I spent hours designing my tiny house. I couldn’t find a place to fit a tub or a sink in the bathroom. Then I discovered toilet sinks. And no it uses fresh water not toilet water. The water ends up in your bowl after you wash. If  yo are already living in an earth ship and using greywater to fill your toilet this may not be the best choice.

The best thing about it, you can make it yourself. Or you can buy a pre-made unit.toilet sink

How does it work? When you flush your toilet fresh water enters the tank and a second fill goes into a tube in the center to fill the bowl.

The toilet sink is mounted on the of the tank, the second fill is intercepted and sent to a tube or faucet with no tap to the sink. The drain from the sink flows through to the tube that fills your toilet bowl.

Every time you flush, water feeds up to the sink and allows you enough time to wash your hands.The soapy water then fills your bowl. I have  read that the water savings can be 70% over having a bathroom sink.

I don’t think I want to shave in there, but for washing your hands its great. It also saves the cost of heating the water.   Awesome. The down side the water will be cold in the winter.

Since water is the  new golden resource why aren’t we all using one?

Anyways it all fits with my ideas of living in a tiny house. I want to make it self-sufficient as possible. Saving water is just the beginning.

My toilet sink

My toilet sink

Watch for a future post using electricity to make Hydrogen/oxygen  HHO gas for power generation ,cooking, maybe even heating water, I plan to use solar in the light months to make this happen and  Thermal electric generation in the winter, using my wood stove as a source of electricity.

Throw in all led lighting for good measure, and I am mostly off the grid. This all much more important than just living inexpensively. It is so there is proof it can be done.

Take care Rod

I have included a you tube article on how to installing a kit and a link to build your own.