I little disgusted over the fact that we have been lied to about the food we eat.310px-Sugar_2xmacro

I have recently did a ton of research on alternative treatment to cancer.

I have switched over to ketogenic diet recently.  What I learned forever changed the way I look at food.

I used to freak out about my cholesterol. I stopped eating anything with that introduced fat or cholesterol into my diet . It meant no eggs, no cheese, no butter and very little meat.

I got sick, tired and fat and nearly died. I am eating cheese, eating eggs, and meat and avoiding all sugars. I am still eating vegetables there are some I avoid. I feel better.

I have stopped all grains, rice and pasta. I have stopped all starches, margarine, mayo is on the way out. Omega 3 is good Omega 6 is bad. By to vegetable oils, in with butter, olive, and coconut oils.

I am losing weight, I feel better, sharper, and last night I slept through the whole night. First time in years. that part has a small drawback since I heat with wood. It was a little cold getting out of bed this morning.

I told my x wife twenty years ago sugar was bad and we needed to avoid it. She refused to listen and kept sneaking it to my kids as did her parents who have many health problems.

It wasn’t enough to stop using sugar it was about reading the labels sugar can be found in everything, bread, ketchup, noodles, kraft dinner. I love Kraft dinner but its gotta go. Anything with high carbs had to since carbs just turn to sugar in your body,


I read a few years ago that without what we put in coffee we were still getting the equivalent of a hundred pounds of sugar in our diets. Now that figure is 156 pounds of sugar being sneaked into our diet. In 1779 the average was 7 pounds per year.

Autism is on the rise, cancers are more prevalent, fybromyalgia diabetes and host of other health problems. Not to mention the mental disorders out there. I would bet that someone in your life right now is suffering from one of those ailments  I read recently in one of my posts that a family changed a boys diet who had autism, to a diet similar to mine and he got better, epilepsy, bi-polar disorder  Alzheimer patients got better on a high fat low carb no sugar diet. Huh

Can those be blamed directly on sugar and trans-fat maybe, maybe not. But the fact that people that were sick with a variety of dis -ease and disorders got better avoiding those foods got better is something to look at.

Of course I should just blindly trust my government and follow their guidelines as to what I should eat. Oh wait I did that almost died.

Will the changes in my diet cure my ills, ask me in six months. That was what I had left.

What does all this have to with my tiny house. I would not live long enough to build it.

I found this interesting so I thought I would add it

New laws for sugar

So for now, processed foods continue to remain on grocery shelves with no recommended daily limit for sugar by Health Canada for Canadians. This despite being required to list limits for other ingredients such as salt.

Health Canada declined numerous requests by the fifth estate for an interview but former Health Canada employees did speak off the record, saying the department does not believe there is any need to add a recommended daily limit for sugar on food labels in Canada.