Chapter 50


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The secret of getting things done is to act! 

Dante Alighieri

The First Leader and First Lady plus two very big Bodyguards started the walk down the hallway to the stairway. The elevator could have been a trap. The stairway was easier to defend. M1 taking point followed by Cristian and Lorelei. M2 took the rear.

“Sergeant Major we have started our descent.”

“Foxtrot Lima Oscar Mike Charlie Break Break Alpha Sierra Lucy Ethel Romeo Papa Zero Delta Tango.“

“What did that mean Cristian?” asked Lorelei.

“First Leader on the move Alpha Squad Lucy and Ethel to Rally point Zero Double Time and here they come.”

“Hey, Lucy how was your afternoon?”

“It was good Cristian Quiet.”

“Alpha Squad report.”

“All quiet First Leader.”

“Great take up positions Around the Perimeter of the room. I will handle close threats you handle far ones.”


“Lucy, Ethel don’t spin your mini’s unless told to.”

“Awe First Leader” answered the machines.

“Let go it’s time.”

“Alpha keep the Sergeant Major updated.”

“Larry we will be at the door in thirty seconds.”

“M1 M2 search for explosives just ahead of us Lucy Ethel up to the stage each side when the music starts give them lights and lasers.”

As Cristian and Lorelei walked into the room Larry was at the stage the room was filled to capacity and then some. “Ladies and Gentleman, Our First Leader and First Lady.”

Everyone stood and gave applause. Cristian and Lorelei waved at the crowd, and the cheers and clapping got louder.

“No explosives Cristian.”

Cristian and Lorelei walked over to their table. Cristian helped Lorelei with her chair. The crowd was still clapping and he waved one more time and he walked around the table and shook hands with the two Prime Ministers and The President. Then he sat down.

“Oh, no First Leader you don’t get off that easy. Come up and give us a few words to start the evening.” There was a little laughter.

As he approached the stage AC/DC started to play shoot to thrill.

When he got to the stage he was approached by an actor in an Iron Man Suit. The band started to play a few riffs from a Black Sabbath song, Iron man.

He walked up to Cristian holding up his arms as if to say WTF.

“Lucy, Ethel surround him and Spin your mini’s, ladies no live rounds.”

He put his hands in the air. Then he said something to Cristian and Cristian nodded they shook hands and Iron man walked off.”

“I thought being a warrior was tough.  I don’t know how all you world leaders do it. I have entered into and finished negotiations with Iron Man. I get the AC/DC song he keeps The Black Sabbath song. Stan Lee are you out in the crowd is this your doing?”

A man with white hair stood up and waved to the crowd. Everyone roared with laughter and then applauded.

“Ladies and gentlemen thank you all for coming, Thank you AC/DC for coming and Angus thanks for the guitar lesson” He nodded and waved.

“Thank you First Leader for getting the band back together.”

“As it should be.”

“Tonight we will unveil the plans for a space-capable fighter that will help protect the planet from our imminent threat. The technology is a gift from our Alien allies Raguel and Uriel. Please stand up” The two aliens stood up to the cheers of the crowds who also got a standing ovation.

“I would also like to welcome them as the first  full Aliens to be made citizens of the Federation of Earth.”

I would also like to acknowledge The scientists back at my base who have worked hard on designing equipment to help defeat the Lizards here on Earth.”

“Here are two of the results of their work Lucy and Ethel.”

“Give them a little show ladies.”

“Got it.”

“Both Lucy and Ethel are veterans of the Lizard wars and are responsible for the deaths of many Lizards. I might point out they were asked to surrender first. None surrendered but we did capture three alive.”

Lasers flashed, lights and flames and Thunderstruck played from their speakers.

“Thank you AC/DC for the songs couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for having us up here. We are here to serve and protect.” said the two machines in unison.

“Thank you, Lucy and Ethel. They will be filming the evening they are also our camera crew.”

The crowd was up again as Lucy and Ethel left the stage.

“I would like to thank the men and women of the Military who are right now protecting you and keeping this room Lizard free. Thanks to the following Leaders and now astronauts, the Prime Minister of my current home country Canada who also supplied us with a C17 to transport our troops. Please Stand up Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister of England who supplied weapons ammo and gear for our security force and who I understand will be helping with the fuel bill for the troop jet. The President of the United States of America who supplied us with vehicles, extra troops and helicopters for tonight.”

“There are two very important individuals here that helped formed the Wolf Alliance. The Alliance that is responsible for saving our planet from Climate change. This dealt a crippling blow to the Lizards who were making us dependent on fossil fuels so they could Terraform our planet for their needs. I give you my Science advisers and the greatest thinkers of our time Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking.”

Both men stood up and waved. More cheering more applause.

Again Cristian waited so as not to take anything away from the two men. When it got quiet again he continued.

“There are just a few more thanks that need saying hang in I know you must be getting hungry. I sure am.”

“The Hilton chain for hosting this event on one day’s notice. Chris where are you stand up?” From the back of the room, a man waved. Chris is the first CEO to travel around the moon.”

My apologies to Richard Branson And Elon Musk. I have been giving rides into space for almost free. Richard, Elon are you here?”

A man with long blond hair and a goatee and a man with shorter dark hair stood up and waved. Thank you for coming. If you are interested I would be happy to take you up. Both gave a thumbs up and smiled.

Larry King who is responsible for putting this evening together.

