Chapter 52


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I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact.

Elon Musk

“Watcher where did we park the car?”

“I will have her here in a moment Cristian.”

“Richard, good we will have a couple of guests with us.”

“Presidents please climb aboard.”

“Climb aboard what First Leader?”

Cristian thought the ship visible and opened the ramp.”

“Richard please take the co-pilot seat.”

“Lucy are you coming.”

“I am on the ramp.”

“Great film everything.”

Cristian blacked out the ship and lifted up to space.

“When are we leaving Cristian?” asked Richard.

Cristian allowed them to see where they were. Again beside the ISS.

“Watcher you know the drill. Full audio.”

“Yes, Cristian I have Commander Wiseman audio on.”

“ISS this is the Retribution off your starboard side how is everything on board?”

“It is better knowing you are outside First Leader. Thanks for taking care of Gilly.”

“No Problem, Glad I could help. Commander I was in the neighbourhood I thought I would check-in.”

“Everything is good here no signs of Lizards.”

“Good to hear we are continuing on to Mars Cristian out.”

“Have a safe trip ISS out.”

Cristian I did not feel any movement and you have no flight controls.”

“That’s right you didn’t and I am the flight controller.”

“Thought controlled spacecraft are you kidding, active camouflage artificial gravity, inertia dampening. Transparent hull?”

“Yes, Richard.”

“Presidents there is Kleenex between the seats. It is our secret everyone does the same first time up.”

They both said thank you.“We just passed the moon and we are on our way to Mars.”

The first thing he did, is to take them to his work of art.

Cristian that’s too funny when did you do that.”

“1889 Richard.”

“That makes you the first known human to land on another planet and the first man on Mars.”

“Then I claim Mars in the name of all the peoples of Earth.”

Cristian repeated the message in Russian and Chinese.

“Watcher, how cold is it outside?”

“It is 20c and yes there are four re-breathers in the equipment locker.”

“Would you all like to step foot on Mars?”

Cristian gave everyone instructions on the re-breathers. Then they all stepped out on the Martian soil.

It came time for them to leave Cristian took everyone back to Sarasota Springs. The two Presidents shook hands and then hugged Cristian.

“Thank you for coming along. Lucy escort them back to their rooms.”

“On the Job.”

“Richard you are the only one so far that didn’t cry upon seeing the Earth.”

“You didn’t even bat an eye walking on Mars.”

“I was born for this stuff Cristian space is in my blood. The gift you gave me tonight goes far beyond anything anyone has done for me.”

“Glad I could help Richard.”

“The big manufacturers have asked me to join a cooperative to build your fighters.”

“How do you feel about that?”

“I can work with them, we may need a referee from time to time.”

“I have a better idea if you are interested. How about I make you project manager, you Co-ordinate the distribution of the technology and make the trades so we can get these fighters built?”

“I am in how could I refuse?”

“That gives you access to all the technology. Richard, I only ask one thing. You do not use your knowledge to give yourself an advantage over the others. You must be able to separate ego and profit in the name of defending our planet and taking care of our people. I know you will overtake the others without the advantage because you have a better idea of what the future holds.”

“I can do that Cristian.”


“He is telling the truth. He can be trusted.”

“One more thing I have a cool watch I would like you to look at.”

“Ouch what was that.”

“Watcher open comms to Richard.”

“It is how I communicate with my ship and my security force.”

“You cannot however fly my ship as it is coded to me.”

“I also want your word that you will not attempt to reverse engineer the interface or nanobots. You have also been injected with the advanced nanobots they are repairing any health problems you may have. Keep that to yourself. Do all this and I will make your company name a truth. I will help you take Virgin Galactic.”

“I give you my word Cristian.” the two shook hands.

“Can you travel the galaxy?”

“I have travelled to the centre of our Galaxy many times only a few know. I would like to keep it that way for now.”

“That is something.”

“Richard I have an amazing wife I have not spent much time with today.

“I understand Cristian good night.”

“Park the car Watcher. It’s bedtime.”

“Hey honey I’m home are you sleeping?”

“Nope Cristian I am with the band.”

