile.

Back at the front desk, he continued his conversation I will need two double rooms put aside for the band. Another two doubles for my staff. My Press liaison will also need a room. “

“Do you have their names sir?”

“Angus and Malcolm Young, Brian Johnson, Cliff Williams, Phil Rudd, the band.”

Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking in one room, Raguel & Uriel in another room. Larry King will be coming in a few minutes he will need his own room close to mine.”

“First Leader we are short one bed for the band.”

“Right bunk Larry King And Malcolm Young together.”

“I know you recognized the names of the band members you cannot discuss that with anyone if you do the Crowds will allow Lizards to infiltrate they will turn the hotel into a blood bath do you understand?”

“Sir I understand.”

“With that said you are welcome to watch them play.”

“Awe—some AC FRICKIN DC, I mean that would be great sir” she said a little embarrassed at her outburst.

“I will also need metal detectors at the front doors can you arrange that?”

“Yes sir.”

We will need meals for everyone in the conference tonight.”

“How many to a table Tiffany?” He said looking at her name tag.

“Ten sir.”

“I will need three tables near the front reserved for me and my staff. If any heads of state arrive please inform me immediately. You have been very helpful Tiffany I will make sure that Chris knows.”

“Chris sir?”

“The CEO of the Hilton Chain.”

“Oh Thank you sir.”

“Can you get someone to show us to our room?”

“Arthur will show you to your room.” Both Lorelei and Cristian looked at each other and smiled.

“Sergeant Major you can send Larry in. We are going to our room.”

“Lorelei I wonder if anyone will show up?”

“They will come for you, Husband.”

“We will see wife. I am going to grab an hour’s sleep.”

“I will join you.”

“Watcher would you wake us.”


Cristian grabbed a shower after his sleep and got dressed in his long jacket and armour. The shotgun was left in the Retribution. He kept his Maker sword. Lorelei was still sleeping and he decided to let her sleep. He wanted to check with the Sergeant Major and have a look around. As he exited the door and asked the two soldiers to watch over Lorelei.

He passed people in the hallway on his way outside. Good at least some people showed up.

He stopped by the front desk. Tiffany was there, but very busy. He kept on going out the front door. The parking lot was full there were limos and drivers standing in front of them, lots of them. E1 was just outside the door with two soldiers.

“Any Lizards?”

“No Cristian but we have removed a lot of weapons.”

“Sergeant Major report.”

“Cristian perimeter is secured. Fucking busy out here. Could use more men.”

“I will see what I can do?”

“Thank you.”

“Any World leaders here Sergeant?”

“Name a country they are here.”

“President of the US?”

“Yes, Cristian he arrived an hour ago.”

“How many more men do you need?”

“Thirty and we could use some air support.”

Cristian went to the front desk and stood where Tiffany could see him. She immediately put the phone down and approached him.

“First Leader, can I help you?”

“Yes, Tiffany I need to find The President. He leaned in closer and asked if the band had arrived?”

“Yes, they are here. The President is on the third floor.”

“Thanks, Tiffany.”

He found his way to the third floor. There were secret service everywhere not one of them questioned him. Two of them took him directly to see the President.

“Mr. President.”

“First Leader let’s go into the other room where we can get some privacy.”

“Before that Mr. President, my men have requested a few more men and some air support. Thirty men and a couple of Apaches would do the trick. I have underestimated the need of the public to see me in person”

“The President was already on the phone with his Chief of Staff.”

“Done let’s go in here.”

“Thank you, Mr. President.”

“Cristian it is my pleasure.”

“Mr. President let me give you a gift.”

“Watcher nanobots only.”

“Please hold this for a minute. I can cure your tobacco craving completely.”

“Your watch has a little bite.”

“I gave you a shot of high-grade nanobots. They will take care of any health issues and get rid of the addiction.”

“You are going to make enemies of the Pharmaceutical companies be careful they are powerful.”

“They were powerful Mr. President. They have kept us in medical slavery too long.”

