Creative visualization refers to the practice of seeking to affect the outer world by changing one’s thoughts and expectations

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Accomplishing anything starts with a thought. To make my thoughts clear I visualize them using pencil and paper. From there I transfer that thought onto my laptop and I start to draw it in 3d.
I get a better idea of what I had created with that single thought. I had no idea how I was going to make the thought manifest. The more I expanded on the idea the more it started to come about.

I mentioned what I wanted to a friend, he mentioned he had a trailer at his house. When I got there the trailer he wanted to trade was not at all what I was looking for but the trailer next to it was. A bit of bartering and soon the trailer was on its way to my house. A bit more bartering the old old deck was stripped off.

Later more bartering and welding and repair happened.

A friend who has a good supply of materials cached in many sheds around his property has a saying that I will use here. ” Yes we have one of those in stock”

After looking I realize I have a lot of the building supplies I need here around the acreage. Without really knowing I have been finding things or buying things that would be useful for the tiny house build for years.

I have some of the windows already here. A sink for the kitchen, a wood stove, electrical, water tanks , sewer tanks from my old camper, a new toilet still in the box.

It would seem that the I have been getting ready for this build long before I thought of it.
There is still many more items I need and I believe that what I need will show up.

My tiny house  started with an idea, a thought. Then the idea started to become reality. Now its up to me to get it built.

I hope along the way I will find companionship. I mean beside the eight cats and a dog my children left behind.

Take care I hope you all have a great Christmas. If you are going to be alone and are reading this remember you aren’t really alone.  There are others out here. If you  want to talk leave me a comment.


Take care


I found two versions of this song you can decide which one is better.