Month: April 2013


I decided to post a gallery of my progress so far. These are concept pictures only. They were to help me layout what I am going to build. TWO SONG DAY

Beaten by weather again.

I had a productive weekend planned working on the trailer. I woke up to a fresh 3 inches of snow this morning. Heavy snowfall warning Another four to six inches forecast for tomorrow morning. (Update: at 9:00 am there was already six inches and more coming down. I just realized I am out of coffee…

It’s bigger on the inside.

   It’s bigger in the inside The final (not really final) layout for my trailer is done. I think the Feng Shui is correct. Water next to water and not next to fire. No windows facing each other to let all my chi flow through. (who knew that was going to be an extra challenge.)…

The answers will come.

The weather is starting to get better, snow is starting to go. Soon I will get to start building my new home. I wasn’t sure where to start with my floor joists. I have been trying to figure it out for a few days. Then late last night I woke up with a clear idea…

Tinyhomes on Pinterest

The tiny homes community is a lot larger than I previously thought. I was talking to a friend and colleague about my tiny house build.  This is a man I have known for fourteen years and had no idea he even had an interest in tiny house. It turns out he has a tons of…

The adventure continues….

Four steps forward three back. The trailer was stripped of all planking, sides, gravel and wood chunks. So I took the jeep over to pick it up. On one jack stand the weld was broken. Still held up by the secondary stand.  I carefully backed the jeep into position. Then I tried to lower the…