“Should I be concerned?”

“No sweetie, why don’t you join us I brought Tiffany up she is having a ball. Albert and Stephen and a few others.”

“Hey, Cristian.”

“Angus what’s happening?”

“We are just having a bit of food no drugs or alcohol allowed.”

“It was Malcolm’s doing.”

“He convinced us it wouldn’t help your rep if we got out of hand.”

“I appreciate that, I am looking for my wife.”

“I think she is playing poker with Raguel and Einstein.”

“That sounds interesting.”

“Hey Husband where you have been?”

“I took a walk sweetie.”

“Where to?”

“On Mars.”

“Raguel I was thinking the ISS should have some shielding maybe some gravity how hard would it be to do that?”

“Not hard at all, docking with them would be the hard part.”

“I can arrange for suits for an EVA.”

“Albert, how was your evening?”

“Excellent Cristian, you sure wailed on that Gibson. The band has been teaching me about the guitars.”

“Watcher helped me.”

Albert nodded in recognition.“It was still great.”

“I am going to check on the security force.”

“Lorelei I am going to check on the men then I am going to bed.”

“Do you want company?”

“Yours, always.”

As they approached the Stryker three men in military armour approached “Hold it.”

“Ethel where are you?”

“I am approaching the Stryker Cristian.”

“Where is the Sergeant Major?”

“I need the passcode, sir.”

Ethel approached the men.

“Ethel Identify me.”

“Stand down Corporal this is the First Leader and the First Lady.”

“Sorry sir we have passcodes in place.”

“My apologies Corporal I wasn’t informed. Thank you for doing your job. I came out to see if there was anything you needed?”

“We haven’t had grub, sir.”

“I will take care of it.”

“I see Apaches but no pilots?”

“They have to have their mandatory eight sir. They are on cots.”

“No problem If you need air support have Ethel contact me. I have my ship nearby or I could fly one of those.”


“Watcher contact the band’s room.”

“I have Malcolm.”

“Malcolm, can you get Tiffany?”

“Sure Cristian she is right here.”

“Tiffany I know you are off duty. I need twenty large pizzas and drinks for the men outside. Can you make that happen?”

“Yes First Leader.”

“Cristian, call me Cristian do you need money?”

“Nope, I will add it to your bill. Domino’s OK?”

“That is excellent I owe you.”

“Are you kidding I am partying with AC/DC you owe me nothing Cristian.”

“Lorelei did you want to go to bed it’s been a long day.”

“Husband, are you trying to get me in bed?”

“Absolutely I believe I need to return a favour.”

Morning came too soon as it often did when they were together.

“Sweetie I have to go downstairs and finish our event.”

“Cristian I need to sleep a little more. I am tuckered out.”

“No problem you get some rest. I can handle the show.”

“Lucy bring four men and yourself into the conference room. Camera’s on.”

“On our way.”

Cristian walked in and up to the stage at precisely ten o’clock.

“Good morning did you all have time to get some coffee?”

Hands waved the room was almost full again.

Using the interface he talked to Richard.

“Did you have time to talk to Boeing and the rest?”

“Yes Cristian they are glad that one of us is in charge.”


“I have an announcement to make. I have asked Richard Branson to take on the job of head of operations for the Shrike Fighter. He will make the decisions on everything that has to do with the fighter. I trust that he will get the job done quickly, and fairly. He will make sure that the technology is fairly distributed to all who participate.”

“Richard come on up and take over. Our security forces will be leaving within the hour. If you have guns that were checked you should pick them up before they leave.”

“Sergeant Major. Have all men report to help with returning guns to their owners. At 11:30 you can return to the Plane with everyone. Make sure everyone is fed before you go. I will arrange for Meals on the flight.”

“Roger Cristian.”

 Richard came up to the stage “Richard I forgot I promised that the UK some work use British companies where it would make sense If you can.”

“Politics Cristian.”


“I am going to walk among them.”

Cristian shook Richards Hand.

“Richard Branson.”

Cristian again walked around the room and shook hands thanked the people for coming out.

