Chapter 51


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Once you get to earth orbit, you’re halfway to anywhere in the solar system.

Robert A. Heinlein

“Now for the event, you came for, here is a presentation done by Raguel and Uriel. Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to present the Shrike Fighter. The first space fighter of the Earth Defence Force.

“Roll it, Watcher.”

The presentation was full of 3d animations and pictures of the new fighter with a hard-hitting voice-over that explained the specifications. There was a demonstration of the two-man fighter showing its defensive and offensive capabilities. Speeds and it’s ability to reach anywhere in our solar system. There was also an animation of its shielding and safety equipment onboard including the solar sail to get the pilots back to safety. Then the big finish was the capability of cloaking the ship. That ended the presentation.

“Next we have a demonstration filmed earlier today showing our combat armour. The cool long jackets that look like they came out of a Wachowski Brother’s film are functional, as are the boots and gloves. Brace yourselves It involves our First Leader.”

The scene where Cristian asked M1 to fire a shot at himself was shown.

“The armour is capable of taking fire from Teflon rounds it absorbs shock from frag grenades. There are Combat glasses as you see our security force wearing that have built-in night vision, range finder, motion tracking and thermal imaging.

There is more, the 1980’s not so fashionable fanny pack Our First leader is wearing is a personal shield that protects against the Lizard’s energy weapons. We will be making that more streamlined in the near future.”


“Who will have access to all of this technology?”

“First Leader would you like to address that question.”

“Watcher tie me into the sound system. Thanks.”

“Everybody will eventually have access to all the technology here,” said the First Leader.

“Right now depending on how much involvement in helping to defend our planet will depend on when you have access. Yes this involves a trade, I need equipment to fight this war, I need men, fighter pilots, and much more. I don’t think we have time to go through the channels to raise money through conventional means. If you want the technology now you need to help with the fight. I make no apologies for my approach. I will do what needs doing to win this war. I am not above corporate sponsorship if it means getting our fighting force up to speed sooner. We have no idea when the Lizards will arrive, but we do know they are coming.

“There are many ways you can contribute to the fight, with support staff, bases of operation. Right now I need Spacecraft built and 400 fighter pilots. I want the best that we have. I also need Military Leaders to join the Defence force. The governments out there can take the money I would have asked for and use it to help the manufacturers pay their workers use tax breaks or anything that will help them along. I am sure that they will reciprocate in kind with lower prices to help with your defence spending. Help each other out and help the Earth Defence Force.

“The specs for the personal armour will be made available to everyone immediately to help keep our troops and our leaders safe.”

“When will you release this technology to the rest of the world First Leader?”

“After the war is won. What you do with the spin-off technology is up to you. Unless you use it on each other, then I will make it my business to intervene. We have a common enemy to battle that alone needs to unite us. I have some suspicions that the Lizards are just the soldiers of a greater foe. I have no confirmation. I will be questioning the three Lizards I have in custody.”

“You have three in custody why were we not told before tonight?”

“I captured them when I was engaged in a private war. I will turn them over to the American authorities after questioning.”

“Why the Americans?” this was spoken with some mild outrage.

“I captured them on American soil. Had I captured them on Russian or Chinese soil. Those countries would be getting them.”

He paused for a moment.

“I know it looks like I favour the three countries sitting at my table. I do not. You have asked me to be the First Leader of the Planet Earth. I favour all nations. As you heard the three leaders sitting at my table have already started to contribute because I asked it of them. With no notice, they gave me everything that was needed so we could safely have this meeting tonight. They deserve the recognition for their commitment to the fight.”

“Gentleman again thank you” He looked over at the three at his table.

“Ladies and Gentleman you have two choices here you are in or you are out. If you are out you will have to explain that to the citizens of Earth.”

“Are you extorting us?”

“Absolutely not, I dislike extortion. I am stating fact. If all of you decided not to contribute I would find a way to continue the fight without you. I will not give up my home to these soulless Monsters. I will fight until I can’t and then I will find the strength to fight even more. I know I will find others that want to fight. We have a better chance if we fight them together. I encourage you to take some time to talk among yourselves.”

“Watcher contact Tiffany and get more coffee and dessert brought out.”

“Done Cristian.”

“We have more coffee coming, it is time to take a break.”

“First Leader I am in you will have access to everything I can supply.”

“Mr. Branson.”

“Please call me Richard.”

“Call me Cristian when we are away from the crowds. I had a feeling you would be the first up here, you are a forward thinker.”

“How would you like to see Mars later tonight?”

“That would be something?”

“I need a break from the crowds I am not one for the politics.”

“You seem to be doing well Cristian.”

“How defensible is your spaceport? Do we have room to house 400 hundred men and support staff?”

“I will make room.”

“What technology are you most interested in?”

“The drive, I can build a ship.”

“I need someone with the capability to build the drive can you do that?”

“I am not sure Cristian I have had some difficulties.”

I know about them, Richard. I will need to give everyone the opportunity to contribute. I won’t make any final decisions for a few days.

Richard one more thing I want the man who was going to give the public space travel on board. Meet me at the front after we adjourn. I have to make my rounds now Richard.”

“See you are the politician.”

“Careful now.” They both laughed.

The representatives for Boeing, Lockheed, McDonnell and a few others ambushed him.

“What kind of deal did you make with Branson?”

“No deals were made, just offers.”

“What did he offer?”

“That will be kept private until decisions are made in a few days. A better question is what do you have to offer and are you interested in getting some advanced technology for your workers, and your shareholders.”

