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Sand armies invaded every bit of clothing he wore, until every square inch of his body had a million billion razor sharp grains embedded. Sand sprayed his hair and eyes and goatee, as he laid on his side and dug with the sawed off shovel. He was cramped in, hot and sweaty under the crawlspace swearing with every shovel full.

“Are you all done sweetie? I have your favourite, macaroni with and a couple of veggie burgers.”

“Did I tell you that I love you today?”

“Only twice” she said with a small pout.

“Did I tell you look beautiful today.”

“Including now, once. How is the digging?”

“I am done Lorelei we just have to call in to have it inspected then I can fill in the hole. Macaroni sounds great. Oh by the way I found a tin box down there.”

“Any Treasure? Sure would love to pay some of our bills” she said laughing.

“Something will turn up sweetie it always does.”

“Ya I know.”

“I am not sure, have a look” He went to have a shower. After he was done he threw on a pair of threadbare jeans and a t-shirt and went into the living room.

“What did we get?”

“Cristian there is a crazy note written to us, an old watch and some kind of metal cube.”

“Say what now woman? Let me have a look.”

Dear Cristian and Lorelei,

 The world needs you again, we need you. Your holiday is over. We all need your help the Ascalon has been damaged we are stuck in 1897 there is a threat here worse than the Lizards.

Hold the watch in your hand and it will remind you of what happened.

BTW Travel to Dec 2 2014.

Raguel & Uriel

Cristian held the watch and felt a small pin prick. His memories were updated.

“Lorelei come here and hold the watch.”

“Where is the cat carrier and the car seat. Deakes and Cali we are going for a ride. Good to see you Watcher.”

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