Chapter 55


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Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.

Vincent Van Gogh

Cristian was gone less than three hours. The plane would be at CFB Winnipeg fuelling up with Hydrogen. For the next leg of the trip.

Cristian stopped at Tuscon to deliver a message to an inmate’s wife. She invited him in for a coffee. They talked for twenty minutes while the men waited inside. He asked her if she had any needs. She told him that money was tight and it was hard to make ends meet.

“Corporal Hutch in the bottom of the equipment locker in the Retribution there is a gold bar could you bring that in.”

“Maria this is from Tiny he is doing a job for me in the prison.”

“I don’t want that if he is going to kill someone I don’t want no blood money.”

“No, just the opposite I asked him to protect a man.”


“He told me to tell you that he loved you and that he was going to counselling for his anger issues. His words.”

Tiny’s wife started to cry. “He is a good man. But that temper. He never touched me or the kids.”

“What happened? A gang of drunk bikers called me a Mexican” she whispered the rest of the words to Cristian because of the kids in the room.”

“If someone said that about my wife I would have done the same thing.”

“First Leader thank you.” She gave him a very big hug.

“You cannot tell anyone about the gold, some would kill you for that.”

“What you think I was born stupid, my momma” She made the sign of the cross “God rest her soul, never raised no dummies First Leader.”

“I meant no offence, I promised Tiny I would look in on you.”

Soon after that, he left. She called the local news station and she told her story on the air. She said “Tiny I love you honey and God Bless you First Leader.”

When he saw that he knew a very large man would be choking back a tear. He almost let one loose when he saw it.

“Now let’s see if we can catch a plane.”

They caught the Plane over Saskatchewan. “Lorelei are you there.”

“Larry is Lorelei on the Plane?”

“No Cristian she has taken the Probability home with a few others. I am doing some troop interviews I will stay with the men.”

“See you at home.”

“I am not sure I know where that is.”

“M1 will take you in.”

“Watcher can you get the pilots of the plane on.”

“Captain I am at your eleven o’clock.”

The ship was visible.

“After you drop my men off you can return to base.”

“Roger First leader.”

“You are welcome to come to the base for a meal and rest first. The location is classified, even to your officers. Where is your home Captain?”

“Trenton Sir.”

“Have a safe trip home”

“Been a pleasure sir.”


“Watcher let’s go to the cave.”

“I am going to relax a bit.” Watcher flew the ship home into the ocean and up the canyon.

“Lorelei, Tiffany how are you?”

“How did it go sweetie?”

“They gave up the information with little provocation”


“I executed them. Wait for the movie we will broadcast it to the world.”

“Was it necessary Cristian?”


“Then don’t fret about it.”

“I didn’t enjoy it.”

“I know you didn’t, was the info useful.”


“Would you like Pie?”

“Yes.” Lorelei knew something was bothering Cristian. She knew that he would discuss it when he was ready.

“How is everyone?”

“They are all doing great.”

“Your mom has been watching all the broadcasts she is very proud.”

“Did we find housing for Tiffany?”

“We have mattresses but the rooms are not finished yet. All the materials are here.”

“I do believe I saw a mechanical putting on a tool belt.”

“I think I will join him after pie.” Sure enough, a circular saw was screaming in the background.

“I missed home Lorelei where are the cats?”

“I think they are on the way.”

“Hey, cats been killing the mice in the back of the cave?” The two of them were purring circles around his legs like mad cats do.

“Mother, how are you?”

“I am good son. You have been busy?”

“You have no idea.”

“I heard you executed three more.”

“They weren’t what I expected. They had honour. They were different.”

“And it troubles you?”

“It caused some doubt.”

“Maybe that was their purpose to cause you doubt.”

“I never looked at from that angle, thanks mother.”

“First Leader is there anything we can do while we are waiting for the rest of WolfPack?” asked one of the two soldiers with him.

“Can either of you swing a hammer?”

“Third-generation carpenter sir.” Said, Hutch

“My father was a plumber I can do that.”

“Great Higgins,” said Cristian  “I am coming over in a few minutes. M2 will get you going on your new accommodations. Be warned he may have changed his appearance. You will recognize him.”

“Dirty Harry no fucking way. Can I call you Callahan?”

“I think I would like that Hutch,” said the mechanical.

“Do you have some blueprints I can look at Callahan?”

“I will send them to the printer.”

“Right I got it. We are building barracks two to a room. Plus a gym and a theatre. I am gonna make a couple of changes Callahan.” Hutch grabbed a carpenter’s pencil and simplified the plan. No slide-out beds the bathrooms and showers stayed. He changed the location of the doors and bathrooms to save on the plumbing runs and give some more privacy to the rooms.

Pretty soon they were joined by scientists and even Mary came over to help. Drinks and snacks were brought over by Lorelei. By the time the rest came down the elevator. The walls of the barracks were framed in. Next came the fibreboard panels and flooring.”

“Yo yo yo we are in the freakin bat cave man” said one of the soldiers just arriving.

“Sargent Major have your men stow their gear along the wall in the cafeteria and then find out who can help build the barracks.”

