I didn’t like the width of my trailer when I finally got it home.20130309_172759 I checked the regs on the Alberta transportation web site about trailer widths. At under ten feet wide I didn’t need flashing lights or a pilot car to move it. All that was required was a wide load sign.

So I redesigned my Tiny House to fit the new width. The interior floor will be about 9.2 wide. Here are few  sketchup shots. The final design may change but this is what I hope the finished TH will look like. The last few shots are v3 and the feng shui is better having water beside water and fire beside fire, at least to the best of my understanding. This version also makes my living room seem bigger.

I will have to wait a while yet before works starts another foot of snow is supposed to drop tomorrow and continue falling all week. The trailer is still filled with a combination of gravel and sticks and ice about a ton of it. Then comes cutting the old fenders and getting under the trailer and grinding off the the screws holding down the planks, removing the old wiring, dollys and lights. Then its ready for sand blasting and painting.

After that the real work begins.

Take care