“Mr. President thank you for attending, Prime Ministers.”

“I heard that you walked on Mars last night with the Presidents of Russia and China.”

“All true but I claimed the planet for all the people of Earth in English, Russian, and Chinese. I have it on video, we will broadcast it later.”

“Richard reminded me I was the first one to walk on the planet I did that in 1889.”

“The Peace sign that was you?”

“Yes my earlier travelling days. By the way last one out pays the dinner bill” Cristian said laughing.

“We have already covered it Cristian.”

“Thank you Gentleman. I have made sure that Richard will be giving the technology out fairly to all. I will drop off your armour in the next few days.”

“Mr. President the Lizards are at ADXMAX. Did you want your people there for the interrogation.”

“No Cristian I would rather you deal with that problem. I would rather not have them breathing our air.”

“I understand I will take care of it. All of you have a safe trip home” Cristian walked from table to table until he got near the Coffee Urn. He poured himself a cup of coffee grabbed a muffin on a plate and a napkin.

Chris walked up and offered him a seat at his table. “Thank you.”

“Quite a show Cristian, all those heads of state in the same room getting along, competitors working hand in hand. Quite a sight.”

“I couldn’t have done this alone Chris, so many others kept this together. Including your girl Tiffany she was a huge help.”

“Good because she has asked a favour of me. Tiffany is the best manager this hotel has ever had. She has asked me to give you a reference.”

“I see.”

“I watched you Cristian and you are right you can’t do this alone. You need help, you are running a planet not a home-based business. Tiffany is one of the best.”

“Why do you want to give her up Chris?”

“I really don’t. The stakes are high here the planet gets wiped out Hotels are not going to matter. I know you need her.”

“I really do. I would rather she didn’t know we had this conversation Chris.”

“I understand.”

“Thank you for all you have done for the event and the world Chris.”

“I am going to do one more thing Cristian. Call me at any time if you need lodging at any of our hotels. We will pick up the tab.”

“Thank you Chris.”

Cristian went directly to the front desk. “Tiffany I will need to feed 21 men outside then I will need meals for them and a few more for the flight home.”

“I can arrange that. First Leader There is something I would like to talk to you about if you have a moment.”

“I have time, Tiffany is this about my bill”  he smiled.

“Oh no First leader your bill has been paid. I would like to work for you.”

“I see and what would you do for me.”

“I would be your P.A. you really need one sir.”

“What about your job here?”

“I have talked to Chris, he thinks it would be a good idea.”

“Tiffany what is your last name?”

“Randall sir.”

“After you arrange meals for my men go home and pack. You won’t be coming back.”

“Frickin Awesome. Sorry Sir that would be excellent. I live here sir. I can be packed in five minutes.”

“Tiffany could you look at my watch for a moment. Now you are part of the staff. I will be heading back to the conference.” Then Cristian switched to the internal interface.” Make sure the men are fed and meet me in there.”

“Can you hear my thoughts Cristian?”

“No Tiffany it is a communication device like a cell phone but better. Just think your communication to me and I will receive it.”

“Good” she said a little relieved.

“I need to get back to the conference have your luggage out by the desk we will load it on the way out.”

“I will do.”

“Cristian sweetie I am awake and dressed, where are you?”

“Just heading back to the conference are you coming down?”

“On my way.”

“Sweetie I hired Tiffany as my P.A. is that OK?”

“I think that is fine idea Cristian.”

“You are not concerned that I just hired a hot blond with great legs.”

“No Cristian you would never hurt me.”

“You are correct wife there is no one here or on any planet that could ever replace you. I love you Lorelei.”

“I know. Got any food down there?”

“Just muffins.”

“That is a start. I am really hungry.”

“Did you want me to arrange some breakfast?”


“Tiffany could you arrange to have some breakfast sent up to my wife.”

“I will take care of it Cristian.”


“Larry where are you?”

“I am at the conference. Where are you?”asked Larry

“Just leaving the front desk?”

“Could you do a meeting with the head of NASA for a few minutes?”

“Are we filming Larry?”

“A meeting with NASA absolutely.”

