Forecast Snow more snow.

A snow day in Ireland. Looks like here

A snow day in Ireland. Looks like here

I expect it I live in northern Alberta. Tomorrow night another four inches of snow. The big melt had started here driveway is muddy the five feet of snow was down to a foot. A few more days and the polar bears would have migrated north. Kidding no polar bears here. Just a single black bear that wanders through every spring and then moves on.

The great thing about having this blog is I can check back and look the my progress and weather over the last year. The bad thing is I can look at my progress or lack of over the last year. It is a year later and all I have accomplished is getting a few things welded on my trailer. No walls  , no flooring. Today I get a call from my welder he wants to pick up the trailer  to start welding the new frame design. Unfortunately the driveway is too soft to support a truck and the trailer is still buried in too much snow. It will have to wait.

I have renewed enthusiasm for the project in spite of the day I had yesterday. I had problems with Rev can freezing my bank accounts, two girls dumped me on the same day. I was  not in a physical relationship with either, don’t get me wrong. I am a one woman man. These were two potentials. That has to be a record.

My supplier is demanding a payment which I can’t supply due to my frozen bank accounts. My car insurance is about to be revoked again to the accounts. Power is out generator is in.

Internet and phone bills are due. Yet here I am wanting to get going on a project I can not afford to do or not do.

And then the I see the forecast for more snow. No problem the weather will change, my finances will change one way or the other. I will find a way to get this tiny house built.44

The whole reason for doing this is to conserve resources monetary and other. As for the girlfriend, if I find one that wants to live in a tiny house with seven cats and two dogs, I will know she is a keeper.

Thats where I am at today. Waiting patiently while having a quiet trust that things will get better.


I can’t stop the government or the weather, but I can keep my attitude good and carry on. Today I have food my animals have food. And I have a way to get this blog out. What else does a man need?


Take care Rod