“All true Cristian until now we have not had a way to get rid of them.”

“Mr. President please use this as a press op. You were the one that helped get the nanobots out to the people. You will have healed your nation.”

“The bad news is I will have a lot of healthcare workers out of jobs.”

“Actually the nanobots released to the public are for one use only. My scientists were afraid that they may be misused or reversed engineered. They will cure immediate health problems and then they are absorbed and disappear. Right now they are being released for terminal patients and emergency use only. You will have time to have the staff retrained for other purposes.”

“Well, that is something.”

“Curing the world of its problems would tend to bring new problems to overcome Mr. President. Right now the Lizards are the immediate problem. The next problem and you are the first to hear this, is the Lizards are not smart enough to do what they have done themselves. They are only the muscle for someone else.”

“Do you know who Cristian?”

“Not yet but I will. I have three live Lizards put away.”


“In one of your jails. Please give me time with them before you take over them?”

“What would I do with them?”

“Try them along with the collaborators.”

“I am not sure if the Lizards qualify to be tried under our laws.”

“Mr. President I have to get down to the event and check things out.”

“Did you want to sit at our table or did you have other plans?”

“Cristian I would be honoured.”

“How many seats would you need?”


“Heads up Mr. President bring earplugs. I brought the band.”

“I have to run, thank you for the extra men. By the way, Lorelei was very touched when she found the teddy bear and she loves the new station wagon.”

“My wife picked that Bear up herself.”

“I will make sure Lorelei knows.”

“See you downstairs.”

“Sergeant Major you will have your men and a couple of Apaches you may want to make room for them.”

“Will do Cristian.”

“Lorelei are you awake and dressed?”

“Yes, why didn’t you wake me.”

“You looked far too beautiful sleeping to be awoken.”

“Awe that’s sweet. Where are you?”

“Just left the President. They will be sitting with us. His wife picked up the Teddy Bear herself.


“Just going to check in with Albert, Stephen and the Gang.”

“Raguel what room are you in? “


“I will see you in a minute.”

“Where is the band Raguel?”

“Next to us.”

“Albert & Stephen?”

“Across the hall. Larry is close by too?”

“Excellent I will be there soon.”

“Watcher how do we get the presentation to the screen?”

“The M’s have already uploaded them to me I can feed it to the projector.”

“Malcolm, how is everything?”

“It’s good Cristian. My Mind is sharp and I feel good. What do we have planned?”

“I was hoping that you would play the classics Thunderstruck Shoot to thrill, which is my Lizard killing song and One other song dedicated to my wife.”

“Let me guess, Shook me all night long.”

“That works except she is Irish.”

“Anything you want man I owe you a debt I can never repay.”

“You owe me nothing I cleared out a complete Lizards nest playing songs you created. The world owes you.”

“Thanks, man”

“One small thing do you think Angus could teach me how to play the intro to shook me.”

“How about right now.”



“Thanks the world really owes you Watcher.”

“Thank you, Cristian proud to be the official pocket watch of the First Leader.”

“Glad you haven’t lost your humour.”

“Hey Angus, Brian, Cliff, and Phil. I am happy that all of you are here.”

“Thanks for giving us my brother back. I really missed him. We all did.”

“No problem.”

“I hear you would like to learn the intro to a song.”

“I have never played but always wanted to try.”

“I have an extra SG over here. She is an oldie I think it was my first one, she will still hold a chord.” He hooked it up to a small amp.

“Just watch what I do.”

Angus went through the moves slowly. Then he handed the guitar over to Cristian. Of course, he already knew what to do thanks to Watcher.

“I think I can pull it off.”

Cristian started slowly barely pulling off the riff and then played the rest of the song like he had been playing it for years.

“Fuck me how did you do that Cristian?”

“Angus just fucking you with it’s the same tech that I used to help your brother with, But you can never talk about it. To the world, you are a great guitar teacher. Playing with you is an extreme honour. Had I known Malcolm was sick I would have been there sooner.”

“I have one more gift for all of you.”

