Chapter 7




Doing well is the result of doing good. That’s what capitalism is all about.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Watcher, we need a company name, how about Wyld Stallyns Inc.”

“For St. George’s Steed.”

“No Watcher for Bill & Ted’s Band.”

“Are we having an excellent adventure, Cristian?”

“Party on Dude.”

Cristian and Arthur travelled to the lawyer’s office by buggy. When they got there, they sat in a waiting area just like they would have in the 21st century, some things never change.

A woman wearing a long dark dress, wearing her hair up as was normal in this time period, came out to the waiting room. He thought it strange that women of the day would wear dresses that made their asses look fatter. Maybe the design was an equalizer so that all female butts looked the same, and how the hell did they breathe with those corsets on. He felt some guilt for the way fashion treated women through the ages, at least until he remembered the  micro-mini skirt.

“Mr. Dumont will see you now.”

“Mr. Dumont, my name is James Stewart. This is Arthur Clark, my Business Manager.”

“What can I do for you, Mr. Stewart?”

“I am here about legal representation for my new company. The company you are about to incorporate.”

“Why did you choose our firm?”

“I hear good things about you, and I believe your firm will be here for years.”

“Thank you, I believe so as well.”

“Great, let’s drop the pretense and get on with business. The company name will be Wyld Stallyns Inc. Or W.S. INCORPORATED.”

“Now about my fees, Mr. Stewart?”

“Paid in cash at the time of signing plus a retainer against future business” Can this be accomplished by tomorrow?”

“I will need more information, but I am sure we can accommodate your needs.”

“Arthur will be back this afternoon with everything you need. I will be back in the afternoon tomorrow for signing and payment” Said Cristian.

As the two men headed out for the rental buggy, Arthur asked: “What’s Next Jimmy?”

“We need an office.”

“I know where there might be one. It even has a view of the inlet and the train yard” said Arthur.

“Excellent, I do love the tall ships.”

The office was on the second story of a brick building near the water on Carrall Street. There was a shed at the back they would rent that as well. It would make a great parking space for the Ascalon. Money changed hands, and a location was established for the new business venture.

“Arthur, let’s go for a well-deserved Lunch.”

“I know of a café nearby.”


In the café, as they were waiting for their meal, they discussed the plans for the company. “We are going to buy real estate, Arthur.”

“And sell?”

“No, we will buy, build and rent,” He said before taking a sip of coffee. “We will sell in the future when the land and developments are worth more. The buyers and sellers of today are short-sighted. They sell to make money in the short term. We are long-term players.”

“There would be a higher profit margin if prices stay on an increase. What about during periods of decline?”

“Periods of decline always disappear. Over time, real estate always appreciates.”

Dinner was paid for, the two men boarded the waiting buggy.“To the Hotel Vancouver.”

As they were driven, he counted out a few hundred dollars and gave Arthur his papers.

“Take the documents to the lawyers, give them the corporate address and if you have time find some furnishings for the office, nothing extravagant. We will need a bookkeeper. If you can, arrange for interviews for tomorrow morning at the office. Make it clear to the lawyer that I am a very private man and would not like to see my name in any newspaper. Arthur, please keep track of all expenditures.”

Arthur was amazed at the speed his new boss was moving. He had arranged a new company, new office and employee in the same day. He was worried he wouldn’t be able to keep up.

Seeing the look of worry on Arthur’s face, he gave him some assurance. “You are doing well, Arthur, you have a future with me as long as you want it.” That eased his mind a little.

“After you are finished the day, take your fiancée out for a nice dinner. If you would allow, bring her by the office tomorrow. I will be there at ten o’clock; I would like to meet her. Of course, if that is acceptable to you.”

Cristian arrived back at the hotel and went straight to his room.

“Watcher, where is the real estate we are looking for?”

“538 Westminster Avenue. We will build a modest two-story brick building as it is in the future. You have a sketch of the building in your pocket. The building will sell in 2012 for 6.5 to a condo developer. Then we need to come back here to use the money to buy the bricks for the building.”

“Cool, we are selling the building in the future to pay for its construction in the past, got it. How do we get the money back here? Surely we can’t keep looking for old currency.”

“Don’t call me Shirley. Gold, we will buy Gold at a low price, sell at a higher price in the future buy more gold and do it again, and then we sell it for less here, so we can buy land for less and sell it for more in the future.”

“Funny Watcher, that sounds too easy. With that, I am going to sleep till morning.”

“Goodnight Cristian.”

