Chapter 56


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If you want to make enemies, try to change something.

Woodrow Wilson

“Ladies and Gentlemen good evening good morning and good afternoon. I obtained information I think vital to the security of our planet. You will be the first to see this. Be warned there is a brutal scene. This is complete and unedited.”

“Watcher roll it.”

They watched the interrogation and execution of the Lizards.

“First leader, will you broadcast this?”

“I will be open with the people of Earth they have been lied to enough.”

“Some will condemn you for what you did.”

“Let them condemn, I gave those Lizards better treatment than they gave some of our fellow humans in their kitchens.”

“What about the Gray?”

“That is the real problem,” Said Cristian.“Now we know who the real enemy is and where they live.”

“Will you attack?”

“We are not ready? We do not have a fighting force nor do we have the machines ready. We will bide our time get prepared and hope they don’t show up before then.”

“What about the scorcher First Leader?”

“Again let me make my policy clear we will fire if fired upon. We will annihilate them if we are attacked. I will be damned if I will authorize a first strike. We have the word of three Lizards it is not good enough to destroy an entire world.” Cristian drove his point home.

“Good response First Leader.” The leaders applauded.

“I have another matter. This next video is of the interrogation of the Assassin. Again be warned My methods are brutal.”


“You threw a man off the plane First leader.”

“Technically he had a harness on.”

“I warned you about the power of the pharmaceutical companies First Leader.”

“Yes, you did Mr. President.”

“I have a name.”

“I will be picking him up and I will be sending a message to the others.”

“Are you going to threaten them?”

“No, I am going to offer an olive branch and give them a suggestion.”

“What suggestion?”

“That they turn their attention to our enemy.”

“Or ?”

“Be tried for treason in a public court. That their assets be stripped from them under the Rico act and then used to fund the war effort.”

“You are killing their business.”

“Is it any different than when the government’s got tough on the tobacco companies that were killing our people? I say not, it is public knowledge that most Pharmaceuticals do more harm than good. It is time that people came before profit? The same people that have voted most of you into office.”

“Was that a veiled threat First Leader.”

“No if you receive a threat from me you won’t have to question my meaning,” Cristian said sternly.

“Russia stands behind the First Leader.”

“China as well.”

“The United States of America stands behind the world leader.”

Soon all countries followed.

“Thank you leaders of the world for your support I will continue to act on behalf of all people .”


“Cut the feed Watcher.”

“Holy Shit Cristian,” said Larry.

“There it is again.”

“You just browbeat the leaders of the world and they loved you for it.”

“Are we broadcasting that?”

“Right after I pick up the highbrow lowlife that tried to kill me.”

“Time to have some supper, Larry, Tiffany.”

The cafeteria was full the tables formed one big table in the shape of a U. One seat was left open at the centre.

“Aren’t you going to eat?”

“We were waiting for you First leader,” said Hutch.

“Is there someone that would like to say, Grace”

One of the British Soldiers stood up. It was Corporal Dickinson.

“I pray Lord that you bless the food we are about to eat and that we always be victorious in Battle. Please  protect our First Leader and his wife, and all of us.” Everybody answered Amen

“Well said Corporal welcome to the newcomers, may you consider this your home away from your homes. Let’s eat.”

Tiffany sat beside Lorelei and looked much better. The meal was excellent there was ham and roast beef and lots of extras. When dessert was done everyone helped with clean up. Mattresses were put into the unfinished rooms and bedding was handed out. The walls were up but the plumbing was only roughed in, no doors were up.

“Tiffany, how are you?”

“Much better Cristian?”

“Are you going on a mission tomorrow? “

“I am not sure when.”

“I need to find a bean counter I can trust. Does anyone know of one?”

“You do Cristian,” said Lorelei.“He is in the house above the warehouse.”

“How obvious was that? I will be back in a few minutes.”

“Cristian you cannot travel alone anymore. Those days are over sir.” said the Sergeant Major.

“Right Lucy and I need two men.”

“Hutch and Dickinson suit up full armour.”

“Right Sergeant Major.”

In just a couple of minutes, the small force was ready to go up the elevator to the warehouse and up to the house.”

“Arthur, how have you been?”

“Holy shit Cristian.”

“And again.”

“You are the First Leader. I have been watching you on the TV.”

“Yes Arthur, there is something I need you to do?”

“Name it Cristian or should I address you as First Leader.”

“You have always known me as Cristian as your Father did and his Father did. I would like you to come work for me.”

“I already do but there isn’t much to do anymore.”

“Come with me Arthur, are you married?”

“No Cristian I live alone.”

He took Arthur down the rabbit hole and he met everyone. Arthur was a very mild-mannered person used to being alone.

“This was here all along Cristian, you have a city under here.”

“That may be an exaggeration I haven’t done a headcount lately but you will. I need someone to pay these people and keep track of expenses. Can you do that and are you interested in doing that?”