“Angus hold this.”

“What the fuck?”

“Brian, Cliff, Phil I need you to do the same.”

“Is that what fixed my Brother?”

“Yes and again do not talk about it, People would kill you to stop me from getting this technology out to the world.”

“Brian without these your hearing loss would be permanent”

“I never told anyone about that. You sure don’t act like a fucking politician.”

Just a broke-ass biker. I couldn’t just sit by and watch those fuckers eating us. So I fight. I never wanted to be the First Leader either but if it helps unite the world against them I’m in.”

“You are the fucking Man Cristian.”

“Thanks for the Guitar lesson and thanks again for agreeing to play.”

“Phil a moment in private.”

“Sure Cristian.”

“You know I time travel.”

“I heard.”

“You are about to fuck up in a major way. I know about it. You will be spending future time bent over a sink in prison. You won’t get out alive. You will kill the band and hurt your children. Cancel the hit and you might survive it.”

“How could you possibly know.”

“It will be in every paper in the world. Do you want to do that to your kids?”


“Then do what I say. Enjoy the sales from the new album move away and start again.”

“Cristian thanks.”

“Watcher crack into the hotel computer and let me know where everyone is.”

“M1 get up to my room and escort Lorelei down here.”

“On it Cristian.”

“What do you two look like tonight?”

“Suits and tattoos were are the twins.”

“Where is M2?”

“He is helping with security, sniffing out Lizards.”


He headed over to the dream team next. “Albert, Stephen, how is everything?”

“Good Cristian”

“You are not wearing Battledress.”

“We didn’t think we needed to with all the security.”

“I won’t be as bold as to tell you what to wear, But if I was a Lizard and I wanted to eliminate my second in command team. Tonight is when I would do it. At least with the armour, it limits them to a headshot. Did I mention that a Lizard infiltrated my security detail today?”

“No that wasn’t mentioned. What did you do?”

“I cut him in two. He was within ten feet of my wife and child.”

The two looked over at Cristian and understood tonight wasn’t the time to relax dress codes.

“The armour should fit under a tux.”

“What will you wear Cristian?”

“I will be wearing full battle dress long jacket no shotgun but will be wearing my sword.”

“We don’t even have a handgun with us Cristian?”

Cristian reached around to the back of his vest and pulled the two handguns out and handed one to each of them. Then he pulled out two of the high-capacity mags to go with them.

“Just to be safe all other guns were confiscated. Thanks, Gentleman I would hate that anything happen to you.”

“One more thing please do not take it as a slight. I have to entertain the three heads of state and their wives. They donated the security detail plus a rather large plane and vehicles. I will not have enough room for you at our table. I have three tables at the front reserved for us. Larry King and the band will be at your table.”

“I like those fellows, good music.”

“I know you do Albert, me too.”

Next on his list was Raguel and Uriel. “Raguel and Uriel this is all a lot of craziness.”

“It is all necessary if you are to keep this planet safe.”

“I am glad you understand, you will be seated with Me and Lorelei. Thank you for getting the presentation done. I will ask you to present it?”

“We will take care of it.”

“Great it is getting close I just need to check a few details.”

“See you downstairs Cristian.”

Last on the list, Larry. “Larry are you ready?”

“Yes Cristian, I have been working on your event all day.”

“Great so what are we doing?”

“You would want one of these.”

“A program that is great Larry I was just going to wing it.”

“Better get some of these to the band.”

“I just came from there,” said Larry.

“Larry I am glad you are here. I thought I was carrying all this.”

“I got it Cristian I will handle the mike and call you up when it’s time. You just do what you do and wow the crowd.”

“Larry I have you at table two with the Dream team.”

“I figured you might. You will have to keep the three heads of state happy that just lent you the cool toys.”

“You are so right.”    “Sergeant Major, have your men eaten anything?”

“Not yet been too busy. I have the extra men and Apaches they are parked outside.”

“I will be right down.”

Cristian made one more stop down to see Tiffany.

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