I am not sure why, but it popped into my head. Feng Shui for my tiny house. So I Googled it.

Essentially my tiny house is on wheels so some may consider it an R.V.   So I search for RV Fen Shui. Then I search for tiny house FS,  My tiny house will also be my home. So I am sure that regular Feng Shui applies. If there is a FS master out there that happens to read this feel free to straighten me out.

Sure enough I found a ton of info  that covers it.  I am not sure if this stuff even works. It doesn’t matter since I will be making a transition to a tiny house I wanted to hedge my bets. If  I can create positive chi by following a few rules no problem I can do that.

First Rule, I found on just about every blog and article NO CLUTTER. Sounds reasonable who wants to be tripping over junk. One of the biggest reasons for me to make the transition. To simplify my life.

The second rule don’t park near power poles. This is also mentioned in many of the articles I read. The reason the electromagnetic fields. Also, sounds reasonable. I remember reading about people living to close to power lines suffering a myriad of medical problems.  I just opened another Pandora’s box. I did research on emf and shielding and ruining my health while I write this post. (EMF from my laptop and monitors.) Wow, I may have to cover my  Tiny House on wheels in a copper mesh to protect me from getting EHS. Yikes, where is my Faraday shielded leather jacket and hoodie? I think I left it by my quantum detangler.  Sounds like a future article.

This ruins the spot I wanted to park my Tiny house, under the power lines that run through the best location on my acreage. I may have to rearrange my proposed parking spot. What about my solar panel awning? No problem at night.

Third make it colourful. No problem since I am putting wood everywhere some colour would be good.

Have lots of natural light. Check windows everywhere.

My bed should be connected to a solid wall oh oh that eliminates a bedroom window. Now I see a skylight in my future. I love watching the meteorites and lately asteroids fly by.

Keep a plant. No problem I have too many plants I have kept alive over the years. I designed the kitchen area for plants.

The placement of my stove fridge and sink also come into question. I am not sure where all that stuff is going to end up yet. The final locations will be decided later, but there is a good chance that FS may help me locate those items. The stove should not next to the sink or the fridge. Or they should be separated with some wood

No TV or monitor in the bedroom, again no problem. Tv is too big to put in the loft.

Don’t bring your turtle inside. Okay, I didn’t understand that one. My cats would torment a little creature like that to death, so again no problem.

Avoid ceiling lamps directly over your bed. Since I dislike glare again no problem.

The links below had the most information.

Feng Shui for a small Kitchen

Until the snow goes and the trailer arrives here I will be writing. May the CHI be with you

Take Care Rod