Month: March 2013

It’s all in the details

I saw my first puddle of the year. Then I heard the familiar sound of my spring goose as he does his low altitude fly by and honk. The snow melt has started. I can soon start work on my tiny house. Unfortunately  I slipped on the ice and cracked two ribs the other day….


I didn’t like the width of my trailer when I finally got it home. I checked the regs on the Alberta transportation web site about trailer widths. At under ten feet wide I didn’t need flashing lights or a pilot car to move it. All that was required was a wide load sign. So I redesigned my…

The trailer has arrived.

Friday night I waited an hour and a half in a parking lot for a friend to show up with his much needed pick me up truck. I didn’t think my Jeep would haul the twenty foot metal monster still filled with gravel and wood chips. I got to admit I wondered if this is the direction…

In Hot Water

I have been researching hot water systems for my tiny house while I wait for winter to leave.  Tank less heaters while using more fuel while they burn, only burn while you are using the water. Instead of always keeping the water hot all the time. I have decided on a tank less heater with…

Tiny House FENG SHUI

I am not sure why, but it popped into my head. Feng Shui for my tiny house. So I Googled it. Essentially my tiny house is on wheels so some may consider it an R.V.   So I search for RV Fen Shui. Then I search for tiny house FS,  My tiny house will also be my…

L.E.D. Lighting

I ran into an old friend and client in the grocery store the other day, we exchanged greetings caught up on on past experiences missed. Then we said our goodbyes. At the till I caught up with him again, on the counter in front of me I saw a dozen incandescent bulbs ranging from 40W to 100W….