First go to the bottom and start the Beatles song. Then read the rest.


hho-gas-water-fuelWhat does all this have to do with my tiny house? This all part of the plan to get off the grid and stay off including  propane.

I am no expert in the production of HHO or Hydroxy as it is nicknamed. Find your own answers, this is just meant as my interpretation of what I have read.

This is the long awaited post about using water as a gas for cooking. Add electricity to water (Usually distilled with an electrolyte added) and you get HHO gas. My high school chem teacher taught me this much.

Consists of two thirds Hydrogen one third Oxygen. Sounds a little scary since the anniversary of the Hindenburg was yesterday. God rest the 36 that died in that explosion.

Actually I understand that HHO is safer than propane. If you leave your propane stove on no flame you die from the fumes or you die in the explosion. If propane is not completely burned in the combustion process you get carbon monoxide and you die. You leave HHO on it mixes with the air and you breathe it. I have read that It will explode if the concentrations are high enough.

I just watched a video from a Taiwan Company Epoch (Included at the bottom.) Who as already designed a cook-top Using HHO.

At first he demonstrates a jeweler’s torch running on HHO. Then he turns on the stove so that you can see there is gas flowing and the stove is working. Then the guy blows out  the stove with the gas on.

He leans over the stove with the jeweler’s torch still lit and proceeds to a very long winded explanation of how safe HHO gas is.  I have had enough propane and natural gas explosions to last a lifetime. The whole time I am waiting for the stove to explode, I even start wincing, expecting  a bad bad thing about to happen.

Nothing happens. Everything he says seems to be true. It is safe, it is free, it is water and electricity. The stove isn’t free. The HHO generator isn’t free.  The fuel is. I am planning on building my own stove or converting a propane unit to HHO. I found instructions on how to convert my BBQ. Can’t wait.

A revolution is going on. People are tired of Oil companies and governments ripping us off.

(If you don’t live in Canada type in Edmonton as your home city enter 1.18  *today $1.40 a litre but Alberta is oils companies are selling crude at 10 dollars a bbl. price per liter today where I live) and see what how much more the Oil Companies are making a day In Canada extra by over charging. What does my government do about it? You guessed it.  SFA  “Sweet F*** All”.

We are starting to wake up and are looking for alternatives. I have found people out there using stainless steel outlet covers and a water filter housing to build a HHO generator. You don’t have to be rich to get this stuff working. I have even seen mason jars and a variety of other- containers used.


Be careful of the profiteers out there that want exploit you. Some charging as high as 700 of your hard-earned dollars for a  four plate kit you could build for under for way less than a hundred. If you can’t do it yourself, find a buddy who can. Tell your friends.

LEARN HOW TO DO THIS SAFELY. DO YOUR RESEARCH. All the oil companies need is bad publicity because you died trying.

I want to also try to run a generator on just HHO. So I can make electricity using HHO, for the purpose of charging my batteries during winter months. Oh yeah did I mention that 12 volts is all thats needed.  So now I can use solar panels to make gas for cooking or heating.

Sunlight and water. You do not have to be a rocket scientist or a prophet  to see what’s coming.

We can keep our vehicles, heat our houses, cook our food and we can save the polar bears; with water.

You can build it all yourself, either from parts that you can buy from Ebay or Amazon or as fully assembled kits. There is a ton of information available.  Grab a coffee and Just search you tube for HHO.  Google HHO.

Bubblers,  PWM’s, Flame arrestors, Drycell, wetcell , stainless 316L, platinum, neoprene, epdm, acrylic. hdpe amps, volts and  orings , KOH are just some other words  that can you search out on Google.

You will find a ton of information out there. Backyard builders are out there everywhere testing and it use it. People are selling kits that you can run in your vehicle. It runs cleaner, cooler and  some claim it can double your mpg.

There are even a few that claim they are running water as a fuel exclusively. Those individuals fear for their lives. Imagine what would happen to oil based revenues if everyone ran water in their vehicles. Some say that two inventors during the seventies were killed off. I heard similar stories about a man who stopped working on his electric car in BC due to death threats during the seventies. Big brother does not want you freed from financial slavery.

And what about pollution? The by-product is water, just water.

So to recap it is safe, doesn’t contribute to climate change and scares the hell out of the oil companies and governments, and I can build it myself.