Last two. I would like to thank the most important person and the love of my life, my beautiful wife Lorelei.

Now I would like you to look around and give yourself applause for making the trip here I know for some of that could not have been easy. Now let’s get the food out.”

The applause started in earnest. Carts of food were rolled out by a small army of men and women. Cristian walked around the room to shake hands.

“Watcher thank you.”

“You are welcome Cristian, will you need help with identification?”

“Yes Watcher that would be helpful the name tags are not always within sight and languages I will need some.”

“At table three. President of Russia. President of China. Prime Minister of Australia. Prime Minister of Norway. President of France. President of Brazil. President of South Africa. President of the Ukraine. Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia.”

“Thanks, Watcher.”

Before the Cart with food arrived at their table. He managed to thank them for coming out in their own Languages. Then he went back to sit with the people of his table.

“Cristian,  Lorelei tells us that you helped with supper?”

“That is true Mr. President. It was the only way I could get food out to the men you all supplied.”

“Extraordinary, how are the men working out,” asked The Prime Minister of The UK.

“Excellent Prime Minister except for one. I dismissed him for being from the wrong planet.”

“You had an assassin?” asked PM of Canada.


“Where is he now?” Asked The Prime Minister of The UK.

“McGuire Air Force base in the morgue in two pieces.”

“I see.”

“I see food is finally on its way to our table,” Said The PM of Canada.

“Sorry about the delay I asked that we be served last.”

“Remarkable,” said the President.

He looked over at his wife who was in deep conversation with the first lady of the US. She noticed him looking and gave him a quick smile. Lorelei’s smile always made things better.

What an amazing night he thought to himself and no Lizards so far. The meal was excellent. Especially the salad thought Cristian. While he was chewing his food he thought of the evening, the fighting was easy compared to this stuff, he was uncomfortable with all the handshaking and hand-holding and everything that went with it. He brought his mind back to focus, the night wasn’t over yet.

Soon after-dinner dessert and coffee arrived, and rolled out on carts. Lorelei was standing up stretching her legs. As she walked toward the stage. A man ran towards her yelling “Die Alien bitch” He was brandishing a dinner knife.

The soldiers in the room already had handguns ready to fire as did Stephen and Albert. Lorelei yelled “Hold” out loud and through her interface.

With two kicks the man was unconscious on the ground. The soldiers hauled him away followed by Albert and Stephen holding their guns on him ready to fire.

“Lorelei, you OK?”

“Yes, Cristian. Get up to the stage and calm everybody.”

Cristian did as he was asked, “The situation has been handled no one was hurt except the man with the knife.”

“Watcher playback Lorelei’s kick on the big screen. No sound”

“Should see it now Cristian.”

“As you can see you shouldn’t mess with the first lady. Glad I married Irish.”

Applause started. Lorelei waved to the crowd.

“Did you enjoy your dinner?” More applause. “Now applaud the staff of the hotel, The chef and kitchen staff and the men and women that rolled out the carts with your food.”

“We will take a fifteen to twenty-minute break. During the break, I would ask if Angus, Malcolm, Brian, Phil, and Cliff would grace us with a few songs.”

The band was strapping on their guitars when Brian got to the Microphone.

“We have been asked to dedicate a song to the First Lady and we would require some help from our First Leader.”

Cristian headed to the stage and was handed the vintage Gibson SG he had played earlier in the day.

“Our first leader will play lead guitar.”

They had a mic waiting for Cristian and he strapped on the Guitar.

“Thanks, Brian and the rest of the Band. Would you mind if I warm up a little before we start?”

Cristian started playing licks from a few different songs. He started with a riff from smoke on the water and La Grange and then he played a little of the Immigrant Song.

“Lorelei this is for you.” Cristian started playing the intro to Shook Me All Night Long.

The band joined in and Angus just stood there and watched. When the song and applause was over Cristian thanked the band and tried to take off the guitar.

“Is there anyone out there that would like to hear the First Leader play one more?” The crowd applauded some more.

This time he was beside Angus who started playing Thunderstruck. He tried to keep up. Angus started doing the Strut that he does across the stage. Cristian followed right behind him keeping in time. The crowd roared. At the end of the song, Cristian pulled off the guitar and handed it back to Angus. He thanked the band and shook their hands one at a time and started to walk off the stage.

“Wait First Leader Angus has something for you.” He walked out with the guitar and handed it to Cristian.

He knew how much that guitar meant to him. He shook his hand and he walked to the Mic. ”AC/DC the official band of the Earth Defence Force. Thank you for travelling halfway around our world to play here tonight.”

With that, he got off the stage and the band played It’s a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll.

He went back to his table and sat with his wife she gave him a very big kiss. “Cristian that was very cool.”

“M1 can you get the guitar back to our room.”

“On my way Cristian.”

“Thank you M1 I know that I did not publicly thank the both of you tonight. I need to keep your existence secret. Thank you M1 and M2.”

“Larry after they are done with this song. We need to ask everyone that is not from a government, or manufacturer to leave the for security reasons remainder of the evening is a closed session.

“That is no problem their Id tags are colour-coded and have built-in RFIDs If there is anyone left in the room with the wrong tag the M’s or Watcher can detect them. Cristian what you did on stage was fun and great PR. The world will eat that stuff up.”

“Great we can edit after the show is done and broadcast to the world everything except the presentation.”

After the room was cleared out of non-essentials Larry got on the microphone.

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