“Watcher give me an update on his career.”


“Cristian, Charles Smith.”

“First Leader Wolf.”

“Please call me Cristian.”

“All right Cristian. I hear you have been showing us up.”

“Never my intention sir, I have the deepest respect for your Agency.”

“No don’t worry we love what you have been doing. I hear you walked on Mars Last night?”

“Yes I did and I claimed the planet in the name of the people of Earth. That isn’t why you are here?”

“No Cristian we will be facing major funding cuts because of your technology, you are making us redundant.”

“Not on my watch, Charles. NASA was involved with the joint mission to Mars Last night.

“We were?”

“Absolutely, contact Commander Wiseman.”

“We are also working on shields to help protect the ISS from harm, also, a joint effort since you are supplying Raguel with the suit he needs for the EVA. The public will know that we are working together.”

“Cristian NASA will be forever in your debt.”

“No sir they will not, we are forever indebted to all the men and women who have served and given their lives in the service of the planet Earth in our reach for the stars. Now is the time to double our efforts. We will move the timetable forward and work towards the Colonization of Mars and establish bases there and on the Moon. We will work together as a planet to make this happen now.”

“Too bad we didn’t catch that on camera Cristian.”

Cristian shook his hand “Smile Charles.”

“Thank you, First leader, NASA is happy to participate in future joint missions with the Earth Defence Force.”

“Camera off.”

“Damn funding is going to be a problem any more. I know why they made you First Leader.”

“Charles if you have need of our spacecraft for emergencies or if you wanted to see Mars for yourself contact me or Larry. Keep in mind we are about to go to war.”

“Thank you Cristian. Is there anything you need?”

“We could use some stickers for the side of our ship that show our support for NASA.”

“I will have them ready when you come for the suits.”

“There is more, I need to establish a new dew line up on Mars and the Moon as fast as we can. I will send Uriel over to NASA to help with the technology. I can send him with you now.”

“Excellent we will get to work on it.”

“Charles gather all the space agencies in the world and get the Mars One group involved”

“Right away Cristian.”

“Listen Charles I need to make mention of the Russian and Chinese involvement in last night’s mission somehow. You can contact their agencies and spin it. Let Larry know so we present the same idea.”

“I will take care of it.”

“Take care Charles I have to run.”

“What’s next Larry?”

“We have a lot of people that want to sign up for the Earth Defence Force. How do we handle that?”

“Good Question we can discuss that on the Plane Ride Home. I have hired the girl from the front desk as my P.A. Larry.”

“Excellent you need one.”

“So everyone says. We should get back to the conference.”

As they got back to the conference Richard was still at the podium taking questions.

“I see our First leader is back with us.”

“Would you like to say a few words to close the conference First Leader?”

“I seem to be running out of words and I left my Guitar in my room,” he said causing a little laughter.

“I have seen all of you do amazing things in this room last night and today. I have seen rival competitors and rival Nations working together for one purpose. To defend our home. I have never seen a finer moment in human history than right now. You have shown the people of the planet Earth that we have come of age. No longer do we need to destroy each other but the need now is to keep us from being destroyed by an outside force. We will prevail.”

He paused until the applause quieted a bit “Thank you everyone who came out and helped with this effort” Everybody stood up and cheered as Cristian walked off the stage. On the way down he spotted Lorelei and headed straight for her.

Shaking many hands as he went.

“Cristian the next man has a ring with poison meant for you. right hand.”

He drew his sword and cut the man’s hand off and then threw him down on the ground and held him there foot on his throat. “Tell me who or everyone you have ever known will suffer.”

“I —have—- no—- one.”

“You will talk before I am done with you.”

“Watcher thanks scan him for other threats.”

“Cristian he has a hollow poison tooth I have rendered him unconscious.”

“Take him away he said to one of his men. Be careful he has a poison tooth and his hand he has a ring covered in Poison.”

Cristian assured the crowd.“Everything is alright just another failed attempt.” The crowd moved a little quicker to the exits.

“You alright Husband?”

“It was nothing Watcher caught him in time.”

“It’s time we left Wife.”

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