“Hell yes, Cristian? It is what I trained for.”

“Lorelei are you finished in the kitchen?”

“Yes, Cristian would you mind introducing Arthur to the crew.”

“Love to Husband.”

“Arthur it is good to see you?”

“Lorelei how long has this cave been here?”

“Your great-grandfather visited the cave, it was here long before that.”

“How do you know that?”

“I was here?”

“Cristian has he seen your watch yet?”

“No not yet” Cristian handed Watcher to Lorelei. “This watch was around when your Great-Grandfather was here. Your great-grandmother was one of my best friends take a look.”

Tiffany was walking by as he took hold of the watch.

“Better sit down Arthur.”

“What. Ouch, it stabbed me.”

“Watcher same as Tiffany.”

“Arthur come with me?” Tiffany took him to Cristian’s office.

“Here sit on the couch and relax. I will come back for you.”

“Everybody look at the news Cristian is on the news, again.”

Tell me what happened in your own words.”

Well, I was making a cup of coffee when I heard a knock at my door. When I opened it was the First Leader he came to give me a message from my Husband. He is in prison. I poured him a cup of coffee and we talked. He asked if everything was okay. I told him that money was tight. So he gave me some money and said it was from my Husband”

Did our First leader pay your Husband to hurt someone?”

Watch your mouth Lady don’t you say bad about our First Leader he asked Tiny to protect a prisoner and he promised my husband that he would give me a message.”

And what was the message?” asked the reporter.

That Tiny said he loved me and he was going to counselling for his anger.

He never hurt me or the kids but he is in jail because he was defending my honour. Some bad bikers called me the c word and he lost his temper. The FIrst Leader said that if someone called his wife that he would have done the same thing.”

How do you know that was the First Leader?”

He told me to call him Cristian.”

Yup that’s him alright. Is there anything else you would like to say”

Tiny I love you honey and God Bless you First Leader.”

“You did have a busy day Husband.”

Everyone in the cafeteria applauded.

“OK, that’s enough I kept a promise to an inmate.”

“And you always keep your promises,” said his wife.

“What good is a promise if I break it. Anybody up for a movie?”

“What do have in mind.”

“Not the Shawshank Redemption. I was thinking Casablanca or the original True Grit is if anyone is interested.”

“We can start at seven we will have to set up the projector in the cafeteria we outgrew the lecture hall.

“All votes for Casablanca.” Four hands went up.

“Votes for John Wayne in True grit.” The rest of the hands went up.

Popcorn and drinks were put out. Cristian’s old recliner was dragged out. Lorelei took her rightful place with a big bowl of fresh popcorn cooked in coconut oil, drenched in real butter

“One of these days I will have to get you your own chair.”

“I like things the way they are, thank you, Husband.”

“Tiffany, you may want to wake Arthur?”

“Oops Forgot him.”

“Roll it, Watcher. Dim the lights.”

The film was projected on the wall and was ten feet across. The sound system made them feel the bullets. Mary left the room and came back with the baby shield. “Thanks, Mary”

Raguel and Uriel came in within a couple of minutes of the film starting. They found a seat and watched with everyone else. Mary made sure that they had supper and got them some popcorn.

Arthur was sitting at the back of the room. Albert noticed he was alone. He quietly introduced himself and shook his hand. Then he sat with him and shared his popcorn. Stephen soon joined him.  Tiffany sat with Larry next to Cristian. The Wolf Pack was all there as were the scientists from the future.

Cristian was proud of all the members of his team who worked hard. Most of them have been doing that without pay. Arthur would change that. Most of the people there didn’t need money they were given everything they asked for. The soldiers, Larry and Tiffany were used to getting paid for their work. Cristian and Lorelei had everything they needed. Albert and Stephen never asked for money.

Everyone started to laugh when John Wayne went through the writ for a rat dialogue just before he shot the rat eating the cornmeal. At the end they laughed and cheered at the end seeing a one-eyed fat man jump a four-rail fence.

The movie ended, everybody found a bed. Arthur found his way home with a promise to be back in the morning. Tiffany slept on the couch in Cristian’s office. Lorelei fell asleep head on Cristian’s chest. The cats fell asleep one on each side. The only one not sleeping was Cristian who was pondering the Gray.

According to the internet, the system they were in was only 310 light-years away. According to the scientists he was travelling near 60000 light-years each way every time he travelled through time. 310 seemed like the next town over. How many worlds have they conquered, was it for resources, was it for power, was it just contempt that fuelled the species that now threatened his home? So many unanswered questions.

Next, he had to deal with the enemy at home. Drug companies that were making billions of dollars keeping people sick, with doctors their willing stooges selling wholesale death. In exchange for golf games and trinkets. He would strike back at them tomorrow in a grand manner.

Cristian formulated a plan and closed his eyes.

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