Chapter 8





While the rest of the species is descended from apes, redheads are descended from cats.

Mark Twain

Outside there was a man painting a name on the door, W.S.INC. Inside there were three people waiting as he walked into the outer office.

In the inner office, Arthur was sitting at a new desk, working on paperwork. Beside him was a very pretty young lady, a tall Brunette with dark brown eyes, wearing the latest fashion of the day.

“You must be the fiancé?”

“And you, the Capitalist,” the woman said with a smile.

“James Stewart, Dorothy” as Arthur introduced the two to each other.

“Please call me Jimmy or James, pleased to meet you, Dorothy.”

“You as well, James, why did you request my presence?”

“To the point, Dorothy, excellent. I believe that a man is only as good as the woman behind him. I believe a good woman can make a man, a bad one can break him. This company involves my Capital, so a meeting was necessary. I apologize for any inconvenience.”

“No inconvenience James, I wanted to meet the man who was changing our future. Where is the woman in your life?”

“She almost broke me,” said Cristian.

“Cristian, I detect no signs that this woman is not sincere, she does love Arthur, is very intelligent.”

“Watcher, thanks, I get the same idea.”

“Dorothy, you are welcome to stay through the interviews if you would like?”

“No, Jimmy, I know you and Arthur will make a good choice. I have much to do today. It was a pleasure to meet you.”

“Good day” answered Cristian.

Dorothy bent down and kissed Arthur on the cheek and whispered something to him, and she walked out.

“We have three interviews, Jimmy, by the way, Dorothy approves of you.”

“I feel the same about her, you are a lucky man. Let’s get started, Arthur.”

The first was a man who verbally gave his references. A few questions were asked.

“Not this one Cristian, he is hiding something,” Said Watcher.

“Thank you for your time. We will contact you if you are needed.”

“You don’t know where to find me.”

“That’s right, we don’t. Good day” said Cristian, driving the point home.

The next was a very pretty, petite red woman with long red wavy hair tied in a ponytail with a ribbon. Cristian watched her walk-in noting that she carried herself well. Armed with a few letters of reference, she answered all the questions with confidence.

“Cristian I like this one, smart, and sincere, she shows signs of loyalty to her previous employers,” said Watcher.

“I like her too, Watcher, she would definitely be an asset and not at all hard to look at.”

She smiled and turned to Cristian. “You will hire me,” She said with complete abandon.

“Why is that Miss O’Rourke?”

“Because you could not do anything else.” He knew she was right, there was something about this woman, something very familiar.

Cristian addressed her. “Miss Lorelei O’Rourke, would you mind waiting in the next room.” She wore a radiant smile as she walked out.

The last interview went quickly. Watcher did not approve at all using words he dared not repeat out loud with Miss O’Rourke in the outer office.

“Tell me your impressions, Arthur.”

“Miss O’Rourke was the only choice.”

“I agree.”

“How much shall we offer her Jimmy?”

“Arthur, ask her and double it.”

“It seems like a strange way to handle business, shouldn’t we pay her less than she asks?”

“If I did that with you, would you have left your post and come to work for me?”

“No probably not.”

“People are the most valuable asset a company has. Always treat them as so. What you think you might lose in profit you will gain in dedication, and loyalty and will be returned a hundredfold in hard work. How do you feel you have been treated? Are you dedicated to this venture?”

“Yes, sir, I am very dedicated.”

“That is precisely why I hired you, Arthur.”

“I understand sir, sorry…. Jimmy” said, Arthur.

“Well, go get your new employee. Let’s get started.”

“Miss O’Rourke, how should I address you? I am very informal, you can call me Jimmy or James.”

“Lorelei sir.”

“You can drop the sir. You work for Arthur. Arthur works for me. The only thing I ask is not to mention me to anyone. I am rather private when it comes to the outside world.”

“Yes, James.”

“Now that we got all that out of the way, we need to keep moving forward. Arthur, what is it that we need next?” He did this so that Arthur could start taking charge.

He turned to his new employee and said, “Lorelei, please pick up what supplies you will need and find a desk for yourself and have it delivered. Jimmy and I have a Lawyer’s meeting this afternoon. We will see you when we get back. He handed her a pile of money. This should cover your expenses. Please keep track. Here is a set of keys for the office.”

“Of course” She replied as she went out the door still smiling.