“Ouch he used the S word” said one of the CEO’s.

“Gentleman I need fighters you are the ones that can help get them built. You know that and I know that. It is why you were invited here. So Let’s cut the shit and find common ground. The governments and people of the world will be lining up for spacecraft. Imagine Airliners that can take passengers anywhere in the world in minutes. No more ten-hour flights. Airliners that use almost no fuel that are shielded against all the space junk we left in orbit. What happens when spaceflight is possible for the public, the colonization of Mars just became possible. What would you offer for that? Take some time to consider it. I have many others I need to talk to. Gentleman. I hope I have not offended you it was never my intent.”

The aircraft manufacturers talked to each other “What do think of that?”

“I think him tough but fair. We would be stupid not to be involved.”

“We should consider a cooperative effort between all of us, that would keep us all working and our stakeholders happy and we can get this spacecraft out faster and none of us would have an advantage over the others.”

“What about Branson and Musk?”

“All of us.”

“Any here opposed” None of them made a sound. Let’s get the lawyers involved.”

Cristian made a trip to see his wife. He whispered in her ear.

“How do you think we did Lorelei?”

”I think everyone in the room will be lining up to help Husband.”

“How would you like to meet some of them?”

“I thought you would never ask.”

“Mr. President and Prime Ministers I hope you were not slighted by any of my comments.”

“I think it was a fair comment. I would have been disappointed if it was any other way. I am not slighted whatsoever” said The President. The other two nodded in agreement.

“Great I will not forget what you have done to help out for tonight. If you get me your sizes I will get you armour made up for you and your wives.”

“Watcher relay that message to the M series to do this when we get home.

“The Prime Minister of The UK. I apologize for footing you with the fuel bill without discussing it with you first.”

“Not at all Cristian just remember the jobs we need them.”

“Is BAE represented here Prime Minister?”


“Maybe I should meet them.”

“I can arrange that Cristian.”

“I need to keep moving There are over 2500 here tonight. I have a lot of hands to shake.”


Cristian and Lorelei worked the room and talked to as many people as they could.

Cristian noticed a couple of men studying Lucy.

“Gentleman and ladies.”

Two young men were spending a lot of time studying Lucy. Cristian thought he should have look.

“We could make her faster and more mobile. You have a weak point here, blow the tracks off and she is dead in the water. Why didn’t you give her arms? She could use those to repair and upright herself and for close combat situations.”

“Shields up Lucy.”

“Try to punch her track right now.” he tried and his hand bounced off.

“A shield that’s impressive.”

“Who are you?”

“My name is Steve and I am Andy we are from Supacat.”

“We would like to build you a better Lighter and Faster Lucy.”

“They were originally called the Exterminators.”

“Ya, we like that” Said Andy.

“What are you after?” asked Cristian.

“Her programming and processors they are far beyond anything else we have seen.”

“Actually not. The Exterminators were built using parts available here on the planet, the tech is three years old. The operating system and programming that is proprietary. It is Linux based.”

“That’s Brilliant. Is there a trade we could make?”

“I like your wildcat LRV. I may be in the market for those, for now we have a couple of Humvees and a Stryker on loan from the US. I have twenty-one soldiers plus three other staff that I need to transport from a C17. Let me know what you can do for us?”

“I have many others I need to get to before the night is through. Nice to meet you, Steve and Andy.”

“First Leader and First Lady.”

“Those were interesting young men Cristian?”

“Yes, they were.”

Cristian went on to talk to the President of Russia and China In their home languages. They talked about pilots and support staff needed for the defence force and most of all the financial commitment. He was given assurances that their countries would contribute to the fight. Russia was happy to supply fighter pilots. China would give them support staff.

He went back to the mike to adjourn the meeting.

“Ladies and Gentleman I would like to bring this meeting to a close.”

“Our security force will keep the area safe until tomorrow morning. The conference room will stay open for a few hours if you wish to continue the conversations.”

We can reconvene at ten tomorrow morning for a short meeting if you are interested. You can signify with a show of hands.”

90% of the people in the room raised their hands.

“Tomorrow at ten. Thank you one and all for attending.”

“Lorelei I need to take some people up.”

“I understand will you be gone long?”

“I promised Branson a trip and I thought I would invite The Presidents of Russia and China out for a ride. Sweetie will you take care of our staff and let the band know we will take them home in the morning.”

“I will. Taking those two up is a smart move” he gave her a quick kiss and went on to catch the two Presidents.”

He caught the two before they were out the door he explained his plan and they both agreed.

“Sergeant Major I will be taking a trip up with a few dignitaries. Make arrangements to have your men take shifts sleeping I will arrange for ten cots in the conference room. I will be taking Lucy with me I will send Ethel out as soon as the room is cleared.

“Understood First Leader.”

“Lucy with me Ethel stay in the room until it is cleared and rejoin the Sergeant Major.”

“Understood Cristian.”

Cristian stopped at the front desk and had a chat with Tiffany who had gone back to working the front desk.”

“First leader you rocked that stage.”

“Thanks, Tiffany I need some more help. I need ten cots in the conference room for my men.”

“We need to clean that room First leader.”

“If you could clean it in the morning we will be going in at ten for a short meeting. We will need coffee and muffins in the morning.”

“The chef has already sent word that you are to have anything you want. What did you say to him he isn’t usually like that.”

“I didn’t say anything, I helped out a little, with the parsley.”

“You sure are an interesting man First Leader Wolf.”

“Goodnight Tiffany.”

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