“They will all help Cristian.”


We walked past a lot of building materials in the warehouse does that come down Cristian?”

“Yes all of it, you can take it to where the theatre is going to be.”

Tiffany had found her way to Cristian’s office. She was working a setting up a schedule and contact list as best she could. She would need help filling it in.

She noticed that there was a sense of community in the cave. She felt at home here like the rest did. She thought it was odd since they were in a cave.

Cristian remembered a scene from his window in Vancouver past where building was going everywhere. He thought of the same here. It seemed everywhere in the complex, construction was going on. He made his way back to his office where he found Tiffany deep in thought.

“I see you found my office.”

“Sorry, sir.”

“No don’t get up I just came for a bit of quiet.”

“I wasn’t expecting to bring you along Tiffany I am afraid I don’t have quarters for you yet. You are welcome to use my office there is bedding in the closet and the couch is very comfortable. Pull the H.G. Wells book, it will reveal a shower and bathroom Larry was staying in here but he can bunk in with the soldiers for now.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Please call me Cristian in here that’s my name, out in the world I am the First Leader. Did Lorelei give you the 50-cent tour?”

“Yes Cristian, you live in a cave.”

“It is home for me and the others and it can be for you.”

“Thank you.”

“Tell me how do we contact the outside world?”

“We have a Lecture hall inside there you will find two laptops connected to the outside world the rest of the computers here do not have access by design. There is also a media room where Larry and M1 do the editing of our video. I can do conference video in there. I will be moving that into the Lecture hall soon.”

“Watcher I should asked sooner is this woman all right?”

“I would have warned you Cristian.”

“Thanks, old friend just checking.”

“It’s time you two met.”

“Hello, Tiffany.”

“Who said that Cristian?”

“Meet Watcher he is about to update you on all of my activities and history you may want to sit on the couch and put your feet up.”

“Is this going to hurt?”

“A little, it can be a little overwhelming. Watcher give her the complete history of our world and give her fighting and guns skills.”

“Are you ready Tiffany?”

“Yes, Cristian.”

In a few minutes, he asked “Are you okay Tiffany?”

“Holy shit Cristian.”

“Now you are up to speed?”

“So you got this watch from a train robber and you are out to save the world.”

“Yup pretty much?”

“And I know how to field strip a fifty calibre Sniper rifle and I can kick ass.”

“Again pretty much.”

“You executed three Lizards on Mars and cut the hand of an assassin that was sent by the pharmaceutical companies because they are pissed at you and kept NASA going and helped an inmate’s wife just this morning. Shit diseases and the scorched Earth. Are you some kind of superhero?”

“Think back to the beginning of the story Tiffany.”

“Holy shit you were a biker who lost his family because of a cheating wife. Then you found out those weren’t even your children” she sighed. “That makes the story more interesting Cristian.”

“The story is ongoing Tiffany, now you are part of it.”

“I feel like I just watched a four-hour non-stop action movie. I have seen the videos on the news but they don’t cover a half, no a quarter of what you and your people have done.”

“Listen Tiffany I am not looking for hero-worship I just did what needed doing at every step of the way.”

“Cristian I am overwhelmed.”

“Don’t be Tiffany there is still a lot to do.”

“Can I see it?”

He reached for the chain he had put around his neck so many months ago and handed Tiffany the watch. She handed the watch back to Cristian and slumped into the couch and fell asleep. Cristian went into the kitchen to find Lorelei as he knew he would.

“Hey, sweetie did you find Tiffany?”


“Where is she?”


“Cristian Wolf, did you hurt her?”

“Just a little and it wasn’t me it was Watcher.”

“Oh sure blame the pocket watch” Watcher retorted.

“What did you do?”

“Gave her some history and some fighting skills and some gun skills.”

“How much did you give her?”

“Just from when I found the watch till now.”

“No wonder she is sleeping? Her brain is probably hurting.”

“I thought she should know what we have done.”

“It’s a good thing she is tough and I agree with the fighting skills,” said Lorelei. That girl is gonna sleep for a while. Supper will be ready in twenty minutes.”

“Sweetie, is it time I got you some help? The chef back at the hotel might have come with us.”

“I would consider that if I had something else to do.”

“I will give you something to do,” He said as he kissed her neck.

“Cristian Wolf if you keep doing that I will burn dinner?”

“I am going to find Larry I want him to broadcast the events of the day.”

“Sure tease and run.”

“Later wife”

“Larry have a chair.”

“Watcher give him the footage from earlier.”

“Holy Shit Cristian,” said Larry.

“I get that a lot lately.”

“So we have a new foe and the executions. You don’t want me to broadcast this?”

“I think the leaders should see it first. Maybe I have time to talk to them before dinner? You can join me.”

“Watcher see if they are all available tell them I have urgent news.”

“Cristian they will be ready in five minutes.”

“Great I have time to grab a coffee.”

“I can see you had no choice but to execute them I hope everyone else will,” said Larry.

“I think the information obtained will overshadow the executions,” said Cristian.

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