yogurt1I was reading an article the other day that some of the flora in our bodies is very harmful. Candida being the worst offender being blamed for everything from jock itch to yeast infections, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, CF,  toe nail infections, and more.

Then I read that the best way to combat all that stuff, plain old yogurt. Now at $5 a tub eating that stuff can get expensive. I do some more research and find out making your own yogurt is way too easy. A mason jar some milk and an old crock pot and you are making your own cheap yogurt.

Here are my instructions:

Buy some plain old yogurt (active yogurt is best) I use Balkan yogurt. I buy 3.25% milk not the ultra pasteurized. I throw a couple of whopping tablespoons in a a two liter mason jar add the milk.
Now the next part you need to test this out with your crock pot. I broke the crock on my big old crock pot. So I stick the jar of yogurt and milk (stirred before the heating but not during the heating.) right into the crock put turn it on warm leave it for twelve hours and I get yogurt. If it is a little runny you can run it through a sieve and drain away some of the whey which may be green in color, don’t panic. This stuff is pure protein I do not throw it away I use in a recipe or drink it.

The recipes out there call for heating the milk first to 180 F then let it cool down to 120 F then add the yogurt. I just drop my jar right into my crock pot and let it do its thing. I also have tried doing it beside the wood stove which also has given me great yogurt. I put the jars near the wood stove and check it to make sure they are not getting too hot.

If its too hot for your hand its to hot for making yogurt.

Some cover their yogurt with sweaters and blankets after the initial heating and leave covered on a counter somewhere. I say be brave experiment and you will find a way. Here is another money saving tip save some of your yogurt in freezer bag for your next batch. Keep it in the freezer. I haven’t tried it but I heard it works. When you have mastered yogurt making 101 you can graduate to making kefir.

Here is a secret Greek style yogurt is just regular yogurt with the moisture squeezed out of it. What a rip off. Check out more recipes on you tube. Right next to wikipedia the best source of down home remedies and learnin’.

Take care Rod

here is a link to a good recipe page. Making yogurt in a mason jar.