It’s bigger in the inside

Alternate layout

The final (not really final) layout for my trailer is done. I think the Feng Shui is correct. Water next to water and not next to fire. No windows facing each other to let all my chi flow through. (who knew that was going to be an extra challenge.) I am still unsure about my belief in that stuff.

My kitchen triangle is functional. I have a place for a ladder up to the lofts. I am sure that the look of the place will differ from the pictures you see here on the inside. The layout of fridge stove sink shower will stay.

Enough room for a toilet, shower, big wardrobe, full kitchen, wood stove, couch, battery storage, propane tanks, two lofts and the kitchen sink. I was not able fit a bathtub in there.

The only problem is it looks like all the weight is on one side. The wood stove and batteries and pv panel awning will offset some of the extra weight. I am sure that I don’t want to hit a speed bump on the right side while turning left at high speed. I don’t plan on travelling with my tiny house so no problem. I plan to face my TH, small end to the prevailing wind ,so crosswind gusts should not be a problem. If I face my kitchen west I break the Feng Shui rule about having the sun in your eyes while doing dishes.

I like the sun so I don’t mind. As for the sun this far north it comes in from almost all compass directions over the different months of the year.

I had my house hit by a strong wind one year that turned into a tornado less than fifty Klicks from here. It destroyed a small town there. Orientation for winds is important since I am building an almost fourteen-foot high box on wheels.  Even with four levelling jacks, I have to consider climate change and an increase of weather severity.  Which is why I see so many builders using hurricane ties and every other conceivable Simpson tie known to man. I will do the same.

Now it may seem that I am doing a lot prepcrastination (a term I saw on another tiny house blog). The truth is I am waiting out, old man winter. Who just dropped more snow on the weekend.

The long-range forecast says, within a week the weather will get warmer and hopefully drier. I got my utility trailer out of the snow ready to haul two by fours and plywood for construction.

I finally was able to wade through the knee-deep snow to my old camper to see if I could salvage anything from in there. The roof now leaking and a lot of dead insects that tried to winter over in there.

I decided to go with new stuff.  A new sewer tank, new gray water tank, new potable water tanks.

Its bigger in the inside

Even though I plan to run a sewer line to the new location. I plan on still making the whole thing portable, including a propane tank at the front. I have a thousand gallon tank already here. I will use the onboard as a backup.

I finally decided on a door design in honour of my youngest who loves Dr. Who. Besides it fits, it is really bigger on the inside, a recurring line of script through the whole series. Will it travel through time? Maybe not. Or will it? Where did I put my sonic screwdriver?

Next week the grinding starts, off with the rust. Then construction starts. Can’t wait.

 Its bigger on the inside

take care Rod