Temp outside last night -15c today -10 and snowing. 

Once again my p trap under my tub froze. I forgot to turn on the fan that warms the crawlspace under the mobile home that I live in.

I heat with wood, five hundred pounds every day. The fan is necessary. The previous owner had a plumbing leak so he tore out all the insulation under the bathroom. It was never replaced  My answer was to insulate the skirting around the MH. Every year I make the under trailer tour ad check the insulation which always falls or gets damaged. It is not enough. So I supplement with a box fan in one of my hallways . I cut a square hole through the floor and blow warm air in. Thats solves that prob. If you remember to turn on the fan.

I want to be living in my tiny house before next winter. I don’t have much time, of our two seasons, (snow and no snow) no snow can only be four months. I am looking forward to have less to deal with.

I still have other things to deal with the extreme weather here. I will need a water supply. I am hoping to put in a cistern and fill it before the snow comes. I have an Alberta dugout. It usually works well. This year I had an unseen phenomenon. I have two layers of ice separated by ten inches of water. In the middle of winter I have to travel down to the dugout and cut a two foot square hole in the ice with a chainsaw. I have an aerator pump under the trailer. Really and old compressor and an electric motor. That usually keeps my water clear.

Right now my water is black and foul. My water pickup is located in the layer between the ice. The aerator is located below the second layer. I have nothing to cut through the second layer of ice. I tried when it was -30. I ended up soaking my overalls with water from the chainsaw. I had to trudge through the three feet of snow and try to get back to the woodstove.  I made it about half way before I was tired out. I spent the next twenty minutes propped up against the outside of my house then got back inside.

The blackwater can be solved with hydrogen peroxide. When I pour a bath or water for laundry I pour in a quarter cup.

Five minutes later the water is clear and orderless.

What does all this have to do with my tiny house?

1. SKIRTING I will need to skirt my tiny house. I plan to put in water and waste tanks. Fresh ,Grey and Sewage.

I have a honking big Blaze King Ultra stove that has an external air intake. It is way to big for a tiny house. It meant to heat 2000 sq feet.

I will leave that in the big addition on the MH. My old place will become a woodwork shop and lab. I like to experiment and invent. The plumbing will all go except for maybe a toilet and sink. No hot water unless its wood stove heated.

2. WATER SUPPLY. I will do everything I can to conserve water.The dish washer is not going with me. I may still have a washer and dryer. Downsized to an rv model. I will need to put in a larger out side water tank. I will have to try to calculate my needs. I will either put in a culvert cistern (popular up here) or build an insulated shed with a plastic cistern. That will have to be filled before the snow. I will also try to incorporate some Earth ship technology. Like capturing rainwater. Recycling Grey water to feed my garden and maybe even reuse for toilet supply.

I will also adopt some of the water filtration methods. I will add a homebuilt uv sterilizer. I will post the contraption after I get my uv lights from an ebay purchase.

3. SEWER. I will have to dig in a new Sewer line into the final resting place of my Tiny house. I have a sewer lagoon that is down hill of the new location. I think it dates back to the original school that was on this site. I will be putting my Tiny house almost exactly where the original school sat.

I still want to have a tub but My two person 6 x 3 acrylic wont make the cut either.I did like the horse trough I saw in one of the chick built tiny houses. I love that those women built their own tiny houses.  I would love to meet a woman that can build her own.After I am settled into my new house I will continue my search for a mate. Problem is if I meet a chick that has her own tiny house where will we live in hers or mine. Future problems. Laughing out loud.