Where is Maverick?

Where is Maverick?


I saw my first puddle of the year. Then I heard the familiar sound of my spring goose as he does his low altitude fly by and honk. The snow melt has started. I can soon start work on my tiny house. Unfortunately  I slipped on the ice and cracked two ribs the other day. It has slowed me down enough to spend more time researching details.


HHO Generator

Plumbing, gas lines, electrical, alternative energy, solar, wind turbines, rf shielding, emf shielding, network wiring (Wi-Fi is bad Google it), AC, DC, propane, and my latest interest, production and use of HHO.  The use of electricity to breakdown water into oxygen, and hydrogen gas to be used for  heat or cooking. It can even be used in your car to give you better gas mileage and make your car run cleaner.
I also just enjoyed watching a video about the Peltier effect and how to build your own wood stove powere thermoeltric generator. You will find the you tube video after the music video on this page.

I will have to learn how to implement all some or all of these technologies in order to build my new home. Some of these things will have to be addressed very soon, before I start building.

It is all  fun, it has been a while since I have felt this good about a project. Sometimes it really is the journey and not the destination. Although when I arrive it will be in my tiny house.


I just saw the latest weather report another ten inches of snow dropping in tomorrow. Too funny.

