mosquitoMy trailer is home. I picked it up this afternoon. I stopped in for some gas and forgot about the extra 38″ in width. I scrapped a safety pole at the gas station. I got home and backed it up to its new home for the next few months. I backed  in and missed taking out a veranda support by a a mere half inch.

The new width would take some getting used to, that and not having someone around to spot while I backed it up. Although I am sure the new beagle had a worried look as I wheeled the 22 foot by 10 foot trailer backwards on the lawn.

After an afternoon nap I went out to make another attempt. Late afternoon here, although Sunny right at the moment we have been blessed with lightning storms every afternoon for the last few days.

This is the worst day so far for mosquitoes. I had a black cloud around me while I unhooked the trailer.
These were not the beginning of the season polite Oliver “may I have more please” skeeters. These were the world M crazy zombie mosquitoes that came in huge waves trying to knock me to the ground and and drain me dry.

A few wild Zulu war dance moves including flailing arms and head twists, to escape my attackers, I ran for my door. My big dog was waiting at the mat for me keeping a huge squadron ready to zoom in behind me.

I ran, still screaming like a girl for my back door and dove through catching the door with my heel enough to slam it shut. Then I realized there was a cat missing. Deakes my short haired office cat. The one that has to sit on my lap as I type.

The dogs can handle the winged vampires. My little cat, two of the zombie squitoes could have drained every ounce of her blood.

Out I went flailing and spinning and calling for my cat. I scooped her up with one quick movement and bolted for the door.

Now up here you watch for signs. When the squitoes get aggressive rain is eminent. As I write this the wind picked up and down comes the rain.

What does all this mean. It means I will have to paint and work on the tiny house in full sun when the mosquitoes are scarce.

Anyways the trailer is home. I can start to do the work.

How to kill them