Chapter 49


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If you want to become a great chef, you have to work with great chefs. And that’s exactly what I did.                                     

Gordon Ramsay

“Tiffany, how are you holding up?”

“Frantic, First Leader, but loving it. This hotel has never seen anything like this.”

“I am afraid I need to add more to your plate.”

“I have 51 men out guarding your hotel who have not eaten anything. How can we get them some food?”

Tiffany made a phone call.

“The kitchen says there are too busy to handle anymore.”

“What is the chef’s name and where is the kitchen?”

“Armonde. Nancy take First Leader Wolf to the kitchen.”

“Thanks, Tiffany”

“It’s the First Leader, Armonde it’s the First Leader he is coming to the kitchen.”

“First Leader.”

“Chef Armonde” he shook his hand “I know you are extremely busy. I have 51 fighting men out there keeping the Lizards out of here that have not eaten anything. So I am offering my help to you so that we can send them some food. Then we are both happy.”

“I don’t know what to say, no politician has ever offered to help.”

“My men are more important than I am at this moment.”

“I need someone to cut parsley, can you do that sir.”

“Watcher need sous chef training.”

“On it.”

“Where do I wash up?”

“Over there.”

“How much Parsley do you need, Chef and how small do you want it cut.”

“I need it chopped fine and all of it.” Cristian looked at a small mountain of parsley.


“Husband, where are you?”

“Just chopping parsley. I’m in the Kitchen, sweetie.”

“Oh, I gotta see this,” said Lorelei.

Cristian chopped parsley faster than anyone he had ever seen. Then onto carrots and potatoes, then he started on doing the salads. Lorelei and her escorts were standing off to the side watching. The man he replaced prepared sandwiches and drinks and desserts for his men and put them on a rolling cart. When he was done, he came back to take Cristian’s place.

“First Leader when you are done being a politician, come and see me for a job, that was well done sir.”

“When you tire of cooking for thousands, I have need of a chef to feed me and my staff. As long as you can let my wife have access to the kitchen once in a while, she does all our cooking now.”

“I would love to hear more.”

“I will talk to you after the event.”

“Please do First, Leader.”

“Thanks, Chef it has been an honour to have worked under you. Thank you all for what you are doing for the world tonight.”

Lorelei was clapping when Cristian walked out of the kitchen pushing a cart.

“Lorelei, good to see you woman. Give me a hand sweetie, the men outside haven’t eaten anything.”

They rolled the cart outside. “Sergeant Major, I have food here for your men. I have brought a few replacements, so your men can eat. Let me know where you want us to be.”

“How many do you have?”

“Six if we send the E series out Lorelei and I can take the front doors, I can sense Lizards.”

“I am in the north parking lot inside the Stryker. If you could send the food and replacements there.”

“M1 could you take the food and the E-series over to the Stryker.”

“Got it Cristian.”

“Lorelei, you and I have door security.”

“Sergeant Major, food is on its way, and we have the front door get your men fed as soon as you can. I have an hour to get to my reception.”

“I will call as soon as we are done.”

“Last question, what are you doing with the guns you take away?”

“We are giving them tags, and we are storing them in the boxes beside the door, our men will show you what to do. When they have trained, you please send them over for food.”

“Will do.” Within a half-hour, all the men had a chance to have something to eat. Cristian and Lorelei handled over three hundred people at the door and gave tags for thirty handguns.

One overzealous bodyguard refused to give up his gun. Cristian disarmed the man, emptied the rounds then threw it in the air and sliced it in two with his sword. He handed half the gun to the bodyguard and told him he could pick up the other half after the event.

“Sergeant Major, I am taking all the M’s and E series into the event  with me into the event.”

“Understood, I am sending Ethel to the front door. The men have nicknamed E1 as Lucy and E2 as Ethel.”

“From now on, they can take on their new names.”

“E1 you are now designated as Lucy, E2 as Ethel.”

“Understood Cristian.”

“Watcher open comms with Larry.”


“Larry, how are we doing?”

“That’s cool, Cristian, better than a cell phone. We are all good, are you coming into the conference?”

“On our way now.”

“Actually, I would rather that you walk in at 7:05 exactly.”

“What should we do until then.”

“Go to your room.”

“M1 and M2 with us.”

“We are going to our room, please guard the door.”

Back in the room, Lorelei could see her Husband was very anxious.

“Husband, you need to relax, they are just people.”

“Some of the most powerful people in the world Wife.”

“Husband, you are the most powerful man in the world right now.”

“How the hell did that happen?”

“Oh you know, you rid the planet of an infestation that has plagued man for thousands of years, you married a very hot wife, and you have cool toys and a watch that talks.”

“I especially like the hot wife part.”

“Let me calm you down, husband.”

“How are you going to do that?”

“The same way as the girl in Jimmy’s office.”

“OH…………….. Oh.”

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