“Jimmy, I have a set for you as well. Here are your keys and as you requested the only key for the shed.”

“You handled that well, Arthur.”

“Shall we go?” Arthur answered very business-like.

The rain had started, as it often did in Vancouver. He would need a raincoat and umbrella before the day was through.

Later papers were signed and money was exchanged with the lawyers and the company was established. There was still time required for the paperwork to go through the government, but the business was official starting today.

“Driver, please take us to the corner of Westminster Avenue and Keefer Street.”

“Yes Sir.”

They had arrived at their destination where they found a few muddy vacant lots covered in more root exposed stumps. He reached for a paper that had been folded in his pocket.

Cristian revealed a beautifully, hand-drawn sketch of a modest two-story brick building. “You can’t see it in this picture, Arthur, but I want you to build a hidden Coach house underneath the building. I believe horseless carriages will play a big part in the future. Make sure you build us an office upstairs, one room for each of us.”

He looked up the hill to the east, and he could almost see the school he would go to in the future. It was where he first kissed a girl. The school would be built near the corner of Victoria Drive and Hastings in the near future. Her name was Cindy. He would never forget her as long as he drew breath. At 12 years old, she was his first love.

“We are going to build this here. Rather, you are going to build this here. My job will be to bring the money.”

“It will be done” Arthur trusted him, he knew things.

“I need a bank Watcher. Got it, thanks.”

“Now let’s get on to the bank. Driver, take us to the Bank of Montreal on Hastings.”

He opened a corporate account, showing his newly incorporated documents and Identification. Arthur was designated as a signatory and President of the company. Jimmy was also a signatory. They deposited $3000 to start the company. He also opened a trust account for his nephew Robert where he deposited $1000 for his future. So he told the bank manager.

Back at the office, Lorelei was sitting at her new desk as the two Capitalists walked in. “Good afternoon James, Arthur.”

“Afternoon” Was the reply while hanging up his new raincoat and umbrella on the coat tree that wasn’t there before they left.

“Do we have a way to get us a cup of coffee?” asked Jimmy.

“There is the café down the block” answered Lorelei.

“Of course, put on your coats and let’s close shop.”

“Just cream, no sugar” Cristian told the man bringing coffee.

“Sometimes things are best discussed over coffee. About the adventure we are undertaking now, we do not ever do anything underhanded, even if it is done to us. We must always take the high road in all we do. These are the main rules I try to live by and would like to see you do the same, as far as the company is concerned.

I will be gone for some long periods at a time, with some of my other ventures. Do not worry, I will watch from afar and have the local newspapers sent to me. If you have need of me, put a small ad in the Classifieds saying simply this. Jimmy, please, contact your mother, she needs you. I know this sounds strange, but I do have my reasons.

I will make sure you have the money you need to keep your wages paid and enough to run the company. From time to time, I will send you instructions by letter. I will mention the word Ascalon in every letter if you do not see that it is not from me.”

Lorelei asked, “what is Ascalon?”

“St George’s sword or lance, depending on which myth you read. He has some meaning for me.”

“Arthur, please make sure that you keep our taxes up to date and apply for all permits. I fear that some officials may work against you. I have a strong distrust of all governments. I fear them all corrupt.”

He turned to the redhead, who seemed to be smiling all the time. “Lorelei, please take care of Arthur, and make sure all the paperwork is done correctly.”

“Absolutely James. Are you leaving?” asked Lorelei with a small pout.

“I must leave very soon, I need to retrieve some more money to fund our new building project.”

“I will be back before you know it. Have a budget prepared for my return. Go ahead with the project, find architects and use the drawing I gave you. Please take care of my bill at the hotel. I will depart immediately after a bit of shopping.”

He walked the streets of Vancouver now looking for collectibles. He bought a brand new Eastman Camera. He opened the shopping list that M1 had put in his pocket. Some paper, bolts of cloth, ink and quills. He found most of this at Gold’s Store. Cristian bought some toys, mostly mechanical banks. One was an elephant bank, put a coin in its trunk, lift the tail and the coin would end up inside the elephant.

After spending the day he found the office of a broker and inquired about buying shares in some local companies. He left with a handful of certificates. His arms were loaded with his bags of treasures as he headed back to the ship.

The buggy driver gave him a strange look as he walked into the woods with his bags, packages, and bolts of cloth.
