Bug ~DEC 23 2013 My friend

~DEC 23 2013
My friend

I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through.
Jules Verne

I am not sure what to say about losing a friend. A few minutes ago  I carried a friend to my Jeep to take her to go see the doc. She died in my arms. Her heart must have quit.

As I held her I listened and watched the last gasps as she left this planet. I  prayed that God take care of her and thanked him for easing her pain.

Bug was one of my cats. The best mouser in the house. The only cat I had ever met that was agoraphobic. She was a very good friend.

I have a hard time with the death of animals but seem to handle the death of humans with grace and the right amount of reverence.   Those  that are close to your animals  would understand.

I wanted to write something about my friend, I love her very much and will miss her.  Bug you were a great cat.


Take Care Rod