Month: June 2013

Put the Sheep in the walls ………………………………….Insulation Part 2 wool insulation

   Wool has been keeping us warm for thousands of years. Over eight thousand if I read wikipedia correctly. I remember the itchy wool sweater my mom used to make me wear when I was a kid, I remember fishing trips with my family on the open water off the coast of B.C. Mostly I…

Insulation NOW WHAT? Part 1

I need to consider what I am going to put on an in my walls in order to keep me warm in forty below and cool in the summer heat. I do not plan to put in an air conditioner. I am about to rip up some 2×10 boards I have had sitting here for…

Cutting floor joists

Yesterday I spent the day getting my wood work shop cleaned and ready for the cutting. I needed to cut 16 foot two by tens down to 9″9″ to further mill them down to make parts for my  I beam floor joists. I was left over with almost the right length for the center sections….