HMS-Surprise-stern-400x300I served in the Canadian Navy. So it should be no surprise that my influence would include a Nautical theme. Since I count my self as a rebel. Nautical+rebel= Pirate. I started to look at what I liked about pirate ships. It was the the stern. I loved the captains cabin at the rear of the ship.

So I started to look for pictures of the rear of tall ships and historical ships.

I still needed to use off the shelf windows to keep the costs down. In my next post I will post some shots of my concept.

I wanted a rounded bow to be a little more aerodynamic and more pleasing aesthetically. At least to me. It would also give me some outside storage space for propane tanks and other outside stuff.

I used to be a 3d artist back when it was new long before toy story and the host of other movies were out. I still own a copy of a dos based program. So I used it to design my tiny house. Then I imported it to What used to be Google sketchup. Now sold to Trimble. They still do have a free version available. There is even a few 3d tiny houses available to download free. I will include some links later.
