Is determination to get through a project all you need. Or is it blind faith.

Some days I feel Richard Dreyfuss trying to get to Devils Tower in the movie Close encounters. I need to build this tiny house in the face of what seems like impossible odds. Money, health issues, my own government ,weather all seem to conspire against. Having said that there a still a few individuals in my life that still offer help. Others try to convince me to quit, give up and rejoin the rat race. Fuck that.

I get up do what I can do and carry on knowing someday I will live in my Tiny House. If I look at the money I need to finish I would turn and run. Money for solar power, for more building materials, windows. Money enough to keep a vehicle on the road and food in my belly. Money enough to keep the wolves from the door.

I know I will find a way.This is about finding a better way to live. Finishing something good in my life. My motto has been and always will be keep going until you can’t.

Today I still can. Today my challenges include chopping some wood for heat, cutting a new door so I can hook up a generator for power. Re routing all my important devices to the new source of power. The power company is coming to disconnect in a couple of days. They were on my door step yesterday. This is my first step in leaving the race.

What does that mean I lose the ability to have hot baths, a dryer for my clothes and a lot less tv. Toilets will only flush when the generator is running. I am not daunted. Before my neighbor died in a freak farming accident he told me about the days that his family endured without indoor plumbing. Most of ancestors did.

I can hang clothes to dry. I can set up a an outdoor tub on cinder blocks for baths and get a great view while doing it. It will be wood fired. I know someone that is doing that now except he doesn’t heat his water. yikes

It’s all an adventure worth it in the end. There are people in the world that are going without food,water and the basic necessities in life.

I think I can tough it out. More than that I think we will have to learn to how to survive without the things we call necessities in the near future.

Take care and if you are here looking because you are building a tiny house don’t give up find people out there that believe in your cause and will help you. Avoid the people who want to keep you unhappy.


Don’t forget to have fun along the way.never-give-up

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